Search = Ara Generate = Oluştur Group = Grup Ruler = Hükümdar Heir = Veliaht Council = Meclis Theocracy = Teokrasi Advisor = Danışman Advisors = Danışmanlar HireAdvisor = Danışman Kirala HiredAdvisors = Kiralanan Danışmanlar FireAdvisor = Danışmanı Kov ChooseAnAdvisorToHire = İşe Alınacak Danışmanı Seçin ClickToHireAnAdvisor = Bir danışman kiralamak için tıklayın ClickToFireAnAdvisor = Bir danışmanı kovmak için tıklayın NoAdvisor = Danışman Yok XYearsOld = {0} Yaşında AdvisorCost = Danışman Maliyeti AdvisorPool = Danışman havuzu PromoteAdvisor = Danışmanı Terfi Et PromotedAdvisors = Terfi Edilen Danışmanlar Promote = Terfi Et AdvisorSkillLevel = Danışman Yetenek Seviyesi MaximumAdvisorSkillLevel = Maksimum Danışman Yetenek Seviyesi AdvisorSkills = Danışman Yetenekleri Skill = Yetenek AdvisorWillDie = Danışman ölecek AdvisorDied = Danışman Öldü XDied = {0} Öldü DeathOfALeader = Bir Liderin Ölümü AllCharactersLifeExpectancy = Tüm karakterlerin yaşam beklentisi ClickToCancel = İptal etmek için tıklayın SaveName = Adı Kaydet Overwrite = Üzerine yaz SteamWorkshop = Steam Atölyesi SubmitYourModsToTheSteamWorkshop = Modlarınızı Steam Atölyesine gönderin Publish = Yayınla UploadedSuccessfully = Başarıyla yüklendi AfterClickingTheGameFreezesAndAllFilesAreTransferredJustWait = Tıkladıktan sonra oyun donar ve tüm dosyalar aktarılır. Sadece bekle! AdministrativeAdvisor = İdari Danışman EconomicAdvisor = Ekonomik Danışman InnovationAdvisor = İnovasyon Danışmanı MilitaryAdvisor = Askeri Danışman DiplomaticAdvisor = Diplomatik Danışman CurrentSituation = Mevcut durum Messages = Mesajlar YouAreNotEmployingAnAdvisor = Bir Danışman çalıştırmıyorsunuz PlagueOutbreak = Veba Salgını NoActiveResearch = Aktif Araştırma Yok MaximumDiplomacyPoints = Maksimum Diplomasi Puanı DiplomacyPointsPerMonth = Aylık Diplomasi Puanı LandUnits = Kara birimleri NewArmy = Yeni ordu Division = Birlik Divisions = Birlikler Regiment = Alay Regiments = Alaylar NumberOfRegiments = Alay Sayısı Upgrade = Geliştir UpgradeRegiment = Alayı Geliştir UpgradeRegiments = Alayları Geliştir UpgradeAllRegiments = Tüm Alayları Geliştir RegimentsUpgraded = Alaylar Geliştirildi AvailableUpgrades = Mevcut Geliştirmeler CostPerRegiment = Alay Başına Maliyet RegimentsLimit = Alay Sınırı RegimentsLimitPerLevel = Seviye Başına Alay Sınırı WhenTheMaximumRegimentLimitIsReachedArmyRecruitmentCostIncreasesBy = Maksimum alay sınırına ulaşıldığında ordu yetiştirme maliyeti şu oranda artar: RecruitAndAssignToTheArmy = Askere alma ve atama RecruitUnitsToBeAssignedToTheCurrentlySelectedArmyIfItIsWithinTheCivilizationsBorders = Medeniyetin sınırları içindeyse, halihazırda seçili olan orduya atanacak birimleri yetiştirin. OnlyWithinTheCivilizationsBorders = Sadece Medeniyetin sınırları içinde. Attack = Saldırı Defense = Savunma MovementSpeed = Hareket Hızı ArmyMovementSpeed = Ordu Hareket Hızı AttackRange = Saldırı Menzili Morale = Moral MoraleOfArmy = Ordunun Morali ArmyMoraleOnTheBattlefield = Muharebe Alanındaki Ordunun Morali ClickToRecruit = Yetiştirmek için tıklayın ShiftClickToRecruitXRegiments = {0} Alayı askere almak için Shift'e basılı tutarak tıkla CtrlClickToRecruitXRegimentsInASingleProvince = {0} Alayı tek bir eyalette görevlendirmek için Ctrl'e basılı tutarak tıkla AdditionalBuildingsInProvince = Vilayetteki ilave binalar ArmyControlledByAI = Yapay zeka tarafından kontrol edilen ordu ArmyNotFound = Ordu bulunamadı Armies = Ordular RecruitRegiments = Alayları Askere Al RecruitmentTime = Asker Toplama Süresi TheArmyWillBeDeployedToThisLocation = Ordu bu bölgeye konuşlandırılacak MaintenanceCost = Bakım maliyeti XDays = {0,choice,1#{0} Day|1<{0,number,integer} Days} Day = Gün XPerDay = {0} günlük XPerMonth = {0} aylık XPerYear = {0} yıllık UncolonizedLand = yerleşilmemiş Toprak ProvinceMustBeUncolonized = Vilayet Yerleşilmemiş olmalı SettlementProgress = Yerleşim İlerlemesi Settler = Yerleşimci Settlers = Yerleşimciler MaximumNumberOfSettlers = Maksimum Yerleşimci sayısı ThePopulationOfTheProvinceWillBeEqualToTheNumberOfSettlers = Vilayetin nüfusu Yerleşimci sayısına eşit olacaktır. EstablishSettlement = Yerleşim Kur SettlementEstablished = Yerleşim Kuruldu ColonizationTutorialText = Bir yerleşim kurmak için öncelikle kolonizasyon teknolojisinin kilidinin açılması ve yasanın Kolonizasyona izin veren bir kanunla değiştirilmesi gerekir. Yerleşimci birimi oluşturulmalı ve Yerleşilmemiş bir eyalete taşınmalıdır; burada kolonizasyon, aktif birimler görünümünde yerleşimciye tıklanarak başlatılır. ConvertReligion = Dini Değiştir ReligionConversionCost = Din Değiştirme Maliyeti ReligionConversionTime = Din Değiştirme Süresi ReligionConversionProgress = Din Değiştirme İlerlemesi DifferentReligion = Farklı Din DemandReligionConversion = Din Değiştirme Talep Edin NonCoreProvince = Merkeze Bağlanmayan Vilayet BattlePosition = Muharebe pozisyonu # ARMY LINES IN BATTLE FirstLine = Ön Hat Flank = Yan taraf SecondLine = İkinci Hat Support = Destek ThirdLine = Üçüncü Hat FirstLineArmyRecruitmentCost = Birinci Hat Ordusu Askere Alım Maliyeti SecondLineArmyRecruitmentCost = İkinci Hat Ordusu Askere Alım Maliyeti BattleWidth = Muharebe genişliği Battles = Muharebeler ArmyDeployment = Ordu konuşlandırması CasualtiesOfThePreviousDay = Önceki günkü kayıplar ArmyIsFightingInABattle = Ordu bir muharebede savaşıyor BattleWon = Muharebe Kazanıldı BattleLost = Muharebe Kaybedildi NeighboringCivilizationWonWar = Komşu Medeniyet Savaşı Kazandı NumberOfUnitsOnTheBattlefield = Muharebe alanındaki birim sayısı Reserve = Rezerv UnitsInReserve = Rezerve birimler UnitsThatHaventBeenDeployedOnTheNattlefieldDueToTheCompleteOccupationOfAvailableSpace = Yeterli yer olmaması nedeniyle muharebe alanına konuşlandırılamayan birimler. BattleWidthRefersToTheNumberOfUnitsThatCanBeDeployedInAFormationOnTheBattlefield = Muharebe genişliği, Muharebe alanındaki bir oluşumda konuşlandırılabilecek birimlerin sayısını ifade eder. Discipline = Disiplin DisciplineSignifiesOrganizationAndCoordinationOfTheArmyInBattleIncreasingUnitsAttack = Disiplin, savaşta ordunun organizasyonunu ve koordinasyonunu, birimlerin saldırısını artırmayı ifade eder. ManpowerRecoveryFromADisbandedArmy = Ordu dağıttımında elde edilecek insan gücü miktarı WaitingForOrders = Emir bekliyorum Moving = Hareket et MovingTo = Gidiyor StopMovementOfTheArmy = Ordunun hareketini durdur Mercenaries = Paralı askerler RecruitMercenaries = Paralı Asker Üret HireMercenaries = Paralı Askerler Kirala Hire = Kirala Hired = Kiralanmış CreateNewArmy = Yeni Ordu Oluştur CreateArmy = Ordu Oluştur Composition = Birleştir ProvinceInWhichTheArmyWillBeStationed = Ordunun konuşlandırılacağı bölge BattleTactics = Savaş Taktikleri BattleTacticsDesc = Savaş sırasında silahlı kuvvetler tarafından düşmanı alt etmek ve Muharebe alanında avantaj elde etmek için kullanılan stratejik yöntemler ve manevralar. CarefulAdvance = Tedbirli İlerle DefensiveHold = Savunmada Bekle StraightCharge = Doğrudan Taruz FlankingManeuver = Kanatlardan Manevra Warrior = Onurlu Savaşçı LightFootmen = Hafif Piyade Knight = Şövalye EliteKnight = Elit Şövalye Infantry = Piyade EliteInfantry = Elit Piyade LineInfantry = Hat Piyadesi EliteLineInfantry = Elit Hat Piyadesi EarlyTrenchInfantry = Erken Dönem Siper Piyadesi TrenchInfantry = Siper Piyadesi ModernInfantry = Modern Piyade FutureInfantry = Gelecek Piyade Swordsman = Kılıç Ustası EliteSwordsman = Elit Kılıç Ustası Hoplites = Hoplitler Spearmen = Mızrakçı EliteSpearmen = Elit Mızrakçı Pikeman = Uzun Mızrakçı ElitePikeman = Elit Uzun Mızrakçı Musketeer = Silahşör Riflemen = Tüfekçiler HeavyInfantry = Ağır Piyade MechanizedInfantry = Mekanize Piyade ModernMechanizedInfantry = Modern Mekanize Piyade FutureMechanizedInfantry = Gelecek Mekanize Piyade MachineGunner = Makineli Tüfekçi Grenadier = Bombacı EliteGrenadier = Elit Bombacı Catapult = Hafif Mancınık Trebuchet = Ağır Mancınık Canon = Top FieldCannon = Saha Topu Artillery = Topçu ModernArtillery = Modern Topçu FutureArtillery = Gelecek Topçu MultipleLaunchRocketSystem = Çoklu Namlulu Roketatar Howitzer = Obüs ModernHowitzer = Modern Obüs Chariot = Savaş Arabası Horseman = Atlı Birlik EliteHorseman = Elit Atlı Birlik Cavalry = Süvari EarlyCavalry = Erken Dönem Süvari EliteCavalry = Elit Süvari HeavyCavalry = Ağır Süvari Tank = Tank EarlyTank = Erken Dönem Tank MediumTank = Orta Tank HeavyTank = Ağır Tank ModernTank = Modern Tank MainBattleTank = Ana Muharebe Tankı FutureTank = Gelecek Tankı Slinger = Sapancı Archer = Okçu HorseArcher = Atlı Okçu Bowmen = Tatar Yaylı Crossbowman = Arbaletçi EliteCrossbowman = Elit Arbaletçi EarlyFighter = Erken Savaşçı Fighter = Savaşçı ModernFighter = Modern Savaşçı FutureFighter = Gelecek Savaşçı EarlyBomber = Erken Dönem Bombardıman Uçağı Bomber = Bombardıman Uçağı Drone = Siha FutureDrone = Gelecek Siha General = General Generals = Generaller NoGeneral = General Yok NoGenerals = Hiç General Yok DateOfBirth = Doğum tarihi RecruitGeneral = General İşe Alım SelectGeneralToRecruit = İşe almak için General'i seçin AssignGeneralToThisUnit = Bu birime General atayın AssignGeneral = General Ata UnassignedGenerals = Atanmamış Generaller GeneralCost = General Maliyeti GeneralsCommandingArmies = Ordulara komuta eden generaller LackOfGeneral = General eksikliği TheFollowingUnitsDontHaveAGeneral = Aşağıdaki birimlerin Generali yoktur GeneralDied = General Öldü SelectArmy = Orduyu Seç MilitaryAcademyForGenerals = Generaller için Harp Akademisi MilitaryAcademyForGeneralDesc = Üst düzey askeri generalleri; ileri düzey liderlik, strateji ve taktikler konusunda eğitir. UpgradeMilitaryAcademyForGenerals = Generaller için Askeri Akademiyi Yükselt AllGenerals = Tüm Generaller MilitaryAcademyForGeneralsMaximumLevel = Harp Akademisi Generaller için Maksimum Seviyede MaximumLevelOfTheMilitaryAcademyForGenerals = Maksimum Seviye Generaller için Harp Akademisi MaximumLevel = Maksimum Seviye SupremeCourt = Yüksek Mahkeme MaximumLevelOfTheSupremeCourt = Yüksek Mahkemenin Maksimum Seviyesi UpgradeSupremeCourt = Yüksek Mahkemeyi Geliştir UpgradeTheSupremeCourtLevelToReduceCorruption = Yolsuzluğu azaltmak için Yüksek Mahkeme seviyesini yükseltin CorruptionPerLevel = Seviye başına Yolsuzluk MaximumLevelOfTheNuclearReactor = Nükleer Reaktörün Maksimum Seviyesi UpgradeNuclearReactor = Nükleer Reaktörü Geliştir CapitalCity = Başkent UpgradeCapitalCity = Başkenti Geliştir MaximumLevelOfCapitalCity = Maksimum Başkent Seviyesi SmallVillage = Köyaltı Yerleşkesi Village = Köy Town = Kasaba City = Şehir MajorCity = Büyük Şehir AtomicBombCost = Atom Bombası Maliyeti AtomicBombCostPerLevel = Seviye Başına Atom Bombası Maliyeti MonthlyIncomePerLevel = Seviye Başına Aylık Gelir InfrastructureCostPerLevel = Seviye Başına Altyapı Maliyeti ProductionEfficiencyPerLevel = Seviye Başına Üretim Verimliliği GeneralAttack = Generalin saldırısı GeneralDefense = Generalin Savunması GeneralsAttack = Generallerin saldırısı GeneralsDefense = Generallerin Savunması GeneralsAttackPerLevel = Seviye Başına General Saldırısı GeneralsDefensePerLevel = Seviyeye Başına General Savunması MilitaryAcademy = Harp Akademisi MilitaryAcademyDesc = Harp Akademisi; birimleri savaş, taktik ve strateji konularında eğitir. MaximumLevelOfTheMilitaryAcademy = Harp Okulunun Maksimum Seviyesi UpgradeMilitaryAcademy = Harp Akademisini Geliştir UnitsDefense = Birim Savunması UnitsAttack = Birim Saldırısı UnitsDefensePerLevel = Seviye Başına Birim Savunması UnitsAttackPerLevel = Seviye Başına Birim Saldırısı Siege = Kuşatma SiegeProgress = Kuşatma İlerlemesi SiegeEffectiveness = Kuşatma Etkinliği DailySiegeProgress = Günlük Kuşatma İlerlemesi AfterASuccessfulSiegeAllNeighboringProvincesWithoutDefensiveBuildingsWillBeOccupied = Başarılı bir kuşatmadan sonra kuşatılan vilayet yağmalanır ve etrafında savunma binası olmayan vilayetler işgal edilir. Bu da kalelerin stratejik önemini ve başarılı bir kuşatmanın nasıl domino gibi etrfına yayıldığını gösterir. SiegeOf = {0} Kuşatma MaximumSiegeTime = Maksimum Kuşatma Süresi BesiegingSoldiers = Kuşatan Askerler ArmyBesiegesProvince = Ordu Vilayeti Kuşatıyor TheSiegeEndsWhenTheProgressReachesTheProvincesDefense = Kuşatma İlerlemesi Vilayetin Savunma Puanına Ulaştığında Kuşatma Biter DailySiegeProgressIsTheSumOfTheSiegeAbilitiesOfAllUnitsInvolvedInTheSiege = Günlük Kuşatma İlerlemesi, Kuşatmaya Katılan Bütün Birimlerin Kuşatma Becerilerinin Toplamı Kadardır. SiegeAbility = Kuşatma Becerisi SiegeWon = Kuşatma Kazanıldı SiegeLost = Kuşatma Kaybedildi UnderSiege = Kuşatma Altında DefenseLevel = Savunma Seviyesi ProvinceDefense = Vilayetin Savunma Puanı ProvincesWithoutForts = Kalesiz Vilayetler ImproveRelationsModifier = İlişki Geliştir IncomeFromVassals = Vasallardan Gelen Gelir LoanInterest = Borç Faizi ALoanHasBeenTaken = Bir Borç Alındı MaxNumOfAlliances = İttifakların Maksimum Sayısı AggressiveExpansion = Agresif Büyüme Manpower = İnsan Gücü LocalManpower = Lokal İnsan Gücü LocalManpowerLevel = Lokal İnsan Gücü Seviyesi ClickToIncreaseManpower = İnsan Gücünü Arttırmak İçin Tıkla IncreaseManpowerCost = İnsan Gücünü Arttırma Maliyeti IncreaseManpower = İnsan Gücünü Arttır IncreasedManpower = Arttırılan İnsan Gücü TipForBestResultsIncreaseManpowerInProvincesWithHighestGrowthRateOfPopulation = Öneri: Daha iyi sonuçlar için nüfus artışı yüksek olan vilayetlerin insan gücünü arttır. MaximumManpower = Maksimum İnsan Gücü ManpowerRecoverySpeed = İnsan Gücü Yenilenme Hızı ManpowerPerMonth = Aylık İnsan Gücü MoveToFrontLine = Ön Cepheye Git ClickOnAnyBorderProvinceOfYourCivilizationToDeployArmyAcrossTheEntireBorder = Tüm medeniyet sınırına asker koymak için herhangi bir sınır vilayetine tıkla. RegroupArmies = Regroup Armies LeftClickAndDrag = Left click and drag DrawALineForRegroupingTheArmy = Draw a line for Regrouping the Army MoveTheArmies = Move the Armies SelectProvincesToWhichYouWantToMoveArmies = Select provinces to which you want to Move Armies SelectMoreThanOneArmy = Select more than one Army Clear = Clear ArmyMoraleRecovery = Army Morale Recovery ReinforcementSpeed = Reinforcement Speed Reform = Reform Reforms = Reforms Law = Law Laws = Laws AdoptReform = Adopt Reform ReformAdopted = Reform Adopted LandOwnershipLaws = Land Ownership Laws FeudalRights = Feudal Rights FeudalRights.d = Land is owned and controlled by nobility, with peasants working as serfs. ManorialSystem = Manorial System ManorialSystem.d = Landlords lease lands to peasants for tenancy and protection. PrivateLandOwnership = Private Land Ownership PrivateLandOwnership.d = Individuals can own and trade land freely. LandReforms = Land Reforms LandReforms.d = Redistribution of land for equitable ownership. SustainableLandUse = Sustainable Land Use SustainableLandUse.d = Laws focusing on environmental sustainability and responsible land use. LandOwnershipLaws = Land Ownership Laws FeudalRights = Feudal Rights FeudalRights.d = Land is held by nobility, with peasants working as serfs. ManorialSystem = Manorial System ManorialSystem.d = Landlords lease lands to peasants for tenancy and protection. PrivateLandOwnership = Private Land Ownership PrivateLandOwnership.d = Individuals can own and trade land freely. LandReforms = Land Reforms LandReforms.d = Redistribution of land for equitable ownership. SustainableLandUse = Sustainable Land Use SustainableLandUse.d = Laws focusing on environmental sustainability and responsible land use. TaxationSystem = Taxation System TributeCollection = Tribute Collection TributeCollection.d = Early form of taxation where subjects pay tributes to rulers or overlords, often in the form of labor or goods. LandAndPropertyTax = Land and Property Tax LandAndPropertyTax.d = Taxes based on land ownership and property value. IncomeBasedTaxation = Income Based Taxation IncomeBasedTaxation.d = Taxation based on the income of individuals and businesses. ProgressiveTaxation = Progressive Taxation ProgressiveTaxation.d = Higher tax rates for higher income brackets. AutomatedTaxCollection = Automated Tax Collection AutomatedTaxCollection.d = Digitized and automated tax collection systems. JudicialSystem = Judicial System TrialByCombat = Trial by Combat TrialByCombat.d = Disputes resolved by physical trials or combat. FeudalCourts = Feudal Courts FeudalCourts.d = Local lords adjudicate legal matters. CentralizedCourts = Centralized Courts CentralizedCourts.d = National system of courts with appointed judges. JudiciarySystem = Judiciary System JudiciarySystem.d = Independent courts and formal legal procedures. InternationalLawCompliance = International Law Compliance InternationalLawCompliance.d = Modern legal system aligned with international standards. EducationPolicy = Education Policy ChurchSchools = Church Schools ChurchSchools.d = Basic education provided by religious institutions. RoyalAndNoblePatronage = Royal and Noble Patronage RoyalAndNoblePatronage.d = Education initiatives sponsored by royalty and nobility, often for elite classes. PublicSchools = Public Schools PublicSchools.d = Government-funded basic education for all. UniversalEducation = Universal Education UniversalEducation.d = Mandatory education for children of all ages. DigitalAndInclusiveEducation = Digital and Inclusive Education DigitalAndInclusiveEducation.d = Modern, technology-driven education accessible to all. ConscriptionLaws = Conscription Laws FeudalLevies = Feudal Levies FeudalLevies.d = Nobles provide troops to the monarch as part of their feudal duty. DraftSystem = Draft System DraftSystem.d = Mandatory military service for all able-bodied citizens for a set period. SelectiveService = Selective Service SelectiveService.d = Government selects individuals for service based on specific criteria. ProfessionalVolunteerArmy = Professional Volunteer Army ProfessionalVolunteerArmy.d = Military service based on voluntary enlistment. ProfessionalStandingArmy = Professional Standing Army ProfessionalStandingArmy.d = Well-trained, full-time professional soldiers. MonetaryPolicy = Monetary Policy CommodityMoney = Commodity Money CommodityMoney.d = Use of physical goods like grains or metals as currency. MintedCoins = Minted Coins MintedCoins.d = Introduction of standardized metal coins. PaperCurrency = Paper Currency PaperCurrency.d = Adoption of paper money for transactions. CentralBankingSystem = Central Banking System CentralBankingSystem.d = Establishment of a central bank to regulate currency. DigitalCurrency = Digital Currency DigitalCurrency.d = Implementation of digital currencies and modern financial technologies. ColonialAct = Colonial Act NoColonization = No Colonization NoColonization.d = This law imposes a strict ban on all colonial activities. NoColonizationAllowed = No Colonization Allowed ColonialExpansionDecree = Colonial Expansion Decree ColonialExpansionDecree.d = This decree reverses the previous ban and actively encourages colonial expansion. ColonizationAllowed = Colonization Allowed WomensRights = Women's Rights MaleGuardians = Male Guardians MaleGuardians.d = Women are legally under men's guardianship and have very limited rights. PropertyRights = Property Rights PropertyRights.d = Basic property ownership rights for women. VotingRights = Voting Rights VotingRights.d = Granting women the right to vote. EqualEmploymentLaws = Equal Employment Laws EqualEmploymentLaws.d = Laws ensuring equal employment opportunities. # Laws END ClickToIncreaseLocalTaxEfficiency = Click to Increase Local Tax Efficiency IncreaseTaxEfficiency = Increase Tax Efficiency IncreasedTaxEfficiency = Increased Tax Efficiency IncreaseTaxEfficiencyCost = Increase Tax Efficiency Cost ClickToIncreasePopulationGrowthRate = Click to Increase Population Growth Rate IncreasePopulationGrowthRate = Increase Population Growth Rate IncreasedPopulationGrowthRate = Increased Population Growth Rate IncreaseGrowthRateCost = Increase Growth Rate Cost ShiftClickToInvestXTimes = Shift + Click to invest {0} times ShiftClickToIncreaseManpowerXTimes = Shift + Click to increase manpower {0} times ShiftClickToIncreaseTaxationEfficiencyXTimes = Shift + Click to increase Taxation Efficiency {0} times ShiftClickToIncreaseGrowthRateXTimes = Shift + Click to increase Growth Rate {0} times PerformTheActionXTimes = Perform the action {0,choice,0#{0} times|1#{0} time|1<{0,number,integer} times} SplitInHalf = Split In Half MergeUnits = Merge Units ReorganizeUnits = Reorganize Units DisbandUnits = Disband Units ArmyRecruitmentCost = Army Recruitment Cost ArmyRecruitmentCostInProvince = Army Recruitment Cost In Province TechnologyCost = Technology Cost TechnologyTree = Technology Tree OpenTechnologyTree = Open Technology Tree RequiredTechnology = Required Technology ClickToStartResearching = Click to start researching Unlocks = Unlocks ChooseResearch = Choose Research AvailableResearch = Available Research ResearchCompleted = Research Completed ResearchPerMonth = Research per Month AllProvinces = All Provinces Devastation = Devastation TotalLoot = Total Loot Loot = Loot CivilizationBonus = Civilization Bonus CivilizationBonuses = Civilization Bonuses ProvinceBonuses = Province Bonuses Bonuses = Bonuses LocalGrowthRate = Local Growth Rate PopulationGrowth = Population Growth ThePopulationWillSlowlyAssimilateIfTheCivilizationHasACore = The Population will slowly assimilate if the Civilization has a Core. MaxMorale = Max Morale HideMinimap = Hide minimap ShowMinimap = Show minimap Mission = Mission Missions = Missions EventInX = Event in {0} AvailableMissions = Available Missions Completed = Completed and = and or = or andNot = and not orNot = or not IsNotAtWar = Is not at War HasVariable = Has Variable HasntVariable = Hasn't Variable ClickToView = Click To View Pin = Pin Unpin = Unpin ShowPinned = Show Pinned HidePinned = Hide Pinned PopulationMapModeDesc = This map mode will color each province proportionally based on its population. PopulationMapModeDesc2 = A more intense shade of green signifies a higher population. EconomyMapModeDesc = This map mode will color each province proportionally based on its economy. EconomyMapModeDesc2 = A more intense shade of orange signifies a higher economy. ProvinceIncomeMapModeDesc = This map mode will color each province proportionally based on its province income. ProvinceIncomeMapModeDesc2 = A more intense shade of gold signifies a higher province income. BaseProvinceIncome = Base Province Income MonthlyTax = Monthly Tax MonthlyIncome = Monthly Income ProvinceMonthlyIncome = Province Monthly Income EveryMonth = Every Month LocalTaxEfficiency = Local Tax Efficiency TaxEfficiency = Tax Efficiency MonthlyIncomeTaxation = Monthly Income Taxation MonthlyIncomeEconomy = Monthly Income Economy MonthlyChange = Monthly change BaseEconomy = Base Economy ProvinceMaintenance = Province Maintenance ProvincesMaintenance = Provinces Maintenance BuildingsMaintenance = Buildings Maintenance BuildingsMaintenanceCost = Buildings Maintenance Cost MaximumEconomy = Maximum Economy TaxationLevel = Taxation Level MonthlyExpenses = Monthly Expenses AdditionalIncome = Additional Income AdditionalExpenses = Additional Expenses ReduceInflation = Reduce Inflation InflationReduced = Inflation Reduced Corruption = Corruption Bankruptcy = Bankruptcy DeclareBankruptcy = Declare Bankruptcy MaximumAmountOfGold = Maximum amount of Gold LowTaxation = Low Taxation DefaultTaxation = Default Taxation SevereTaxation = Severe Taxation DecreasedPay = Decreased Pay Default = Default IncreasedPay = Increased Pay ResearchExpenses = Research Expenses Authority = Authority AuthorityDesc = Represents the strength of your Civilization's central leadership and governance. Interactions = Interactions StopImprovingRelations = Stop Improving Relations DamageRelations = Damage Relations DamagingRelations = Damaging Relations StopDamagingRelations = Stop Damaging Relations RelationsBetweenCivilizations = Relations Between Civilizations AttitudeTowards = Attitude Towards AnInsultHasBeenSent = An insult has been sent! DemandSubjectTransfer = Demand Subject Transfer LiberateCivilization = Liberate Civilization InterveneInWar = Intervene in War WarOverview = War Overview WarSummary = War Summary WarStarted = War Started WarEnded = War Ended WarScore = War Score InFavorOf = In favor of WarScoreFromBattles = War Score from Battles WarScoreCost = War Score Cost ProvinceWarScore = Province War Score TickingWarScore = Ticking War Score EachMonthTheWinningSideGainsXOfTheTickingWarScoreBasedOnTheCurrentOverallWarScoreFromBattlesAndOccupiedProvinces = Each month, the winning side gains {0}% of the ticking war score based on the current overall war score from battles and occupied provinces. WithAWarScoreOfXTheWinningSideCanProposeAWhitePeace = With a War Score of {0}, the winning side can propose a White Peace. WithAWarScoreOfXTheWinningSideCanMakeDemands = With a War Score of {0}, the winning side can Make Demands. EnforceDemands = Enforce Demands Victorious = Victorious DamagingRelationsCompleted = Damaging Relations Completed ImprovingRelationsCompleted = Improving Relations Completed MaximumOpinion = Maximum Opinion # Relations between Civs, from -100 to 100 Unfavorable = Unfavorable Strained = Strained Detached = Detached Neutral = Neutral Warm = Warm Cooperative = Cooperative Supportive = Supportive # Relations between Civs, from -100 to 100 END # Insult message to Civ WeWillClaimBothYourLivesAndYourFreedom = We will claim both your lives and your freedom. YourCivilizationWillCrumbleAndWeShallDanceUponTheRuinsOfYourFormerGreatness = Your Civilization will crumble, and we shall dance upon the ruins of your former greatness. YourStandingWillBeReducedToRuinsAndWeShallRevelInYourDownfall = Your standing will be reduced to ruins, and we shall revel in your downfall. WellSnatchAwayYourMightLeavingYourCivilizationInTheShadowsOfItsFormerSelf = We'll snatch away your might, leaving your Civilization in the shadows of its former self. PrepareForTheDemiseOfYourSovereigntyForWeWillSeizeIt = Prepare for the demise of your sovereignty, for we will seize it. # Declare War WitnessTheMightOfMyForcesAsWeDeclareWarUponYouForYourWeaknessCannotWithstandOurStrength = Witness the might of my forces as we declare war upon you, for your weakness cannot withstand our strength. BraceYourselfForIDeclareWarUponYouToAssertMyRightfulAuthorityOverYourTerritories = Brace yourself, for I declare war upon you to assert my rightful authority over your territories. ThisWarIsTheDestinyYouCannotEscapeAsWeRiseToCrushYourFeebleResistance = This war is the destiny you cannot escape, as we rise to crush your feeble resistance. YourLandsWillBeReshapedUnderOurBannerAsWarIsDeclaredToSecureOurRightfulDominion = Your lands will be reshaped under our banner, as war is declared to secure our rightful dominion. PrepareForTheMarchOfOurArmiesAsWeDeclareWarToAssertOurDominanceOverYourLands = Prepare for the march of our armies as we declare war to assert our dominance over your lands. TheDrumsOfWarBeatLoudlyAnnouncingTheBeginningOfYourDemiseUnderOurRule = The drums of war beat loudly, announcing the beginning of your demise under our rule. TheBannersOfWarUnfurlMarkingTheBeginningOfTheEndForYourInsignificantCivilization = The banners of war unfurl, marking the beginning of the end for your insignificant Civilization. GovernmentChange = Government Change SellProvince = Sell Province SendSpy = Send Spy EspionageMission = Espionage Mission EspionageProgress = Espionage progress EspionageReports = Espionage Reports FormAlliance = Form Alliance # Governments Leaders Titles President = President King = King GeneralSecretary = General Secretary SupremeLeader = Supreme Leader Khan = Khan Governor = Governor HighPriest = High Priest Chieftain = Chieftain ConstitutionalMonarchy = Constitutional Monarchy PresidentialRepublic = Presidential Republic ParliamentaryRepublic = Parliamentary Republic MerchantRepublic = Merchant Republic Doge = Doge ConstructNewBuilding = Construct New Building ConstructionTime = Construction Time ConstructionWillBeCompleted = Construction will be completed UnderConstruction = Under Construction BuildingConstructed = Building Constructed BuildingsConstructed = Buildings Constructed NoBuildingsConstructed = No buildings constructed RequiredBuilding = Required Building AdministrativeBuildingsConstructed = Administrative Buildings Constructed EconomyBuildingsConstructed = Economy Buildings Constructed MilitaryBuildingsConstructed = Military Buildings Constructed UniqueCapitalBuildingsConstructed = Unique Capital Buildings Constructed BuildingSlot = Building Slot BuildingSlots = Building Slots Building = Building Unique = Unique UniqueBuilding = Unique Building UniqueBuildings = Unique Buildings UniqueCapitalBuildings = Unique Capital Buildings AllUniqueBuildingsInTheCapitalWillBeDestroyed = All unique buildings in the capital will be destroyed ConstructionCost = Construction Cost AdministrationBuildingsCost = Administration Buildings Cost MilitaryBuildingsCost = Military Buildings Cost EconomyBuildingsCost = Economy Buildings Cost IncreaseEconomyInAProvinceToUnlockMoreBuildingSlots = Increase Economy in a province to unlock more building slots WarAcademy = War Academy WarAcademyDesc = Enhances army efficiency and reduces recruitment costs. ArmyMaintenance = Army Maintenance GrandLibrary = Grand Library GrandLibraryDesc = A center of knowledge and research, accelerating technological advancements. MerchantQuarter = Merchant Quarter MerchantQuarterDesc = A hub for trade and commerce, generating significant tax revenue. StockExchange = Stock Exchange StockExchangeDesc = Boosts wealth through investments and trade. Monument = Monument MonumentDesc = Monument symbolizes the Civilization's heritage. Amphitheater = Amphitheater AmphitheaterDesc = Amphitheater hosts public events, fostering community and entertainment. Palisade = Palisade PalisadeDesc = Palisade is a defensive wooden wall built around settlement. Walls = Walls WallsDesc = Defense Walls are robust fortifications encircling your city. CastleDesc = Stone fortifications for city safety and growth. Barracks = Barracks BarracksDesc = Increases local manpower for your army. ArmsFactory = Arms Factory ArmsFactoryDesc = An arms factory produces weapons, ammunition, and military equipment. TrainingGrounds = Training Grounds TrainingGroundsDesc = The Training Grounds is a facility dedicated to training and preparing troops. ConscriptionCenter = Conscription Center ConscriptionCenterDesc = The Conscription Center is the heart of military recruitment, training citizens into soldiers. Granary = Granary GranaryDesc = The Granary stores and distributes food efficiently, ensuring a stable food supply for cities and the military. Irrigation = Irrigation IrrigationDesc = Improves water distribution for crops, increasing their yield. Farm = Farm FarmDesc = The basic agricultural building that cultivates crops and increases food production. MechanizedFarm = Mechanized Farm MechanizedFarmDesc = Automated crop cultivation for increased efficiency. Railways = Railways RailwaysDesc = Railways are a network of tracks and trains, powered by locomotives, enabling efficient land transportation. PowerPlant = Power Plant PowerPlantDesc = Generates electricity on a large scale. Windmills = Windmills WindmillsDesc = Iconic structures harnessing wind power for agricultural and economic advancement. Fishery = Fishery FisheryDesc = Establishes a facility for fishing, allowing your civilization to harvest seafood as a source of food. PortDesc = Construction of a port allows you to go into sea areas. TaxCollector = Tax Collector TaxCollectorDesc = Tax Collector is an official responsible for gathering taxes from individuals. TaxOffice = Tax Office TaxOfficeDesc = This building served as the administrative hub for tax collection and record-keeping. TaxOfficeHeadquarters = Tax Office Headquarters TaxOfficeHeadquartersDesc = Tax Office Headquarters is the central administrative hub where tax-related activities are managed and overseen. Llibrary = Llibrary LlibraryDesc = Llibrary plays a vital role in preserving knowledge and facilitating research. School = School SchoolDesc = School is a research center that generates research points, advancing knowledge and technology. University = University UniversityDesc = A university building is the central infrastructure of an educational institution. Academy = Academy AcademyDesc = The Academy is a knowledge center for advanced technology. Temple = Temple TempleDesc = The Temple is a sacred site for religious worship. Courthouse = Courthouse CourthouseDesc = A building where legal proceedings were conducted, including the dispensation of justice, hearings, and trials. TownHall = Town Hall TownHallDesc = The administrative center of a town or city, where local governance, public meetings, and administrative tasks are conducted. Hospital = Hospital HospitalDesc = The Hospital offers essential medical care, treats injuries, manages emergencies, and controls diseases. BombShelter = Bomb Shelter BombShelterDesc = A Bomb Shelter provides protection during nuclear attacks with reinforced construction, ventilation, and emergency supplies. SolarFarm = Solar Farm SolarFarmDesc = Harnesses sunlight to generate renewable energy for the province. MilitaryBase = Military Base MilitaryBaseDesc = Central hub for military operations. Museum = Museum MuseumDesc = Cultural institution that preserves, studies, and exhibits objects of artistic, historical, scientific, or cultural significance. AtomicBomb = Atomic Bomb AtomicBombs = Atomic Bombs Nuke = Nuke DropAtomicBomb = Drop Atomic Bomb BuildAnAtomicBomb = Build an Atomic Bomb AnAtomicBombHasBeenBuilt = An Atomic Bomb has been built AtomicBombing = Atomic Bombing AtomicBombUnderConstruction = Atomic Bomb under construction ProductionTime = Production Time NuclearWeapons = Nuclear Weapons ManhattanProject = Manhattan Project CasualtiesFromNuclearAttacks = Casualties from Nuclear Attacks WorkshopDesc = The workshop is a bustling center of craftsmanship and innovation. Manufactory = Manufactory ManufactoryDesc = The Manufactory is a hub of advanced production, innovation, and economic growth. Factory = Factory FactoryDesc = Factory is a large industrial building where goods are mass-produced. AutomatedFactory = Automated Factory AutomatedFactoryDesc = Highly advanced production facility. FoodMarket = Food Market FoodMarketDesc = The Food Market is a lively trading hub for diverse agricultural goods Market = Market MarketDesc = The Markets play a crucial role in stimulating economic growth, providing access to a variety of resources. RoyalPalace = Royal Palace RoyalPalaceDesc = A royal palace serves as the center of royal authority, housing ceremonial and governmental functions. NationalMuseum = National Museum NationalMuseumDesc = National Museum serves to preserve and educate the public about a nation's heritage. ArmoryWorkshop = Armory Workshop Armory = Armory ArmoryDesc = An armory is where weapons and armor are made and maintained for military use. ArmoryWorkshopDesc = An armory workshop is where weapons and armor are made and maintained for military use. Bank = Bank BankDesc = Bank is a financial institution that stores money, provides loans, and offers financial services. ConstructionGuild = Construction Guild ConstructionGuildDesc = Construction Guild is association of skilled builders, ensuring quality and collaboration in construction. TradeCenter = Trade Center TradeCenterDesc = Trade Center is a hub for commerce, bringing merchants together to facilitate buying and selling, contributing to economic growth. Harbor = Harbor HarborDesc = Harbor is a maritime hub, facilitating trade and connecting regions through ship docking and trade activities. DestroyBuilding = Destroy Building Legacy = Legacy LegacyPoints = Legacy Points UnlockedLegacy = Unlocked Legacy CivilizationLegacy = Civilization Legacy MonthlyLegacy = Monthly Legacy Unlock = Unlock Unlocked = Unlocked AvailableCivilizationLegacy = Available Civilization Legacy Available = Available AvailableSince = Available Since NotAvailable = Not available InsufficientGold = Insufficient Gold InsufficientLegacy = Insufficient Legacy ChooseYourRivals = Choose your Rivals Rival = Rival Rivals = Rivals Rivalry = Rivalry MonthlyLegacyPointsWillBeAwardedBasedOnTheStrengthOfEachRivalRelativeToYouCivilization = Monthly Legacy points will be awarded based on the strength of each rival relative to your Civilization. CivilizationAdvantage = Civilization Advantage CivilizationAdvantages = Civilization Advantages Advantages = Advantages GroupsOfAdvantages = Groups of Advantages Administrative = Administrative Economic = Economic Military = Military Diplomatic = Diplomatic All = All AdministrativeAdvantages = Administrative Advantages EconomicAdvantages = Economic Advantages MilitaryAdvantages = Military Advantages DiplomaticAdvantages = Diplomatic Advantages AdvantagePoint = Advantage Point AdvantagePoints = Advantage Points UnlockAdvantage = Unlock Advantage Suggest = Suggest UnlockedTechnologiesRequired = Unlocked Technologies required AlreadyUnlocked = Already unlocked UnlockThePreviousOnesFirst = Unlock the previous ones first ArmyCanGoToSea = Army can go to sea EachTimeYouUnlockATechnologyYouWillGainOneAdvantagePointThatYouCanExchangeForABonus = Each time you unlock a technology, you will gain one advantage point that you can exchange for a bonus. Console = Console CivilizationRank = Civilization Rank CivilizationRanking = Civilization Ranking TotalNumberOfAllDiseasesInProvince = Total number of all diseases in province TotalDeathsDueToDiseasesDuringTheGame = Total deaths due to diseases during the game County = County Duchy = Duchy Kingdom = Kingdom Empire = Empire LocalPower = Local Power RegionalPower = Regional Power MajorPower = Major Power ClickToInvestInEconomy = Click to Invest in Economy InvestInEconomy = Invest in Economy InvestInEconomyCost = Invest in Economy Cost InvestedInEconomy = Invested in Economy Currently = Currently AfterXDays = After {0,choice,1#{0} day|1<{0,number,integer} days} InvestProgress = Invest Progress InQueue = In Queue InvestmentPayoff = Investment payoff ExploitEconomy = Exploit Economy Gain = Gain Lose = Lose Infrastructure = Infrastructure DevelopInfrastructure = Develop Infrastructure DevelopedInfrastructure = Developed Infrastructure DevelopInfrastructureCost = Develop Infrastructure Cost ClickToDevelopInfrastructure = Click to Develop Infrastructure MaximumInfrastructureLevel = Maximum infrastructure level PerLevel = Per level AdministrativeLegacies = Administrative Legacies EconomicLegacies = Economic Legacies MilitaryLegacies = Military Legacies DiplomaticLegacies = Diplomatic Legacies EfficientInfrastructure = Efficient Infrastructure EfficientTaxation = Efficient Taxation UnifiedAdministration = Unified Administration CentralizedCommand = Centralized Command InnovationHubs = Innovation Hubs AgriculturalRevolution = Agricultural Revolution MerchantCouncil = Merchant Council EconomicBoom = Economic Boom VeteranGenerals = Veteran Generals ArmyTradition = Army Tradition MilitaryDominance = Military Dominance SiegeExpertise = Siege Expertise DiplomaticFinesse = Diplomatic Finesse TributeSystem = Tribute System AllianceExpertise = Alliance Expertise CrisisResolution = Crisis Resolution Resource = Resource Resources = Resources HasTheResource = Has the Resource RequiredResource = Required Resource UniqueResources = Unique Resources ProductionEfficiency = Production Efficiency AverageProductionEfficiency = Average Production Efficiency LargestGoodsProducers = Largest Goods Producers LargestProducer = Largest Producer WorldProduction = World Production ShareInWorldProduction = Share in World Production AverageEconomybasedOnPopulationOfAllProvinces = Average Economy based on population of all provinces ProsperityTier = Prosperity Tier ProsperityTierReflectsTheAverageEconomyOfYourProvincesImpactingIncomeFromEconomy = Prosperity Tier reflects the average economy of your provinces based on population, impacting income from Economy. MonthlyEconomyIncomeIncreasesBy = Monthly Economy income increases by Struggling = Struggling Modest = Modest Comfortable = Comfortable Thriving = Thriving Wealthy = Wealthy Utopian = Utopian Goods = Goods ProducedGoods = Produced Goods DomesticallyProducedGoods = Domestically Produced Goods ImportedGoods = Imported Goods Food = Food Commodities = Commodities LuxuryCommodities = Luxury Commodities Luxury = Luxury ProductionResources = Production Resources Price = Price Grain = Grain Rice = Rice Fish = Fish Cattle = Cattle Fruit = Fruit Spices = Spices Fur = Fur Wine = Wine Coffee = Coffee Cocoa = Cocoa Tea = Tea Sugar = Sugar Salt = Salt Tobacco = Tobacco Wool = Wool Cotton = Cotton Dye = Dye Silk = Silk Wood = Wood Bronze = Bronze Iron = Iron Silver = Silver Gold = Gold Ivory = Ivory Diamonds = Diamonds Coal = Coal Oil = Oil Uranium = Uranium Marble = Marble Porcelain = Porcelain Opium = Opium Furniture = Furniture TropicalWood = Tropical Wood Paper = Paper Clothes = Clothes Aluminum = Aluminum Steel = Steel Vanilla = Vanilla Cinnamon = Cinnamon Saffron = Saffron Tomato = Tomato Banana = Banana Glass = Glass Hop = Hop Beer = Beer Cheese = Cheese Lemon = Lemon Olive = Olive Dates = Dates GrainFarm = Grain Farm CropFarm = Crop Farm RiceFarm = Rice Farm Vineyard = Vineyard OliveFarm = Olive Farm CoffeePlantation = Coffee Plantation CocoaPlantation = Cocoa Plantation TeaPlantation = Tea Plantation SugarPlantation = Sugar Plantation TobaccoPlantation = Tobacco Plantation CottonPlantation = Cotton Plantation DyePlantation = Dye Plantation SilkPlantation = Silk Plantation OpiumPlantation = Opium Plantation VanillaPlantation = Vanilla Plantation CinnamonPlantation = Cinnamon Plantation SaffronFarm = Saffron Farm TomatoPlantation = Tomato Plantation BananaPlantation = Banana Plantation HopPlantation = Hop Plantation SpicePlantation = Spice Plantation LimeFarm = Lime Farm SheepFarm = Sheep Farm Ranch = Ranch Brewery = Brewery Glassworks = Glassworks Creamery = Creamery HuntingGround = Hunting Ground LoggingCamp = Logging Camp Mine = Mine SaltMine = Salt Mine GoldMine = Gold Mine SilverMine = Silver Mine DiamondMine = Diamond Mine OilRig = Oil Rig MarbleQuarry = Marble Quarry PorcelainWorkshop = Porcelain Workshop FurnitureWorkshop = Furniture Workshop PaperMill = Paper Mill TextileMill = Textile Mill SteelMill = Steel Mill # Wonders ConstructAWonder = Construct a Wonder WonderConstructed = Wonder constructed AWonderCanBeBuilt = A wonder can be built WonderConstructionCost = Wonder construction cost Encyclopedia = Encyclopedia Battles = Battles DeploymentPhase = Deployment Phase DeploymentPhase0 = Two armies, one attacking and the other defending, face each other on the battlefield. DeploymentPhase1 = Each army is organized into two lines. DeploymentPhase2 = The number of regiments each side can deploy is determined by the battle width, which depends on the greater battle width of the Civilizations involved. RoleOfGenerals = Role of Generals RoleOfGenerals0 = Generals are pivotal in the battle. Their attack value, crucial for increasing enemy losses, is influenced by a dice roll mechanism. RoleOfGenerals1 = A general's defense value, important for reducing own army losses, complements their attack capabilities and strategic importance. BattlePhase = Battle Phase BattlePhase0 = Each day, the front-line units of both armies engage in combat with the enemy's front-line, provided they are within attack range. BattlePhase1 = Simultaneously, the second-line units also participate by attacking the enemy's front-line units if they fall within their range. BattlePhase2 = The combat results in casualties, the retreat of troops, and the loss of morale. MoraleAndRetreatMechanics = Morale and Retreat Mechanics MoraleAndRetreatMechanics0 = Morale plays a crucial role in the battle dynamics. As units take damage and casualties mount, morale can drop. MoraleAndRetreatMechanics1 = Units may retreat due to heavy casualties or low morale, impacting the overall strength and effectiveness of the army. DestructionOrSurvival = Destruction or Survival DestructionOrSurvival0 = An army is considered destroyed if it cannot sustain itself for the full {0} days of battle. This could be due to overwhelming casualties, loss of morale, or a strategic retreat. ArmyComposition = Army Composition ArmyComposition0 = The choice of units in the front and second line is vital. Front-line units need to be resilient and capable of dealing with direct combat, while second-line units should provide support, range attacks, or specialized functions. # Manpower Manpower0 = Manpower represents the stock of individuals eligible for military service within a Civilization. Manpower1 = It is a critical resource used for recruiting new troops and reinforcing existing armies, embodying the Civilization's capacity to wage war and defend itself. Manpower2 = Manpower replenishes over time, reflecting natural population growth and recovery from previous military engagements. Manpower3 = Since manpower replenishes over time, players must plan their military campaigns considering their current and future manpower availability. RegimnetsLimit0 = The limit of regiments is determined by the economy of the Civilization and Civilization bonuses. ProvinceContribution = Province Contribution ProvinceContribution0 = Each province under a Civilization's control contributes to the overall manpower pool. IncreasingMaximumManpower = Increasing Maximum Manpower IncreasingMaximumManpower0 = Build Special Military Buildings: Constructing specific buildings within your civilization can directly increase the manpower cap. IncreasingMaximumManpower1 = Increase Manpower Level in Provinces: Enhancing the manpower level within individual provinces. Legacy0 = Legacy Points is a special form of currency in the game, representing the achievements and milestones of a Civilization over time. Legacy1 = Players use Legacy Points to unlock Civilization Legacies, which are permanent bonuses that provide various advantages to the Civilization. Legacy2 = Beyond unlocking Civilization Legacies, Legacy Points are also required for several critical actions within the game. These include: Recruiting Generals and Advisors, Increasing Tax Efficiency and Manpower in Provinces Income0 = Provincial monhly income in the game is a sum of several components including tax efficiency, the province's overall economy, revenue from production activities, and income generated by specific buildings within the province. Income1 = Monthly income may be reduced if a civilization does not have a core in a province, or if the province follows a different religion than that of the Civilization. TaxEfficiency0 = The monthly tax income generated from each province is primarily determined by two factors: the level of tax efficiency in the province and its population size. Economy0 = Province's monthly income from economy is based on its economic level, which can be raised by investing gold. Investing in economy improves production efficiency. Economy1 = The maximum economy level is determined by the province's growth rate. Production0 = If a province have a resource, it generates income based on two factors: the unique price of the resource and the production efficiency within the province. The unique price reflects rarity of the resource. Production1 = Players can increase a province's production efficiency either by investing in its Economy or by constructing special buildings that are specifically designed to boost production efficiency. Production2 = A Civilization Bonus is awarded to the Civilization that is largest producer of a specific resource, granting economic, military, or strategic advantages and encouraging competition for resource production supremacy. Population0 = Province's population impacts tax income, based on its tax efficiency. GrowthRate0 = Province's growth rate determines the growth rate of its population. Additionally impacts the maximum economy in province and its local manpower. Plague0 = Plagues can suddenly start in any province. The randomness reflects the historical and realistic nature of disease outbreaks. Plague1 = Once a plague appears in a province, it spreads rapidly to neighboring provinces. Plague deaths can be reduced by upgrading a province's infrastructure or building special buildings. Technology0 = Each technology comes with a research cost, and Civilizations can unlock these technologies by accumulating research points. Technology1 = Research points can be increased by constructing special buildings in provinces or hiring and innovation advisor. Advisor0 = Civilization can hire Advisors in council, each providing unique bonuses that can be upgraded by promoting the Advisor to a higher level for increased effectiveness. Corruption0 = Every Civilization in the game is affected by a baseline level of corruption, which acts as a percentage reduction on all provincial income. Corruption1 = Civilization have the option to combat corruption by upgrading the level of the Supreme Court in their civilization. # Events capital_city_economic_development.t = Capital City Economic Development capital_city_economic_development.d = The economic future of your capital city hangs in the balance. Will you allocate resources to foster economic growth, or maintain the status quo? InvestInCapitalGrowth = Invest in Capital Growth MaintainStatusQuo = Maintain Status Quo Excellent = Excellent! economys_golden_milestone.t = Economy's Golden Milestone economys_golden_milestone.m = Revitalize your Civilization's economy by strategic investments to reach a new era of prosperity. economys_golden_milestone.d = By strategically investing in key sectors, you have successfully revitalized your Civilization's economy. GoodNews = Good News! EconomicTriumph = Economic Triumph! rising_cost_of_construction.t = Rising Cost of Construction rising_cost_of_construction.d = The lack of enough skilled workers and craftsmen, combined with the effects of wars and diseases, leads to an increase in the cost of construction. OfferSubsidiesForConstruction = Offer Subsidies for Construction military_mobilization_crisis.t = Military Mobilization Crisis military_mobilization_crisis.d = Due to increasing regional tensions and potential threats, there is a pressing need to bolster the armed forces. However, this sudden demand for a larger military is causing controversy and unrest among the populace. MaintainCurrentRecruitmentStrategy = Maintain Current Recruitment Strategy CallToArms = Call to Arms! the_council_of_many.t = The Council of Many the_council_of_many.m = Recruit advisors to build over time a council rich in knowledge and experience. the_council_of_many.d = Your Civilization has seen a significant increase in the number of advisors who have worked in the council, creating an opportunity to promote our advisors to even higher levels of expertise. GreatNews = Great News! remarkable_talent.t = A Remarkable Talent - Administrative Advisor remarkable_talent2.t = A Remarkable Talent - Economic Advisor remarkable_talent3.t = A Remarkable Talent - Innovation Advisor remarkable_talent4.t = A Remarkable Talent - Military Advisor remarkable_talent.d = Noteworthy development has occurred within our council. Our Advisor, renowned for their exceptional skills and innovative methods, has reached a level of expertise surpassing expectations. LaunchAmbitiousReforms = Launch Ambitious Reforms an_unprecedented_harvest.t = An Unprecedented Harvest an_unprecedented_harvest.d = This year, our lands have witnessed a harvest like no other. Our fields have given us an incredible amount of crops, more than we ever expected, filling up all our storage spaces to the top. age_of_craftsmanship.t = Age of Craftsmanship age_of_craftsmanship.d = Our Civilization is experiencing a golden age of craftsmanship, with skilled artisans creating exceptional goods that enhance our cultural prestige. RemarkableAchievement = Remarkable Achievement! gold_surplus_dilemma.t = The Gold Surplus Dilemma gold_surplus_dilemma.d = A rare and remarkable situation has arisen in our Civilization, our treasury is brimming with gold, surpassing its maximum capacity. This unexpected surplus of wealth is a testament to our prosperous economy and efficient governance. StoreAndSecure = Store and Secure invest_in_the_capital.t = Invest in the Capital invest_in_the_capital.d = The prosperity of our capital is crucial to the strength and influence of our Civilization. Recognizing its potential, we now face a vital decision to invest in its economic growth and infrastructure. LimitedInvestment = Limited Investment MaintainCurrentCourse = Maintain Current Course the_great_city_fire.t = The Great City Fire the_great_city_fire.d = A devastating fire has swept through sections of our city, endangering its inhabitants and the historic buildings that symbolize our past. AcceptTheInevitable = Accept the Inevitable expanding_the_battle_front.t = Expanding the Battle Front expanding_the_battle_front.d = Our military strategists have made a groundbreaking achievement, expanding our army's battle width to a remarkable scale. This marks a new era in our military capabilities, signifying a shift towards more sophisticated and formidable battle formations. Excellent = Excellent reformation_of_the_army.t = Reformation of the Army reformation_of_the_army.d = Our Civilization is at the brink of a significant military transformation. The time has come to reform our army, shifting from traditional methods to more modernized tactics and organization. reformation_of_the_army.m = Upgrade your Military Academy, demonstrating your commitment to advanced military training and strategy. army_expansion.t = Army Expansion army_expansion.d = Forming this huge army brings a sense of pride and safety to our people, strengthening overall national morale and unity. famous_vintage.t = Famous Vintage famous_vintage.d = A recent vintage from our renowned wine region, celebrated by experts for its exceptional quality, has delighted our citizens and enhanced our reputation as a producer of fine wines. AToastToOurLands = A Toast to Our Lands! rich_harvest.t = Rich Harvest rich_harvest.d = This season, our farms are experiencing an extraordinary yield. The abundance of crops is not only ensuring ample food for our people but also significantly boosting our population growth rate. clothing_revolution.t = Clothing Revolution clothing_revolution.d = Recent surge in the quality of clothes produced within our Civilization has unexpectedly and lucratively increased our profits. agricultural_breakthrough.t = Agricultural Breakthrough agricultural_breakthrough.d = In a remarkable advancement, we have successfully revolutionized agriculture throughout our provinces. ExpandMilitaryForces = Expand Military Forces BoostPopulationGrowth = Boost Population Growth gold_rush.t = Gold Rush gold_rush.d = Our miners have discovered a huge gold deposit, significantly increasing our treasury. quality_furniture.t = Quality Furniture quality_furniture.d = Our furniture production has recently seen a significant leap in quality. Artisans and woodworkers have outdone themselves, crafting pieces that combine functionality with exceptional artistry. fruit_mania.t = Fruit Mania fruit_mania.d = In a surprising turn of events, our Civilization has discovered a mysterious variety of Fruit, rumored to have unique attributes like exceptional taste and unusual sizes, sparking widespread excitement and attracting people from all over to witness this remarkable find. beer_production_soars.t = Beer Production Soars beer_production_soars.d = A groundbreaking innovation in brewing techniques has revolutionized our beer production, leading to an unexpected and significant increase in output. the_sieges_end.t = The Siege's End the_sieges_end.d = After a victorious siege, we face a choice for the conquered city: either burn and loot it for immediate gain but risk future hostility, or show mercy and maintain order. ShowMercy = Show Mercy BurnAndLoot = Burn and Loot military_expansion.t = Military Expansion military_expansion.m = Increase armed forces to the regiment limit to strengthen your international standing and effectively project power, securing your Civilization's interests. military_expansion.d = By reaching our regiment limit, we can effectively project power, defend our interests, and stimulate economic activity through military spending and development. the_capitals_transformation.t = The Capital's Transformation the_capitals_transformation.m = Construct new buildings in the capital province to contribute to its revival and improvement. the_capitals_transformation.d = Our capital province is on the verge of a significant transformation, with new buildings set to revitalize the city and reinforce its importance. sudden_death_of_advisor.t = Sudden death of Economic Advisor sudden_death_of_advisor.d = Tragedy strikes at the heart of our leadership as one of our key advisors unexpectedly passes away. maximizing_tax_efficiency.t = Maximizing Tax Efficiency maximizing_tax_efficiency.m = In an effort to optimize our financial health, we face the opportunity to increase tax efficiency in our provinces. maximizing_tax_efficiency.d = It's time to refine our provincial taxation approach, where adopting innovative strategies and enhancing efficiency can notably increase our taxation revenue. advisors_research_breakthrough.t = Advisor's Research Breakthrough advisors_research_breakthrough.m = Promote an Advisor to increase his impact on the advancement of our Civilization. advisors_research_breakthrough.d = One of our advisors has achieved a remarkable level of skill, significantly boosting our research efforts. ResearchAcceleration = Research Acceleration StrengthenOurLegacy = Strengthen Our Legacy prosperous_times.t = Prosperous Times prosperous_times.d = Our civilization is currently experiencing an unprecedented era of prosperity. This Golden Age is marked by a booming economy and increased trade. boost_in_production_efficiency.t = Boost in Production Efficiency boost_in_production_efficiency.d = Our economy is experiencing a major improvement in efficiency thanks to new, innovative methods. This change is increasing our productivity and making better use of our resources, which is strengthening our overall economic health. breakthrough_in_construction.t = Breakthrough in Construction breakthrough_in_construction.d = Our Civilization has entered a phase where construction costs have unexpectedly dropped, thanks to economic factors and advancements in building technology. Success = Success Interesting = Interesting Amazing = Amazing OhYes = Oh Yes OhNo = Oh No TodayIsAGreatDay = Today is a great day ThisIsAGoodDay = This is a good day ThisIsASadDay = This is a sad day ThatIsGoodNews = That is good news SpendMoney = Spend Money SpendGold = Spend Gold SoundsLikeAGreatDeal = Sounds like a great deal Decline = Decline ProvinceBorder = Province Border SettingsProvinceBorder = Settings Province Border DoubleBorder = Double Border ProvinceNames = Province Names ProvinceNamesMinScale = Province Names min Scale Clouds = Clouds VeryLow = Very Low VeryHigh = Very High On = On PyramidsOfGiza = Pyramids of Giza TajMahal = Taj Mahal TempleOfConfucius = Temple of Confucius Tenochtitlan = Tenochtitlan ForbiddenCity = Forbidden City Tikal = Tikal WinterPalace = Winter Palace CologneCathedral = Cologne Cathedral MilanCathedral = Milan Cathedral MalborkCastle = Malbork Castle ChichenItza = Chichen Itza PalaceOfVersailles = Palace of Versailles WhiteHouse = White House AngkorWat = Angkor Wat HimejiCastle = Himeji Castle GreatLivingCholaTemples = Great Living Chola Temples ElEscorial = El Escorial Borobudur = Borobudur Kronborg = Kronborg Moai = Moai ArgeBam = Arg-e Bam Kremlin = Kremlin Parthenon = Parthenon VenetianArsenal = Venetian Arsenal Colosseum = Colosseum ShwedagonPagoda = Shwedagon Pagoda Bagan = Bagan Jokhang = Jokhang Petra = Petra HagiaSophia = Hagia Sophia FortificationsOfMalta = Fortifications of Malta NaqsheJahanSquare = Naqsh-e Jahan Square Alhambra = Alhambra UniversityOfOxford = University of Oxford MachuPicchu = Machu Picchu RoyalPalaceOfCaserta = Royal Palace of Caserta GreatMosqueOfDjenne = Great Mosque of Djenné SankoreMadrasah = Sankore Madrasah EdinburghCastle = Edinburgh Castle MountRushmore = Mount Rushmore Hampi = Hampi Prambanan = Prambanan LibraryOfAlexandria = Library of Alexandria HangingGardensOfBabylon = Hanging Gardens of Babylon GreatWallOfChina = Great Wall of China ChristTheRedeemer = Christ the Redeemer TerracottaArmy = Terracotta Army StatueOfLiberty = Statue of Liberty WallsOfRagusa = Walls of Ragusa PalaceOfWestminster = Palace of Westminster Narikala = Narikala BasilicaDiSanNicola = Basilica di San Nicola MontSaintMichel = Mont-Saint-Michel RoyalPalaceOfTurin = Royal Palace of Turin GyeongbokgungPalace = Gyeongbokgung Palace DeHaarCastle = De Haar Castle Reichstag = Reichstag StVitusCathedral = St. Vitus Cathedral PalazzoPitti = Palazzo Pitti ChateaudeChambord = Chateau de Chambord RockOfGibraltar = Rock of Gibraltar BazaarOfTabriz = Bazaar of Tabriz WawelCastle = Wawel Castle ColossusOfRhodes = Colossus of Rhodes GreatMosqueOfMecca = Great Mosque of Mecca