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Age of History 3


Few Rules follow them and you have good times

  1. Keep discussions in the correct sections (Ex. No AoH1/AoC mods in the AoH3 section) Punishment: Post deleted (OR kept for archival purposes)
  2. Don't Be mean (Like harassment and stuff) Punishment: Reported and banned from the club for 1 month increasing every time by 1 month
  3. Must be about AoH Mods (Stay on topic to the purpose of this mod unless given permission) Punishment:1 Day ban
  4. No Ban evasions (Like don't use a alt to violate the rules and use the main to stay) Punishment: Perma ban for alt and week ban from main
  5. Vote bans! you will be banned for 1 week if the group votes to ban you
  6. If it says Members only you cant make posts but you can comment (Punishment:Post deleted)

Also these punishments are stackable if you break multiple of them you get the punishments from all violated rules but the punishment wont be increased unless specified!

Also we may change these at any time!

Also "Ban" here means you are kicked out of the group not banned site wide

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