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Age of History 3

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  1. Yesterday
  2. One question, do you have any projects or desire to bring any improvements to the mod's economic and political system? so that these go hand in hand with the mod's events?
  3. Last week
  4. sqertsers

    Napoleon Wars

    the mod is finnaly back to work im gonna continues the mod
  5. Umm, no problem. It's fine (I'm still stubborn to have TWR version 1.0.0.c)
  6. I need help with one error. In the settings, I set the display of the game in a window, and after restarting the game, it shows the icon and also protects the music, but there is no window. Any ideas for a fix?
  7. change into proper tribal flags such as Chumash, which is incorrect ones... possible scenario is North America 1440. new civilizations should be developed in California and New England (Montauk, Nipmuc, Pocumtuc, Unkechaug, Wappinger, etc.)
  8. The old forum has been disabled, unfortunately. This is the new one. Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/afeNG2j8yW ➙ Hello! The Great Wars is a AOH3 mod that focuses on completing what is not complete in the game. So yes, we will have new leaders, advisors, generals, scenarios, songs, and even events. ▬▬▬ 《 Main Objectives 》 ▬▬▬ ➢ Add new generals and advisors (+1000 added) ➢ Add civilizations (+1000 added) ➢ Add new leaders/flags (+1000 already added) ➢ Start making events (+130 already done) ➢ New scenarios (9 added, Cold War, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1870, and several vannila scenarios were edited) ➢ Add new songs (+150 already added) ➢ New UI: the technology tree is now more beautiful, in addition, the atomic bombs are more "alive" and move. ➢ "Focus Tree" for some countries: Germany WW2 and WW1 DOWNLOAD: ▬▬▬ 《 Development Photos 》 ▬▬▬ ➙ Join our Discord server! Follow the latest updates, help with the mod and talk to others! https://discord.gg/afeNG2j8yW
  9. This was my first mod ever downloaded but I deleted it. why? My copy of AoH2 did not feel like AoH2 anymore so I deleted all my mods. I am downloading this again but one thing THE DO NOT REPLACE THING IS USELESS AND ANNOYING AS IT MAKES IT TAKE LONGER FOR ME TO DOWNLOAD MY MODS!!
  10. Please send the expansion link! I've been waiting for this moment for AGES! Get it?
  11. How? if .A P K Download the file Change the file extension to .ZIP Copy Vanilla AoH2 files Paste files from "Assets" in the .A P K to vanilla file Replace Play 🙂 Source
  12. How? if .A P K Download the file Change the file extension to .ZIP Copy Vanilla AoH2 files Paste files from "Assets" in the .A P K to vanilla file Replace Play 🙂
  13. Nie rozumiem jak to ma stworzyć państwo klikając guzik eventu
  14. taki skrótowy tutorial przede wszystkim tworzysz tam gdzie scenariusz twój_mod\map\Earth3\scenarios\-twój scenariusz folder missions i w środku tworzysz kolejna dwa foldery missionsImages i missionsEvents. Teraz musisz zrobić tagcywilizacji.json { Mission: [ { ID: 0, Name: "ChallengePoland.t", -> nazwa eventu ImageName: "declare_wars_2.png", -> zdjęcie misji z missionsImages/h MissionEvent: "challenge_poland.txt", -> event z missionsEvents TreeColumn: 0, (oś X) TreeRow: 1, (oś y) RequiredMission: -1, RequiredMission2: -1, AI: 5, }, ], Age_of_History: Mission }
  15. @Łukasz Jakowski Jak zrobić państwo eventem? I ustalić mu prowincje
  16. No reason to play this mod on PC since aoh3 is here. This has a better potential on mobile.
  17. Hello everyone! The mod will be postponed indefinitely. I'll try to finish the mod "Naruto Map. The Land of Waves" and will be released this month.
  18. Greetings, dear friends! The moment has come!
    The Mriya Edition Mod 1.25 is ready! Development started in April 2024, and the release date is January 24, 2025.
    Thank you to everyone who waited and supported the mod. I wish you an amazing experience with it!

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!


    Mod Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oZv0C1hPuhi4vgAEky_FGM1ykklGOpk6/view?usp=sharing

    Знімок екрана 2025-01-24 181841.png

    Знімок екрана 2025-01-24 184124.png

    Знімок екрана 2025-01-24 184143.png

    Знімок екрана 2025-01-24 184201.png

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