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142 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 13 replies
Soo I decided to play the ottomans on my 1600 scenario which if you're wondering looked like this and after approximately 244 turns looked like this And that was when I decided that the ottomans where just a bit too OP just a bit...
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 0 replies
Despite what the name of the Great empire suggests, our story starts far away in Asia minor. The Canadian empire started out small and alone, expanding outwards into unknown lands until they found more people, at first they were content and happy with their neighbors but the day the Turks attacked the Canadians they showed their real strength, they grew fearful of potential attacks by their neighbors so they attacked them first, before they knew it they owned all of Asia minor. But they didn't stop there, under the rule of Hotdog man the First Canada pushed further into foreign lands. their army seemed unstoppable to all those who knew of them. Before they knew it North A…
Last reply by Saphyr5, -
- 12 replies
Last reply by Swiss mapper, -
- 3 replies
right so there is no way to put what just happened into words so ima just use > these, alright lets begin. >opens game so i can test a mod (it adds all kinds of ideologies and such into the game, once done i will think about posting it) >begins Modern Day Scenario >sandbox mode so i can quickly get to the required technology level to change ideologies >plays as the United States >remembers i messed around with the MD scenario before and added NATO and CSTO >aight then, anyways ideologies are looking good >decides to mess around with Sandbox mode, i have never played sandbox before so i might as well >gets…
Last reply by Evidential, -
- 1 reply
This is a scenario that i made (this is what happened after 1000 turns)
Last reply by Evidential, -
- 1 reply
Last episode we left our protagonist off in Africa, finding his greatest enemy Vladimir Putin in South Africa and the Mozambique. Donald Trump quickly sent his men down to South Africa and surrounded the Russian Colonies. He demanded Putin give the provinces to the USA but Vladimir kindly denied. Donald, having no other choice, had to do the unthinkable. He proceeded to rack up a massive amount of money and take every single coastal province of southern and central Africa. This was a big feat, but in the end Donald Trump secured Africa. While this was happening, troops were already sent to India and Australia. Trump was just finished taking out all of Australia …
Last reply by ($Jake$), -
- 10 replies
Last reply by Cai, -
- 2 replies
One of my first actual runs. There isnt much to say other than.. I found out that unions were OP, but were somewhat hard to get on my side. Eating up other nations is easy as long as you have a good ally to do it with, most of the time. You should also build up an army to attract other nations to make a union with you. In the end, I just ended up getting eaten by some other nations I shouldnt have gotten eaten by. Any tips, etc. would be appreciated! Thanks.
Last reply by SnowHalation1, -
- 7 replies
No more than 'You have no life' is enough
Last reply by SavingPrivateRyansPrivates, -
Last reply by 143609,
- 6 replies
This is my main lore story, it's between 2018 and 29th century. here you will get complete history ( via videos also ) : This wikia content few features from my lore, understanding ideologies : If you want to participe to my project, tell me.It will be generous
Last reply by Dulmassia, -
- 5 replies
No explanation needed (This screenshot was taken before the 10 unit limit was added)
Last reply by Infinitie, -
- 5 replies
So what happened was that I found you could make countries go to war with each other for free using the trade function while trying to get people to fight among China. I tried this many times, to the point where Asia and the balkans were complete messes. For goodness sake, Great Vietnam was in China, and Serbia was stronger than the ottomans, even though I didn’t participate in any wars in the reigon
Last reply by Conqueror1942, -
- 5 replies
A quick take to tell during a campfire. It was the stormy winter night of 1730, the recently formed Prussia was expansionist and desperate for a fight. For quite sometime, Russia had been viewed as a backwaters land, being beaten by all those whom wish easy land. Prussia, able to expand eastwards due to a Lithuanian lands under the black and white banner, the King saw it as the time to finally put a nail into the eastern beast’s heart. In the dubbed, ‘Operation Lebensraum,’ the largest land army in history would amass. It’s numbers uncountable and it’s splsiers ready for a fight. After much preparation, Lebensraum began. Army Group North (AGN) advances through to St …
Last reply by Boblik, -
- 1 reply
(All of this no joke happened in-game. Obviously I was controlling USA.) This story starts in the year 2018. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America. South America, Africa, India, Indochina, and Oceania are all uncolonized. No civilized man ever stepped their foot in those lands. Donald Trump was one man who was not scared of them, though. The US ended up in a horrible civil war, so our dear Donald had to solve domestic issues before he could bring guns and iPhones to the world. The big D quickly sent his troops down to Montana, Michigan and Idaho to take out the weaker unprepared states. He quickly hurried for the Western coast and to…
Last reply by ($Jake$), -
- 2 replies
Following images Show one of locations where Vasco da gama went, these photos were made under the fake continent of Africa Vasco later came back and screamed "I found a new continent" True story
Last reply by ($Jake$),