378 topics in this forum
BIG SERBIA MAP . . -Number of Province is 200 -Just Serbia and Kosova Exist on This Map -There Are 6 Scenarios -This Is First Version (1.0) I Will Fix The Bugs or Add Scenarios With Updates -You Can Download In The Bottom Of The Post . IMAGES: DOWNLOAD: Serbia 1.0.rar🙂
Last reply by Dosen512, -
- 1 follower
- 45 replies
WIP The idea is to make the ck2 map with ALL its provinces and transfer its bookmarks, minimum High Middle Ages (1066) I need help with the scenarios, so i will leave the work i have available for download for bug reporting and support Provinces done: 31% 625 / 1994 Screenshots (Not Up to date) Recommended Mods: Download: Link: (The background has been u…
Last reply by Animapping, -
- 0 replies
I have AoCII without steam and i dont know if that makes what i can't download maps but if not, i really need a tutorial video of how download map editor and play in that map
Last reply by ChineseVictory, -
- 2 replies
I want to make a map based off of the linked map, the idea being you make it bigger and than each pixel is a province, that way you can draw borders how you want them. The only issue is that I want the map to not have the black border and have realistic terrain. This map does not have consistent colors. The land alone has like 100 different colors. I was wondering if someone could help me by smoothing out the colors so I can make the rest.
Last reply by Michał2002, -
- 2 replies
Готово : СРИ, Украина , Румыния, Италия, Сербия, Польша, Германия, Австрия, Бельгия, Нидерланды
Last reply by Nikolas Tronin, -
- 2 replies
If you want to use it just credit me as u/dcwerfferv
Last reply by hamet, -
- 3 replies
Korea map Version 0.3 Incheon, Seoul, Gyeonggi and Gangwon is complete. and scenario is open. province name reading Si = city Gun = county Gu = district Line Red Line = State Line Pink Line = province Line Korea
Last reply by metalman12, -
- 5 replies
Uk Election Map This mod is gonna be an map of UK constituencies, I am hoping to release it in march and i might release a pre-release version once i have finished england. UPDATE unfortunatly the file i was working on has stopped working, that is not to say i will stop working on this but it wont be done for a while. I also have a new idea on how i could do this which might include more that 2000 provinces but i would need to find a high definition map of all wards within constituencies meaning that i could create a much more complicated map. Discord: The Background will be updated.
Last reply by metalman12, -
- 2 replies
THIS IS NOT MY BACKGROUND SO IN THE RELEASE WATERMARK WILL BE SAN ANDREAS This project is made by just me, this map is based off game called Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Most people already know it bruh) If you want anything to point out just reply 😄 PROVINCES ARENT BASED OFF INGAME REGIONS FOR NOW HALTED TILL FURTHER NOTICE Things to do: Provinces Test it out Upload it Make Countries/Gangs for map Leaders It will be discountinued until i complete my other mod after that i will go to this map.
Last reply by Neon, -
- 10 replies
Hallo Freunde! Ich wollte euch lediglich mitteilen, dass ich derzeit an einer Karte rumtüftle, es wird die gesamte Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ihre jeweiligen Stadte, Kreise und Stadtstaaten beinhalten. Ich denke, dass ich im Februar fertig werde. Ich schätze eher Mitte/Ende Februar um es genauer zu beschreiben. Es sind folgende Szenarien geplant: -Bundesländer -Kalter Krieg -> Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) & Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) -Unabhängige Kreise/Städte Zusätzlich werde ich versuchen alle Wachstumsraten und Gebiete wie bspw. Sümpfe oder Flachland mit auf die Karte zu bringen. Ich hoffe sehr auf konstruk…
Last reply by metalman12, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Dolphin General, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have my own map made by me from the year 2001, and I want to share this map with you because it really is great hahaha and I don't know how this works, I'm on pc
Last reply by Roberto Lucas, -
- 17 replies
Hello everyone! I'm starting to develop a map of "Europa Universalis IV"! You ask - why!? Because I can 😎 (P.S. Only the provinces of Europe) Progress: Provinces: 301 Cities: No Map: No Scenaries: No
Last reply by ZQokberk, -
- 1 reply
Download link
Last reply by Golden Dog Jr, -
- 7 replies
Ancient Tales of the Earth -A Lot of Scenarios -Large Amount of Provinces -New Civilizations and etc. I will release a beta when there are at least 300 provinces. -If you want to contribute dört#8315 is my discord. I will send the progress of the map in comments below
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 10 replies
Grid 1024 Map DOWNLOAD:
Last reply by GyLala, -
- 1 reply
Ok, Just So You Know, This Is My First Map Posted Here. So Don't Expect Much. Anyways, You Can Use This Map If You Want To, And Well You Can Ask Any Questions. Also You Can Make Scenarios On This.
Last reply by metalman12, -
Last reply by waseem, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Ever since Risk/Warlight (now Warzone), I've always wanted to go crazy, but Warzone limits the map size to 3330px wide so... Now I'm here. Maybe I just wanted somewhere to show off my work. I dunno. Currently at 214 provinces, covering about 3/4 of Alaska. Alaska: And, if anyone is interested in the nitty-gritty details of the map,!AkaGwDaNAaWflShupTCstrGj2-XZ (Not all cities will be placed, as it will depend on how they will actually look on the map; native names are potentially there for precolonial times (just so I wouldn't have to gather them again later), because I haven't made up my mind about the ti…
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 2 replies
It`s my first map 2089.rar
Last reply by metalman12, -
- 1 reply
I need help setting the data of the provinces, I have the map already made, who helps me?
Last reply by SneakEyes, -
- 4 replies
All you gotta do is place the things in the thing! It's that easy. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth go to there and move the update and config foldier there,pitojs3nk7b5djs/shared you might need to update the province data (Growth rate, contintent, region, province background etc...) but it is new provinces. (the provinces have been split away from Rome (Split in 3 so 2 new), Mostar, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Liege (Split into 4, so 3 new), Rimini,(Split in 3, so 2 new) and Tyrol) R.I.P. brain-cells everyone who read this
Last reply by UeUeUdk, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello there, few months ago, I downloaded a Mars Map for AoCII See here (credits to whoever had made it, can't remember..) and I ended up wondering if there was more of those "other planets" maps, and since I could not find any here, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in this project, that I sadly can't do myself (Bad with the editor, university, exams etc..) If someone is, I've attached maps of what Venus could look like with water, as a base and help for the project, I hope someone picks this up and choses to work on this, as I think such a map could be pretty fun, even if simplified like on this first map below : And not necessar…
Last reply by foxigat, -
- 1 reply
I changed the original 1440 map scenario and I think I lost the original 1440 map, could someone upload it here so I can download it again? Thank you!
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 5 replies
Dosnt have to be keplar it can be any other planet
Last reply by Thefernofrommars,