378 topics in this forum
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Last reply by Idkwhattonamemyself, -
- 0 replies
I currently thinking that someone with enough skill to make a program can make this for me? So the program will be like, Province files reader, something like that. It gonna read every the provinces file, for anyone who didn't know, if you use notepad++ to open the province files that you have made, it gonna show numbers, that actual location that you have mark to made a provinces file. that leads us to the actual story. I want someone to make a program that read the inside of the province files, and then paste those numbers in the newly made mapAOC2 file, and paste mapAOC2 inside a map editor to made it usable. The reason that i want to do this stup…
Last reply by Firstkrub_, -
- 1 reply
Cześć jakiś czas temu postanowiłem dodać do mapy earth nowe prowincje zrobiłem ich już naprawde sporo wypisze wam tutaj wszystkie zrobione państwa: Luksemburg Belgia Netherlandsy Niemcy Polska Czechy Słowacja Austria Węgry Litwa Łotwa Estonia I wszystkie mikropaństwa
Last reply by RandelPL, -
- 14 replies
DEAD MOD Due to many problems and crashes, and partly of personal problems and my mental health, i need to admit that this mod is officially dead. Goodbye forever, Our beloved project. By Owner of this topic: Firstkrub_ oh, and check our project in scenario!
Last reply by Firstkrub_, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
This project will add historical and unhistorical borders, provinces of modern day and before. And useless provinces just to make occupations look smoother
Last reply by Austrian empire, -
- 3 replies
Hello, everyone. I am proud to present my first Age of History 2 map, Polymontia. I used Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator and Map Editor 2.0 to make this. I spent several hours generating maps, adding provinces, and connecting them together. This map can be used for scenarios with up to 4 island civilizations. I hope you like it! Download
Last reply by Hubi2234, -
- 0 replies
I asked myself, because there are still no maps with realistic or precise borders, if I understand that it would cost them a lot to make them but imagine the map of the Victorian era and that it was like GFM of victory 2 and/or the real borders of the Holy Roman Empire from its beginnings to its end in 1806
Last reply by Sasuke el emo Uchija, -
- 12 replies
Hi's me again.I am making a model about NARUTO,em..Without further ado. This is a post from my development mod㊙️
Last reply by davidtjk, -
by Neers_4974- 1 follower
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Who wants to drop me a card called: AoC1_Map_Editor, please😭.
Last reply by among us is sus, -
- 2 replies
I'm creating a map and i need help. Can anyone halp me?
Last reply by bundha3, -
- 6 replies
Yeah... i will realesed moon with provinces soon. but look at this map. This is good or break? if it break i will search for other map lol NOTICE: No cube, only flat...
Last reply by Hubi2234, -
- 1 reply
This map mod that I am going to do is going to be a small looking map. It will be about the states of HOI4 coming into AOC2. Not provinces though, states.
Last reply by among us is sus, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
First off sorry for not being completely honest in the past. Most of the things I tried to make didn't end up working so I ended up abandoning them. The new project I am starting was inspired by maps like France by Arkanov after seeing it I was inspired to make a map of my home State of Michigan. At the moment I only have Wayne County and Monroe County done but I will update
Last reply by TravisChessie1989, -
- 5 replies
i' ve started a new project named "The Ginormous Map Of Iberia" today. this is the progress,
Last reply by stilltrying, -
- 0 replies
Español:bueno aca tengo mi segundo mapa que se trata de belice,ahora solo tiene 2 escenarios que son... basicamente lo mismo solo que con una civilizacion diferente y ya esta English Google Translate:well here I have my second map that is about belize, now it only has 2 scenarios that are... basically the same only with a different civilization and that's it mediafire: edit:google translate:well at the end add another scenario that is... federal republic of central america and that's it, and technically it doesn't have events | español:bueno al final agregue otro escenari…
Last reply by Pvc, -
- 2 replies
English Google Traductor:Hello, I'm new and this is my first map, which is about Guatemala, there are 3 scenarios, there are 2 scenarios that have events that are in Spanish, but in summary of what those events do, it was just to give more population and economy to a civilization Español:Buenas soy nuevo y cree este mapa de guatemala donde hay 3 escenarios,y hay 2 escenarios que tienen unos eventos que basicamente es para darle a una civilizacion mas economia y poblacion,en fin este fue mi primer intento 😄 mediafire: pd:ignore that in the images you are at war with mexico a…
Last reply by Pvc, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Kinghll, -
- 12 replies
DISCONTINUED Hello! I am making a 1500+ Province Philippine Map. I am just starting this project. Stay tuned for updates! Fellow Filipinos, disappointed that AOC2 only has 16 provinces for Philippines? Ok, I'll spike that number up to 1500! When I finish about 700 provinces, I will release Version 0.1 Expected finish: Early to Mid June Thanks for reading, and hope you will get this map! \/\/\/ Map \/\/\/
Last reply by germanycommunities, -
- 0 replies
There is a mod with the original states of the countries? there are probably 1356 states in the world. I would like Whether there is a map with this exact or approximate number of provinces, specifically for the modern world.
Last reply by Diego k, -
- 3 replies
Can anyone make a big mod with the 8k europe maps of this link?
Last reply by Sasuke el emo Uchija, -
- 6 replies
Hi, i want to show you my project. I want to make huge poland map, rn i have 50 provinces. Map release is propably going to be 1st december. This map would have over 500 prov, maybe even 1000. I will give you an update next week, I hope effect of my work is going to be amazing. (sorry for bad english i usually speak ku**a language)
Last reply by Skymaster0yt, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I am currently starting to create the map BIG MAP Poland 🙂 I have created, inter alia: Świnoujście, Szczecin and Międzyzdroje. province is currently 29 :) Sorry for the text From the translator: P
Last reply by Gemar, -
- 7 replies
It's me again with a map project, I hope it won't die. I'm planning a map that will contain 5-10k provinces built on a 13k blank map. Screenshot from the base map: Discord Nick: HasanBeg#4755 Note: That won't be much active till the Summer Holiday.
Last reply by aldebaran011, -
- 0 replies
Classic HoI2 Map If you clicked this to see a HoI2 Map, i'm making no promises. I'm already working on 2 other projects, the Americas & Galaxy map. This is the Classic HoI2 Map, not DH. I thought i'd be more interesting because there are no Classic HoI2 Maps. Again: Making no Promises, Map could be abandoned at any moment. But i might make progress from time to time. 👍
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
- 5 replies
So um since the AOC1 map in AOC2 is so crappy. i made myself on the task to fix it. (not gonna add new provinces as idk how to) I am adding for now -Terrain -Formables -Custom Civ Formables -More scenarios -Regions -Wasteland Maps and yeah, this is RUSHED image on whats here currently, YOU SUGGEST.
Last reply by Laropin,