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1,699 questions in this forum
Scenario list doesn't appear when I click on it
When I click the ''Choose a scenario'' button it takes me to the main menu instead of showing the scenario list. how can I fix this?
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Shot at Austria-Hungary
Shot at Austria-Hungary, I'm 17 years old this year, I didn't have time to play on vacation before, I chose Austria-Hungary at the beginning, it feels like love at first sight I especially like the style of Age of History 2, the appearance of the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire pokes me very much, I like it so much That prominent Czech region, as well as the shape of its territory, is really imprinted in my heart every time I basically shoot at it, three times a day, I don't know if I have a psychological disorder, but I know it's definitely not right, I want to ask netizens what I should do I know if it's virtual or not, it's a dual empire, but I really like it,…
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AoH3 crashing
Hi guys, I recently downloaded AoH3 on my Mac, but when I try to play it, it keeps on crashing. It opens a window asking to reopen the app and when I do so, nothing happens. Can anyone help?
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Game Crashes
i was making my own color pallete when my electricity went out, i was like "no big deal" so i just waited, turned my computer back on, launched the game but then... it keeps closing itself when at 99% completion. this is a reoccurring issue, and i have not found the solution yet, if anyone knows the solution, please help
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How to share scenarios on phone(android)?
How to share scenarios on phone(android)? plz guys i need answer😭😭
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HELP: AoH2 just glitched outta nowhere
So, I was just playing AoH2, and then I exit the game to let it process the flag for a civilization I was making, the Republica de Bravo Pueblo. When I relaunched the game, and went into my save, Main menu appeared again, went into my save again, and everything was normal, but then clicking diplomacy didn't work, tried F3 and then the main UI began flickering. When I exited off the diplomacy menu, Animations were glitching.
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I’m playing Age of History II, and for the first time I had this bug when I click “next turn” gets stuck on loading in 19% and can’t advance in my game. For more info, I started with Florenza and became Italy, I’m on 2048 and have 542 provinces, I already tried to start a new sabe with a different civ but can’t even los the next turn, I also uninstalled and installed again and keeps the same. thanks
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How to transfer Bloody Engine code 1.3.1 HI everyone! Is anybody know how to transfer Bloody Engine 1.3.1 code
HI everyone! Is anybody know how to transfer Bloody Engine 1.3.1 code to any mod that i want?(i have try it be4 but it crash using MT manager)
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"Device is out of RAM memory - Game not saved" MODS?
Hello! I'm having trouble saving while playing mods, I've tried two mods so far: - MEGAMOD - Age of Elder Scrolls And each time, after some time, a message appears: "Device is out of RAM memory - Game not saved" The content of the message is understandable, but the problem is that it is not possible, my PC: - I9 11900KF - RTX 3070 Ti - 32 GB ram There is simply no way that I will run out of RAM, especially that when it monitors the RAM consumption, in MEGAMOD it reaches 800 MB and in the case of Age of Elder Scrolls up to about 450 MB, I tried various options, but when this message appears, the save is no longer salvageable, even after tur…
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Короче у меня блуди европа 2, я спокойно сыграл сделал ход к сохранению и игра просто зависла даже через 10 минут ничего, я перезашел зашел обратно в мир меня выбило в главное меню в игре, я опять зашел в мир пытаясь сделать ход что то другое и ничего не работает
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wonders Is it possible to add wonders images on android?
Is it possible to add wonders images on android? I always confused about x and y things because i don't know about location provinces and to know the location provinces thing i need to use map editor but it need to use the computer.
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Lukash (or however your name is written). Wake up.
AoC2/AoH2 has an astonishing community, but someone responsible needs to lead it, or the game will die forgotten and community will abandon the game. You have created a geniously simple, casual - yet challenging and interesting game. But now you are just acting like you didn't deserve the luck to get the first players for the game. You don't update the game, don't port it to other platforms (porting to mac wouldn't be that hard, and would give you a huge boost in community.), don't listen to players. A community of this size and this type is gold and would make literally any other game skyrocket, but you just... forgot about your creation? You came looking just for money,…
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leaders Why there is so many Ferdinand I ( and how to remove them ? )
I started to add new world leaders and suddenly I came accross this. ( and I didn't created any Ferdinand I) Is there any way to fix this? However I don't think this affects gameplay, but it's not something I don't want to fix.
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Age of history 2 is not opening
Hey there, I played the game before on windows and loved it. So I tried to play it on my Mac as well but the game s not even opening up and I purchased the game from the App Store. Is it possible to open the game anyway or could you just give the money please?
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how do i transfer civilizations from a mod to another mod?
so basically i play conquerors mod, its great but there are civilizations that are broken and i dont know how to fix it. ive also played megamod and its has more civilizations, that are also well made and not broken, like some in conquerors. how can i transfer all civilizations and its necessary information from megamod to conquerors mod without breaking them?
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How to change custom created civ tag?
I tried changing it in the civilization_editor by changing name of civs folder, all the files in it and changing the randomly generated tag in Age_Of_Civilizations.txt, but it completely breaks civilization and still appears ingame as 1717756668945ttqsjyws which is the tag generated on creation of civ in civilization editor. I have seen some modders change it, but I can't find out how. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Will the Ios Aoh2 App be updated into AOH3
Will the Ios Aoh2 App be updated into AOH3 and the Aoh2 and kepler and aoh1 maps be shown in aoh3? Cuz i paid for it also lukasz here is some feedback : add a ideology editor so u can make custom ideologys and add a photo gallery option to choose custom flags for aoh3 civ editor and ideology flags section this will be a very good addition to your game. Along with Custom gallery insert photos for ideology photos/crowns and allow us to make the benefits for that ideology and allow us to delete civs and delete ideologys we made and also edit city names and fix the city editor and add the normal ios and android keyboard to aoh3 cuz the keyboard u made is so s…
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jogo nao abre
jogo simplismente nao abre quando tento iniciar instalei o redisk do jogo nao abre o que faço
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end turn button stuck
I was playing a game of Age of History 2 and tried to hit the "end turn" button, but it didn't work. Then, I tried using the space button, but that also didn't work. would anyone know what I can do?
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Help for a new mod (Grand Soulèvement)
i need help for a mod, basically if the allied powers didnt exist and France won WW2 ill explain more on discord kyper4629#2719
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I Will Make For Bloodbun Mod 3.0 But This Problem Often Appears
Translation : Application Could Not Be Installed Because The Package Appears To Be Invalid If I Use Application Editor. This App Can't Add Files. Is There Someone Who Can Solve This Problem Thank You
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Uploading Mods to Steam Workshop
How can I upload mods/scenarios to the Steam Workshop?
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How To Customize Publisher Name In Age Of History II...?
Hello Everyone I Want To Ask How To Customize Publisher Name Hopefully There Is A Modder Who Can Answer This Thank You Everyone
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AI agresiveness 0%
How can I modify game in way that there will be possible to set AI agresiveness on 0% ? @Łukasz Jakowski @uwut @Trans-Amur
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Bloody Europe 2 codes problem
I try to add the BE2 codes onto other mods like HOAOH2 but they refuse to open, I add the Dex file and the UI, what's the problem?
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