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1,698 questions in this forum
Addon+ nie reaguje
Pobrałem addon+ na steammaps/common/AoCII i wszystko działa dopóki nie pokaże 100% w pasku ładowania bo wtedy wyrzuca do pulpitu, próbowałem przeinstalować etc. ale to nic nie dało.
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Potrzebuję pomocy
Po włączeniu aoh2 odpaliłem sobie mój save i otworzyłem widok cywilizacji po czym gra zaczęła się zacinać, dokładnie to ekran się zatrzymał i zaczął ,,skakać'' i nie mogłem z tym nic zrobić. Wyszłem z gry i odpaliłem znowu save i użyłem skrótu czyli tab jednak to nic nie dało. Odpaliłem save ponownie i użyłem tym razem skrótu F2 i jedynie co się zmieniło to to, że widok cywilzacji się włączył ale zacinał się tak jak ekran i dało się wyłączyć ten widok, ale cały czas nie mogłem go włączyć. Zrobiłem już reinstall gry, ale nic się zmieniło.
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How to prevent Countries taking 1st place only with the growth of the economy
Can someone help me how to prevent countries taking 1st place only with the growth of the economy?
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친구와 같이 하는법
나는 친구와 게임을 하고 싶은데 젠장할 게임이 설명을 안 가르쳐줘서 멀티 플레이를 할수없다 내 5500내놔
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Trouble launching the game on Steam.
I click open the game on Steam, after 5 seconds a blue circle spins on the mouse and then the game does nothing. So it remains on the Steam page to open the game. The game did not even open the black launch screen, millet circle spun and that's it.
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TSGW (help to Germany)
Hello, I'm currently playing the mod TSGW on my PC just now I started the modern scenario with Germany and my first goal was to revive the German Confident now I noticed that seems to be with the provinces is a mistake and indeed you have to conquer territories in Africa and South America what can not be true so now comes my question Do you know how or where I can change the necessary areas for forming a new country?
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Edit a file
Can someone help me? Can someone edit this file to can it be like "PlayAsCiv" outcome from Thousand Week Reich? Event_Outcome_Money.smali
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File with outcomes (events)
Hello. Where I can find file where is outcomes (events outcomes)
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How to add outcomes in events?
How can I add new outcomes to events by files? I want to do something like "PlayAsCiv" in "thousand days reich" mod
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Searching map for mobile
Do you guys have original map? but with Liechtenstein, holy see, san marino province?
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Age of history doesnt turn on
Hi.recently I deleted one file from the game. Then I restored this file but the game like before and after does not start any tips?
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How to increase population of a province very quickly?
You can increase economy of a province "very quickly"... just investing on it. But what about increase population on a province? Does it exist any way to do it? Thank you very much.
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How to change font color to white?
How can I change font color to white? Plase, help.
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i need help
I have a problem because my game just crashes check file integrity and I don't know what to do
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But there is not a cheat for max war score or for winning wars?
But there is not a cheat for max war score or for winning wars?
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I have problems with my edited/created map
i need help, when i open my map, the game just crashes Tacho Manito.rar
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please help
I can't enter a new turn, I click the button and nothing happens. Please help, I tried to restart game and start a new game, but still It didn't worked. I don't know what to do, I can't play this game without it
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Does anyone have an --- link to the chairman bad collection
Can't seem to find it anywhere because Chairman Baad ended the project. Would be really cool if anyone still had it
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Religions and Nuclear Bombs
Lukasz said in steam that he works on something who know maybe its religions or nuclear bomb?
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I have a lot of Chinese mods here but I don't know how to send them to you, please help me
I have a lot of Chinese mods here but I don't know how to send them to you, please help me
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how do I connect a province to the sea?
I have the problem that the mod that I downloaded (and that happens in the original game) is that some provinces attached to the sea can not go by sea, and I was looking and the other provinces are at 0, while those that do not work are at -1. Here the examples: and sincerely I am years trying to fix it, but I never knew how, could you help me how to connect? (and if you tell me to connect as if it were normal, it does not work, as you saw in the image they have special lines, if I connect as if it were a province, it appears with lines). here the example: Thanks you
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The game freezes...
Hello! I have a problem with the game because it freezes. I get into my game and can't do anything. The game doesn't even let me skip a turn... I can, for example, send units to another province, but what if I can't give the next turn. I've tried things like formatting or reinstalling the game.
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Amyl Guard | (Shocking Results) What Customers Are Saying!
Aren't you kidding me? this puts you between a rock and a hard place. Nobody wants to guess with reference to a kind of thing being a bad experience. A wide variety of things caused doing that to do this. Don't pay for some improvement using PayPal or your credit card. I get a lot of my knowledge from Amyl Guard journals. It can take some time to actively engage in the field of reference. That is a full scale thing. Incredibly, the key to it is to be obsessed with doing this. Here are a couple of facts. Amyl Guard The competition is only getting tougher. We've been checking it out with past customers. You'll soon discover how doing that really consumes your time. How di…
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I'm sorry, how to delete all my edits because I want back original start map without modifications? So can I rewind my map without edits?
I'm sorry, how to delete all my edits because I want back original start map without modifications? So can I rewind my map without edits?
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The Borders of AoH2
Hello guys, is there anyone that know how can I get a Thick Borders in AOH2 (Android)?
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