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1,699 questions in this forum
Scenariusze mi nie działają
Proszę pomocy jak pobieram scenariusz i dodaję go do folderu to robię wszystko dobrze a w grze jak chcę na nim zagrać to wyskakuje error i wyrzuca mnie z gry pomóżcie szybko proszę
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Game keeps crashing after adding a custom map
it crashes when i load the map
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The Age of history doesn't open for me!!
I bought this one more than a year ago and it stopped opening and all the files are correct and it is the only game that does not open and I cannot return the money because I did not pay with a credit card but with Nequi and I don't know what to do. Do you recommend me or what do I download to help me?
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How to login?
I don't know how to login last time i got log out from my another acc
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Annoying bug caused scrapping of mod
So i was trying to make a simple mod, changed the colour palette and then this happened(see screenshot) Idk if there is any fix without deleting your scenario butt his bug has caused me to leave most oàf my mods including this one Could someone ping Lukasz?
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Help, AoC2 won't start
i have recently bought AoC2 on Steam, and i can't get it to load. when i click on "play" it then says "stop" for a few seconds, but doesn't launch and then goes back to saying "play". confession: i have tried several times over 2 months going to steamunlocked and trying to get the game for free(before i realised i can just get steam giftcards(ya, ik, im a cheap idiot)), but it never worked as it always said that i dont have java bundled runtime enviroment. my problem might be caused by the above, but i dont know why. i am on a Samsung Notebook running Windows 11(i got it before i even knew what it does) so idk what to do Notebook(incase you need to kno…
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How instalet Flags from internet in to the game?
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what map projection does AOH2 use
like what projection Equirectangular, miller, mercator
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Please someone help
How can I set events so that there is no trigger like time, but when, for example, some civilization is at war with another and when it controls those provinces, the event will occur.
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How do i change leader using event?
I'm remaking somebody's mod for AOC2 and i need to change leader of 1 country using event, but i have NO IDEA how to do that.
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How to change game speed
i tried to change the game speed but it's really complicating idk if i am correct but here is the code for the game speed sput v0, Lage/of/civilizations2/jakowski/lukasz/Game_Calendar;->GAME_SPEED_MIN:F const/high16 v0, 0x41200000 # 10.0f sput v0, Lage/of/civilizations2/jakowski/lukasz/Game_Calendar;->GAME_SPEED_MAX:F const/high16 v0, 0x3fa00000 # 1.25f
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Diplomatic relations at 0
It happens that from one moment to the next it does not allow me to improve or worsen diplomatic relations with any country by keeping them at 0
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Can someone help me with that?
Here is a topic with my problem
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How i can form spain?
i am new to the game and i would like to form spain, but i only get the ausbourg house and i can't do anything like what they say in other forums. please help.
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bug Błędy w grze
znalazłem kilka błędów w aoh2 np: kiedy wczytuję save'a i podczas wczytywania kliknę przenosi mnie do głównego menu, kiedy save się wczyta nie mogę pominąć tur i nie widać kursora
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Hello, I downloaded the game from steam and it cant launch, when i press play game it just does the thing where it waits a few seconds and acts like i never runned it in the first place, tried LOTS of stuff but still doesnt work, help plz
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Modifing random leader limit question
If the leader randomizer on, but the limit is year 1700. code need to know... to increase limit to 2500. since nothing happened. I need the idea
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Problem with creating vassals
When I create or release a vassal, the population of the vassal decreases. If I create a vassal in a province with a population of 4,000 people, the population drops to 100 or 200 people.
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Screen Blinking in Age of History 2
So randomly when I'm playing and this only happens in some mods so I'm not sure if its because of the main game but randomly usually in war the screen will start rapidly blinking without any of the UI from the game to blackscreen repeatedly like 5 times a second or more and since I cant click anything im forced to alt+f4. Does anyone know a fix for this? I've tried many different Graphics Settings.
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Does anyone have a good map of India 1792
I'm trying to expand the Napoleonic wars map but for some reason I cant find a good map of India circa 1792. Does anyone know where I can find one?
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Achivements don't work
So some of the achivements work but most of them don't. For example i need to capture 10 provinces and the game shows that i got them but on steam i don't have an achivement even when i captured 200 provinces i still didn't get the "Capture 10 provinces" achivement or any other. Same for unions and alliances.
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How do supply provinces during war so that your army doesn't die
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Did I get scammed on AOH2
So I wanted to play AOH2 after a long time and when I tried to join the game I couldn't because I dont have the game anymore. I never asked for a refund on the game and i received no money even tho i paid 5 dollars. When I type on the search bar AOH2 it pops out and when I click search it sends me to steam and a error pops out abt some license idk. Please give me a refund on the game or give me the game again. My steam user is: warewuu_123
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Need help finding civilizations in the files
There are a bunch of civilizations in the game that just have their nation tag as their name like the ones in the image, I wanted to go into the files and change their names but I can't find them. any help would be appreciated
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