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1,698 questions in this forum
Potrzebuję Pomocy!
Mam problem ze scenariuszem. Piszę mi w nazwa aoc2 ERROR. Gdy klikam raz pokazuje mi się wygląd mapki ale jak kliknę wczytaj scenariusz wywala mnie z aoc2.Niemam żadnych wirusów.
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How much i need to buy a province ???
I alredy tried to trade for 200000, but they don't accept.
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Occupations bug
Yo I just got a really big problem, when i try to edit a scenario and give a country a province that another country own, there is a chance that it will become a occupied province and will be given back to the country that used to own it. How do I solve this problem?
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Crashes - iOS/Android App
Please solve problems on the app (iOS and Android) cause you can’t finish a game without it crashes I mean at the beginning you can accept’em cause if you put auto saving every 10 turns it’s okay but at the end of game, after you’ve conquered 3/4 of the world you can’t start a war or make a move with soldiers without crash Please solve it cause it could be the best game but unfortunately It’s so annoying that. 😠
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can i still unite with a country even when im united (example: im in france belgium union and i want germany to join so can we make france belgium germany union ???????)
example: im in france belgium union and i want germany to join so can we make france belgium germany union ???????
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The game closes for me
When i click on load game the game closes, even if i have reinstalled it
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So i today i continued on my scenario Modern World but from year 5000B.C. i was on 20k turns and reached an economy over 2.1 Billion. i kept upgrading the economy and BOOM economy is at -2.1 Billion. i was freaked out for a sec that my progress died. but my population was 1 Billion so i didn't have problem upgrading my economy fast. later my economy was -2.0 Billion -1.9 -1.6 -1 -0.1 and later my economy got back to positive. i started from 0 economy but my province economy and income were the same. i got back to 2.1 billion and BOOM again -2.1 Billion. (this wasnt damaging my income and balance) i was pretty mad, so i started upgra…
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Game not starting
When I start game i click on game and black screen appears and game crash to desktop if someone knows how to fix that please reply me.
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Victory condition
So, do the game has any option to disable an specific victory condition?
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please help someone parts of my map disappears when i create a new game
So when I create a new world, the whole of Oceania, parts of south east Asia like Indonesia , Malaysia and Thailand disappear ( it appears as undiscovered and it is non accessible) and sometimes the whole of NA and South America disappears and appears as undiscovered. How do I fix this
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Development of Age of History!
Hello Everyone, this is Marilyn K from the US. I am very eager to develop a game like age of history and recently I made objects of this game as a practice and also this was my assignment which I got from, this helped me a lot in my progress, anyone who wants to develop the game like age of history can reply to this thread.
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cant install
i cant install the last millenium Mod Map zip file can someone help me ? ❤️
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podesłał by mi ktos oryginalny scenariusz z gry "Współczesny świat"? ponieważ cos zepsułem i go nie mam :) Would someone send me an original script from the game "Contemporary World"? because I broke something and I don't have it :)
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Age of civilization3 feedbacks
I think the game is 40 subject matters missing. So l think Łukasz Jakowski must make a age of civilization3 And here are feedbacks that You should refer to it Maybe 40 feedbacks. ======================== the existing ones in Age of Civilization 2. ======================== Port 10 percent economic growth, 5 percent population growth ======================== Add General The General has a mobile point of 5.0 allow to be obtained by use The General has a mobile point 3.0. allow for use and dismissal The General has a moving point of 1.0. Use the Matton retention point. …
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Province border problems
Hello! I'm new to mapping here and I've stumbled upon a problem. What I tried to do was edit a province to make space for also adding a new one, which all turned out successful, but I've been experiencing problems with the province borders. The border of the province I edited is the same as it was and the border of the province I added is absent. I also cannot move my army to the new province. Does anyone know what to do?
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How to increase province price/worth
Im not sure what its called in english because im german, but i mean the worth of the province in those stars. In german its called „provinzwert“ and i just wondered how i can increase it effectivley.
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What do world wonders do
what do they do?
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Is there any way to stop vassals from declaring war on someone else without your permission?
I basically never vassalize countries when I play because, sooner or later, even the smallest of my vassals will declare war on another country and I'll have to invade it to stop the war, or pay it off. This is a real shame, as some of my more ridiculous games include large "alliances" of puppet states led by a great power (me), that are then liberated at will for me to go to war with again if I wish to do so. Is there any way to limit vassals' declarations of war? If not in-game, what adjustments would I have to make to make it impossible for a vassal to declare war, and only allow it to join wars if I ask them to? Any help is greatly appreciated
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How do I form the 13 Colonies? I need help
So I was on the wiki fandom for age of civ 2 looking at the formable civilizatons like ottoman empire, Austrian empire and what not, and I saw that i . could form the 13 colonies and then the united states. So i went to the 1440 scenario and the independent states scenario and i could not do it. Can someone please help me do this?
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How can I make an AI country fully annex another different country?
I am working on a custom scenario w/ a civil war and I'm trying to use events to ensure that if one of the belligerents is fully occupied, it'll be annexed by the belligerent whos troops are in said country. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you!
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Why do I need 10 movement point to recruit no matter which ideology?
Whenever I try to recruit people, it tells me I need 10 movement points. I've tried switching ideologies and everything, but I just can't figure it out. I think it might have something to do with the Governments.json file because I downloaded a mod earlier calls ModernDay+ and it required me to replace the original Governments.json file with their own that has Putinism as one of their ideologies. I can't play the game correctly like this, so it would be great if someone could help!
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Whats different between scenario, mods and maps?
I saw you can download scenarios, mods and maps here. What are difference between them?
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Ideologies On Mobile
How do i create ideologies on mobile? I Tried Creating Ideologies On Mobile But It Keep Saying "App Not Installed". Can Someone Help??
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Province is not supplied
What does "province is not supplied, army is starved to death" when I'm invading a country, and how to overcome it?
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