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1,698 questions in this forum
Game not opening
I tried to open the game, but it doesn't even start. Any tips?
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AOCII saves glitching out
Hello, so every time I make a game in AOCII and play a bit then save and log off, every single game glitches when I try loading it again and makes it year 1400 and turn 1 deleting all my progress. I used to be able to delete the saves but I no longer can even delete them and deleting and reinstalling the game does nothing. Any help?
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Help AOHII Saves Bugging Out And Wiping Progress
Okay so I've been playing this game for a bit now and its nice but every time I save a game and try to load it up at another point it goes to turn 1 and year 1440 which wipes my progress making this pretty unplayable I cant even delete the saves anymore, I have to delete them in the game files now please help I don't know what to do anymore
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Forming Roman Empire etc./ Jak utworzyć Imperium Rzymskie
PLS help, how can I create Roman Empire while playing Italy, I did it on my old comp but now I can't find it. Now I can only create kingdom of Italy. Where can I change it? PL Czy jest jakaś opcja, żeby stworzyć Imperium Rzymskie grając Włochami? Pamiętam, że kiedyś na starym kompie mi się udało jakoś ustawić, bo na razie moge uformować tylko królestwo Włoch. pomocyyy
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Rząd w aoc2 w telefonie
Siema czy ktoś wie jak się rząd w aoc 2 Jak ktoś wie to niech pisze
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Map Editor Issues
I've been unable to open the map editor. I can't seem to get Java to work for it. Any help?
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Leaders Each Ideology
How to change leaders in game by ideology?
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Online game
i just want to ask, when will be online mode, or a online aoh game (if it's going to be) i want to play with my brother, i know that i can play with him in one device, but its a bit annoying.
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how to remove the max of turns
so i want to make the sacred germanic empire in aoc2 i know how to do it only that it is useless and well i discovered that all germanic states had a defensive pact with each other (at least in eu4 it is ) and i went for the defensive pact but the maximum is 40 turns, and it wouldn't work because I would have to do events for events and events and it wouldn't, so I want to know if anyone knows how to change the turn limit (in the case of defensive pact)
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Do you guys know how to remove the ability for vassals to declare independence?
my vassals keep declaring independence at very bad times and i wonder if there is a way to remove the ability for vassals to declare independence.
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Tips for modding on Android?
I just recently announced that I am making a new mod (Dawn of a New Era) and I would like just about as much tips as possible for modding on Android as possible to make production of this mod as efficient as possible.
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Massive amounts of troop dead
I have close to 800k troops as the UK/Netherlands Union and Romania declared war on me after I took out Turkey so our troops met at the border, somehow 20k of my troops just died against 500 of theirs, this has happened a few times except once i lost 200k (I originally had 2.2 Million) they would just randomly die no cause of death, bare in mind they were in the relative safety of the UK at the time and I wasn't at war i was just rebuilding my troops after essentially WW6 and when i went back to the british isles to re arm up 200k of my troops in london were just dead, has anyone else experienced this?
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My ally with 0 stars keeps rejecting the peace treaty
I've won a war that involved 1814 stars, I own all of them, while I have an ally that joined the war with me without me asking him to. The thing is, that ally has no stars whatsoever, and when I try to claim all of the provinces (all the stars are mine and my ally has none) he keeps rejecting the peace treaty even though he hasn't contributed anything to the war. I wanted to ask if this happened to anyone else and if they found a solution, thank you. I'm going to try to invade my ally out of existence so it hopefully gets fixed. EDIT: When I tried to peace treaty once again, it showed that my ally had 3 stars, so in the end I could firm the peace treaty.
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Union glitch
When I create an event where civilizations create a union, the game is buging, what should I do?
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Random Civilization Event
Does anyone know how to make an event for a random civilization? Ive tried to figure it out but i have recieved no luck so far, any help with this would be thankfull.
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What am I supposed to do in this situation?
This has never happened to me before
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Likelihood of success: Low How do I make it high
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Is it possible to add custom civilization in android without deleting the app again and again
Is it possible to add custom civilizations in android without deleting the resetting the entire app everytime I modify some files? Pls help
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Background Glitch
What do I do? I changed the background and my mod looks like this --->
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Bugged War
Hello, I am in a bugged war with rebels that do not have land. It started when I invaded a province of another country that happened to have remnants of their army. However, I cannot end the war via a peace conference, and it is causing a lot of problems for me. The id of the rebels is 606 with the tag bahm_u21. The id of the country I'm playing is 396 with the tag phi_m. I have tried to use the peace cheat on console. Although it said it added the cheat to give peace, it still didn't work. I have also tried to give the rebels a province with the addciv cheat, but it didn't work, stating that they were still in the game. Here are some links to a few s…
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Help with occupied countries
Hey Guys, I started playing AoC 2 today because I loved the first game and played it hours and hours on my phone, now I'm playing on PC. I started my game with Germany with our Muddi Merkel as leader and I quickly consumed Poland, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Now I'm afraid of war between me and Italy because they don't like me and denied a request for a non-attack-Treaty. I wanted to fortify my Borders in Switzerland but heres Problem: I can't recruit any Troops in occupied Provinces, so, do I have to get my troops from Bayern and Baden-Württemberg (I don't know the english name) or is there any way of making occupied countries a part of my country, so that I ca…
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Game bugs
I can't go to the next turn( i try to click on the button or click "space" but anything happens )
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How to see events before reaching the date of the event or doing what I need to activate the event
The tittle says it, but if someone knows Pls tell me
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How to fix the 99% error?
I added new provinces to the map in my mod but when I pass it to Android it stayed at 99%
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Province Supplies
Are supplies cut when a normal province is encicled? (normal province - core province)
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