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1,699 questions in this forum
Should i do a 1919 alternative scenario with events and put it to dowloand when completed?
The title is explicative
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age of history 2 Oyununa girilmiyor
Merhabalar oyununuzu 11.06.2024 tarihinde steamden aldığım oyuna girilmiyor sistem gereksinlerim uygundur ve çakışan uygulamalarımda yoktur. lütfen oyuna girmem için yardımcı olurmusunuz
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Hi Lukash and everyone i want ask you about it: i'm push on "Release Vassal", release it and push "Play as a Released Vassal" and i started playing as a vassal. How i can switch it and again play as a lord?
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Problem with forum with me
when i search that , that make me on Łukasz Jakowski youtube
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Hey Lukasz, sorry to bother you I think you mistakenly made Yugoslavia communist (since it has a star on its flag), but it was monarchist during WW2
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Provinces made in custom map glitched
Does anyone know anything that can cause this problem and a fix to it please? Its been happening alot specifically with these 2 provinces, I even switched out their numbers from provinces number 1,0 to provinces number 31,30. for those who dont know, i'm talking about the light greenand dark blue provinces P.S: I tried connecting them and they still look the same.
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How to add custom ideologies (chromebook)
I wonder how to add custom ideologies on chromebook and then give nations flags for said ideologies
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Changing code
I'm modding my game so that i can make it more detailed, like more ideologies/flags/nations etc. but where do i find the place with the code files? i want to disable vassals declaring war, add a multi-layered vassal system (because i don't want to have a seperate reichskommissariat/etc ideology), and i want to add stuff like capitulation and maybe even a navy/air system. but i don't know where the code place is. help?
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Changing custom Civ names
Hey there, so I recently downloaded Hearts of History 4 by Информатор on MODS.SU. Unfortunately, the mod is mainly in Russian. It has an English translation option but a few of the names for custom civs used for the some of the scenarios are bugged. So, these are all custom civs listed under the "create a civilization" tab in the game. If someone could help me figure out what real world organizations/countries these are meant to represent as well as teaching me how to fix the names, it would be much appreciated! > Contact me on discord at: syyynapse
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Why can i no longer play my mods?
some time ago i was able to open any mod with no issue. But now whenever i click on the run.bat document in any of the mods, the command window disappears after a few seconds and nothing happens. Previously after those few seconds the jar would open and the mod would start running as the normal game. Now it just doesn't work. I have this problem since i installed the new BE2 version (1.3.1), and i tried installing and removing java multiple times but with no changes. i hope i didn't mess things up with my java or stuff like that
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Is there any way to disable keyboard on pc?
i mean its really pointless to have a keyboard covering half of your screen when you're playing a pc game
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How to do this in mobile
Does anyone know how to enlarge the event screen like this in mobile.
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How do i make the event trigger work?
I know its possible as i have seen maps in the forum that features functional ones, but how exactly can you get it to work? every time i try to
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Where to modify the format of numerical values
Population and economy will be displayed as negative numbers after exceeding the range of int. Where to change int to long type
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Choosing Scenario Isn't Working.
As of recent (and by that I mean yesterday,) I had to restart my computer, but I'd accidentally left AoC on. When I restarted my comp, the game was uninstalled, this has happened to me with other games. Unlike the others, this has appeared to corrupt my scenario files. I've tried reinstalling multiple times, all failed to work. Before restarting my pc, I had created copies of my scenarios, so they shouldn't be corrupted, yet they are lol. Whenever I try to change the scenario, it takes me back to the main menu screen. I know a friend who's had this before. The only way I've solved it was removing my scenarios. Is there any way to uncorrupt them or to fix the game? Any hel…
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How do I make a country change its name when its ideology changes?
I want Russia to change its name when it becomes a monarchy, how can I do that? Like when it became communist, it was called soviets.
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Getting Redirected to Main Menu During Peace Negotiations in Game
I'm negotiating peace in the game but it keeps kicking me back to the main menu, how do I fix this?
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Not getting the Email prompt to reset my password
Okay I know I'm logged on yes but I am on Google Chrome I wanted to switch Internet Browsers reason why I wanted to change my password was because I have forgotten it and wanted to log onto my account on the different browser I verified I wasn't mistyping my Email and even verified that my Email is linked with my account despite this I am still not given the Email with the prompt to reset my password.
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How can I change a country's ideology flag?
I want to change the monarchy flag of Turkey, how can I do it?
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Faster Annexation
Hello, so i need to know how to make nations lose faster. Like in the Aoc2 Mega Mod, if you get 75% of the nation you are at war with, it automatically gives you the rest of the land . How can i change that setting to only 50%?
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Loading Background
Hi, how do you change the loading background when loading into the game? All it shows is a map but I am wondering if there's a possibility to change it to something else.
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game doesn't open!
so, since few days when i'm trying to open game, it starts but suddenly shuts down. There is no error message. Just like it turns off by itself. Steam doesn't detect any issue with game files. How can i fix that?
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