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1,698 questions in this forum
How should I fix this bug ?
Hi , I don't know how but this bug sometimes appears in game and it's so annoying and whatever I did it didn't removed or fixed . Just take a look at the population of the Hakkari province😵😂 morover it's the first turnor this one in Tabriz province🙁 and this bug often happens on the provinces with multiple cores or Meshginshahr
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how can I easily create automated provinces?
I've made a map of age of history, but how can I easily create automated provinces? Image to Province Converter not working
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Help with event
I am making a scenario and made an event where if athens conquers some land they form greece however the event either fires instantly or doesn't fire at all! Help!
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Hhow to fix the bug to create cities?
I have aoh2 in my phone and I would like to create a city, but when I put the name of the city and click save, the new city is not saved. Anyone know how to fix the bug?Sorry if I'm wrong to write but I don't speak English
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About mods
Hello! So, there's any mods who add more formable civs and more scenarios too? Nothing like change mechanics or the map, just add "basic" things.
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Holy Roman Empire
Can you add or quit princes or change Holy Roman Empire borders or dissolve the Holy Roman Empire?
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Keyboard [FIX FOUND]
I have found a solution for the keyboard problem, Follow the following steps: •Download age of histroy II --- Website [ you will see why i added this step] •Go to your file manager. •Go to the age of history II file and copy a file called "classes.dex" •Go to the mod and delete the "classes.dex" file •Copy That file to the mod where the keyboard letters arent added to. That: to the "classes.dex. And that is it, Now it should work. i mentioned to download the aohII from a website due to root issue.
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Victoria 2 map
I know some are going to ignore this, but I've been looking and there are no people who make victory maps 2 Please, some developer to make one if you want, I can help you. 😎👍
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How to make a new civilization have more than one province
Basiclly, i made my own civilization in aoc2, i wanted it to replace a part of austarlia,i would click to add a new nation to that selected province, and after that i wouldnt be able to give that civilization more provinces, what is the solution?
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The game often crashes on IOS
Is there a way to avoid it?
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Hi, I have problem. i installed mod world + full version and got into the game and played normally. after exiting the game I wanted to start it again but the game started loading at the beginning and when it reached the end it just shut down. since then it happens to me every time. does anyone know how to solve this problem? thanks
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help me
i want create aoc1+ and how i can have all province of aoc1 map (in aoc2) in the map editor
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Not able to end round and saving progress.
Hi, since the last iPad software update the age of history app is not running smoothly and I am often not able to to end the round, display diplomacies and saving my progress. What am I going to do now? Thanks a lot.
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Please send a screenshot
Hi if you play the original AoH2 send ageofcivilization file in music folder, as screenshot
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What is the rew durnil command for?
What is the rew durnil command for? and what is its use for
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How to create a mod?
Hi,I see a lot of people on this forum making mods and I'm wondering how to make a mod?Thanks in advance
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Can i play AoH2 with friends?
Hi,is there a way to play AoH2 with friends.I have a non Steam version of the game on my pc if that helps.Thanks in advance
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