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1,699 questions in this forum
How to bring back original files?
I have accidentally deleted my "modern world" scenario and I do not know how to get it back
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Where is the About file located?
I want to replace the name of the music artist in the credits of my mod, but unfortunately I can't find the file. Screen1 (To describe the problem more specifically, I can't find in the game files where to change the "about" menu)
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Pls help, my map crash
Im doing my own map. Not editing anything existing. And when i reach 150 province its crash, 149 works perfectly. These are error logs: [AoC] !"#%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}ÁÂ?Ä?Ç?É?ËÍÎ???ÓÔÖ?ÚÜÝáâ?ä?ç?é?ëíî???óôö?úüýĄąĆćČčĐĘę???ŁłŃńŇň??ŚśŞşŠšŹźŻżŽ???????????????????????? [AoC] MissingResourceException: Ireland [AoC] MissingResourceException: Japan [AoC] MissingResourceException: Era Cywilizacji [AoC] MissingResourceException: Era Cywilizacji [AoC] MissingResourceException: Era Ekspansji [AoC] MissingResourceException: Era Ekspansji [AoC] MissingResourceException: Era Mrok…
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how to increaee population indicator
how do i make the entire world population accurate from the 200k to 8 billion like ij real life
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bugs Problem z wczytaniem następnej tury
Problem polega na tym, że kiedy gram III rzeszą na Turze 1526 Dnia 20 grudnia 1986 roku, gdy chcę przejść na następną ture to wczytywanie zatrzymuje się na 2% i już w żaden sposób nic nie da się z tym robić , nawet ponowne uruchomienia gry/ komputera lub nawet na innym komputerze. Wstawiam jeszcze mój zapis, aby każdy mógł sprawdzić u siebie Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc, ponieważ nie chcę stracić mojego zapisu z takiego błędu. @Łukasz Jakowski Wersja, na której gram: 1.01415_ELA Mój save.rar
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Como hago para que una nacion acepte ser mi vasallo?
No importa que tan fuerte sea, o lo bien que esten las relaciones con cualquier pais, grande o pequeño, siempre que le pido vasallizacion se niega, ¿como hago para que acepten?
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Help with bundle file for civs
i put this in the bundle.txt file for civs. but it doesn't work. can someone find whats wrong????
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colonization wastelands
I play on scenario of 1200 year, and there is a lot of wastelands. I saw that AI-civilisations can colonization it, but when I tried did it, game output me that i can't colonize wastelands. But bots can... That's some bug or exist way for do it?
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Sound doesnt work
Hi,I've been Playing AohII recently and i noticed that the sound doesnt work even thought i have turned on music 100% and Audio in my pc works....what do i need to do to get the sounds back?
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the game does not start
Hi, I used to play the game smoothly on Windows 7, but encountered an issue when I had to switch to Windows 10. After reading various guides and forum discussions, I learned that the problem might be related to either my operating system, specifically Windows 10 x64, or my Intel HD graphics card. I have tried reinstalling the game multiple times and verifying file integrity, but unfortunately, the issue persists.
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Game wont start?
All my modded versions of the game and the base game on steam wont start up anymore and i dont know why. (im playing on pc btw). Does anybody know how to fix
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Age of History 2 is not working
I recently bought Age Of History 2 on steam i played it yesterday and everythins is OK but today when I went into the game nothing works for me. I can’t go, I can’t call the army and game screen starts crushing, what can i do to improve this problem?
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AOH2 Technical Problem
Hello, I have a problem in AOH2. Some time ago, when I was thinking that I want to play AOH2. So I started it and then I pressed the "Play" button, selected the scenario, and civilization i wanted to play and then I pressed the "Play" button. When the menu disappeared, the main menu popped out again. I didn't know what is going on, I thought it was only a small bug. So I just did the part that is underlined again. Then the menu dissappeared, and i was in the game. I pressed on my country, then on the "Civilization information view". Then just it didn't appeared and the monitor like just started flickering the menu, also i can't go to the next round. And here is the e…
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Capturing provinces achievements are not working
So basically I captured alot of provinces but I don`t have the achievement for it. For example achievements like " create an alliance " works. I hope for help.
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Pls help
How to make start population more than maximum 200 000? What i need to do
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need help
I'm trying to make a custom map for AoH2, but game keeps crashing when it reaches 50%. The backgrounds are fine, provinces are fine (although I don't know if I need to have them in one of the scales folders,) config.json is fine, can anybody help?
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Custom Map Crashes
I made a custom map and I did all the things I needed and it keeps crashing and I can't find a fix anyone please help me?
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Technology in gamefiles
does someone know where the technologys in the gamefiles are and if its possible to add one like in bloody europe?
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Problem with Age of Modding
When I am want to open main.exe, it is output "This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialised. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem" What i should do?
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Uncapping/Unlocking FPS
Is there a way to uncap fps without mods? or just uncap it with a mod that doesnt change any other thing?
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age of civilizations 2 Leader Stats
리더의 능력을 25 이상으로 올려 적용할 수 있는 방법은 없을까?
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How do I upload a scenario to steam workshop
Just curious because someone already made a mod and uploaded it but I can't find any information on how to do it
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Game Not Launching On Steam
Hello! I have played this game a lot recently on steam but now it randomly doesn't seem to work at all. I tried verifying the game files, running it as an administrator all that type of stuff and it doesn't work. Sadly before this I played more then 2 hours on the game so I can not get a refund. Any ideas why it doesn't work?
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I found a bug; Province development doesn't go up upon falling under 99 development
I'm not sure if it was reported before, but I saw a small, but a very irritating (at least to me) bug; after falling under 99 development province development cannot either go down, nor up making it stuck at 99 forever.
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