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1,698 questions in this forum
how to Use port position editor?
how to Use port position editor?
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Game crash
Every time I click load game button, the game crashes, I reinstalled it, verified integrity of game files, nothing helps.
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hi i was wondering these bots confuse me because they never seem to change ideology can they or is it just me?
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Previous save
Hi! How can I find my previous save in steam edition or how to modify the standings in the save?
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How does cores and population work?
Okay, so, i don't actually know how does cores and population work in scenario editor. For example: there are a lot of Germans in Alsace-Lorraine in real life, so i want to make that to be in game, but when i chose Germans and set to be about 60% Germans, overall population of those territories in game is low. What should i do, is that bug or something? Btw i'm playing on androis, i don't know if it's happening on pc...
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I need help but not with the actual game
I cant find any AOC2 discords are there any left or any that someone can tell me the code too because im lonely ☹️ lol, add me Yello_y#4248 if you do have discord with a AOC2 server.
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Ottoman Empire Achievment
Welcome i dont know on what scenario to do the Ottoman Empire I did on modern day but it dint work Pls help! Done the scenario was WW2
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eu nao estou conseguindo jogar
Olá, meu jogo não está funcionando , quando tento carregar o jogo que fecha, você pode me ajudar?
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what does "Generate Predefined borders" do?
If you click on map editor and scroll down there is a option to "Generate predefined borders". If you click on it then it goes through a cycle of every country in 1-2 minutes. When it's there are no noticeable changes. Does anyone know what this is? (I'm on android by the way)
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Cities name in different alphabet
Hey, is it possible to write the name of a city in several alphabet/script ? If yes do you know how to do it ?
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How do i add cities on my chromebook Acer C740 because I make it press save on the spot i want and it just goesl away
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Leaders do not appear while i created them
Hey community, Ive created leaders and i gave them countries to rule BEFORE starting a game. When i add a vassal state during my game, the name of the created leader does not appear. Can you help me ?
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Buon giorno, purtroppo ieri è successo che è mancata la corrente mentre stavo giocando, poi ho riacceso e, non so se dipenda da questo, il mio antivirus Antivirus Avast mi ha chiesto di aggiornarlo, cosa che ho fatto, poi ho riavviato il computer, dopo qualche tempo ho deciso di riprendere la partita salvata che stavo giocando. Quando clicco su carica partita il gioco si spegne, mi butta fuori. Ho chiesto a mio figlio che mi ha suggerito di salvarmi le cartelle con gli scenari aggiunti e poi disinstallare, cosa che ho fatto. Poi ho reinstallato il gioco che non ha perso nulla, però quando vado a caricare una partita mi continua a buttare fuori.
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How to increase the world population for 2 billion?
Hello! Not so long ago, I wanted to bring the game population as close as possible to the real one (so that on the Earth map in total there would be at least more than 3 billion people). I know that it can be increased through the editor to an indicator of 200,000, as well as increase the growth rate, but this is naturally not enough. Just a week ago, I found out that it is still possible to do this through the game codes. Almost the whole week I delved into the codes of the game in order to find at least some parameter through which the world population can be increased, but to no avail. Then I decided to ask for help on the forum, and created this post. A…
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Your Game Is Broken In IOS Update And Repair It
Sound Error And Every Time It Crashes Y Already Make The Comment But Nothing Happens😡
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hello my game remains stuck to the versions: 1.01414_ELA while I updated my game. Do you have any solutions? Thank you
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Device is out of RAM memory game not saved
Hello, I have a licensed PC version of age of civilizations and in the world with 2000 + moves, I get the error "device is out of ram memory game not saved" when saving. I have 4 GB of RAM and the latest version of java and video card drivers. Please tell me what to do?
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Device is out of RAM memory game not saved
Hello, I have a licensed PC version of age of civilizations and in the world with 2000 + moves, I get the error "device is out of ram memory game not saved" when saving. I have 4 GB of RAM and the latest version of java and video card drivers. Please tell me what to do?
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How to build building fast?
I played this game for 184 hours but i cann find any ways to buil buildings fast for example i play with germany in ww2 i want to build library in every state but it takes TOOO MUCH time is there any way to build fas
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Tech Tree
The Tech Tree (this is where you use research/tech points) is kinda confusing in the sense of, I haven't any idea what a proper setup for it is. I usually just distribute all my starting points between mil upkeep, income production, and taxation. Therefore, I came here to ask what the best setup is. Also, what happens when you put points into administration? Does it lower the chance of rebellions?
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Mi butta fuori quando provo a caricare partita salvata
Buon giorno, purtroppo ieri è successo che è mancata la corrente mentre stavo giocando, poi ho riacceso e, non so se dipenda da questo, il mio antivirus Antivirus Avast mi ha chiesto di aggiornarlo, cosa che ho fatto, poi ho riavviato il computer, dopo qualche tempo ho deciso di riprendere la partita salvata che stavo giocando. Quando clicco su carica partita il gioco si spegne, mi butta fuori. Ho chiesto a mio figlio che mi ha suggerito di salvarmi le cartelle con gli scenari aggiunti e poi disinstallare, cosa che ho fatto. Poi ho reinstallato il gioco che non ha perso nulla, però quando vado a caricare una partita mi continua a buttare fuori.
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Scenario help
How can i share with you can that can download a scenario you have created?
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Where in the game code can you increase the world population?
Hello! Not so long ago, I wanted to bring the game population as close as possible to the real one (so that on the Earth map in total there would be at least more than 3 billion people). I know that it can be increased through the editor to an indicator of 200,000, as well as increase the growth rate, but this is naturally not enough. Just a week ago, I found out that it is still possible to do this through the game codes. Almost the whole week I delved into the codes of the game in order to find at least some parameter through which the world population can be increased, but to no avail. Then I decided to ask for help on the forum, and created this post. A…
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How to increase recruitable pooulation?
How to increase recruitable population?
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