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1,698 questions in this forum
I need you...
Does anyone know what programs I can make mods/allies/maps for the AOC 1? The classic version can be humble, but addictive... n.n Please... how do...? ú.ù
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Sound Error And Crash Every Hour Here Is The Video Is In IOS Divice¬if_t=video_processed¬if_id=1587336750553388&ref=m_notif
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Does anyone know how to set vassals in the scenario editor?
Does anyone know how to set vassals in the scenario editor? I keep trying, but it just doesn't work.
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Help me pleas, my map is crashing
help me please, I was making a map of Kaiserreich, I had already put all the civilizations and was doing the events, I made some 7 events, but I opened the game map to continue editing and the game was without any civilization with the screen flashing and could not go out, if I open the map to play happens the same thing, has it happened to you? can you fix it?
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does capital matter?
Does capital matter in the game?like,do i have any advantage if i capture the capital of my enemy?
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No windows will open when declaring war
Playing on an iPhone, once I declare war on a providence I am unable to open any option on my next move. I cannot move my units, recruit or open any options. Any suggestions?
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Why doesnt it launch??
Why doesnt the game launch?? (I mean age of civilizations 2)
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Crashes on mobile
The game crashes whenever I try to edit scenario in edit mode and after turn 3 in game it crashes. How do I fix?
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How to create custom unions with custom nations?
So, I don't 100% know if this is the place for this (or if anyone will respond), but here goes anyway. So, I created a custom union using Germany, Austria, and a custom nation I made. However, whenever I get all three nations in a union, it doesn't form said nation from the triple union (if that makes any sense). How do I make them form the nation with the union? I've seen other people make a 5 way union using base game nations, so I think it's something with the custom nation. Thanks!
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Game doesnt work
Game doesnt work it crushes i have opengli gave java my computer is good i was playing this game on this computer i have windows 10 game doesnt ope
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Spectate mode (AoC 2)
How do I enable spectate mode on AoC 2?
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Picture of event
How to put the picture of event?
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Witam mam pytanie Otóż zainstalowałem sobie moda Bloody Europe ale nie wiem gdzie go umieścić ani co zrobić aby działał on podczas odpalenia gry.
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Custom Map Is Crashing
HELLO I have a problem with my map. When I open and load the my map in game, its crashing.
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Problem with map savings
When im saving map on "curent world" and turn the game off it changes the scenario into diffrent era and diffrent country. Can Any One Help? Kiedy Zapisuje Mape na "wspolczesny swait" i wylaczam gre zmienia mi scene na completnie inna ere i kraj. Moze Ktos Pomoc?
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Automatic play
It's possible to only watch a game? I know there is spectator mode but I don't want to click button to end the turn. I want the round end every second. (I'm not sure I explained that well enough)
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Unit converter
Is there any way to figure out how to convert a unit to a actual person
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I cant save my game!
In several of my games, when autosave arrives, it is not saved, autosave is repeated indefinitely, a message "Decive is out of RAM memory - Game not saved" appears in each autosave interval How can i fix this?
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The game does not work - definitive solution
I need a solution to my problem.The game does not work. What is the definitive solution? This game already worked on my computer and now it doesn't want to work anymore. Please do not send me to restart the computer or reinstall the game or check the files. My computer is good. I want the definitive solution. Thanks. I bought the game at STEAM. And I'm tired of reading '' solutions '' that don't work. Comprei o jogo na STEAM. E estou cansado de ler ''soluções'' que não funcionam.
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Podbity kraj nie akceptuje oferty pokoju
Wysyłałem oferty pokoju wielokrotnie ale wciąż kraj nie przyłączał się do mojego. Co robić?
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smette di funzionare
Ho un problema con il gioco da tempo. Quando l'ho scaricato andava tutto bene, ma dopo qualche giorno quando clicco su ''carica partita'' per proseguire la partita lasciata in sospeso, il gioco inspiegabilmente si spegne. Ci ho provato per più di un mese, ma niente non funziona e io non sto più giocando a causa di questo problema. Peccato, questo è il miglior gioco mai scaricato su steam, quindi per favore potete risolvere? marco
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App won’t download or install
Hi bought the app off of the App Store but it won’t install on my phone
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Map Editor Problems
If Anyone has The Map Editor That Works Plz Send The FIles Here
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Dear Lukasz. Almost everyone appreciates your work. Especially when working alone on this game without any team, I understand that there are many issues. I shall compile every MAJOR issue I've heard of and have come across. Starting with my suggestions. 1. Diseases need more depth. 2.development doesn't have any effects. 3. I can hold an occupied province for 200+ turns without any revolts, 4 the AI doesn't match up with my own nation. Some countries have 0 to very little technology or military power(ex:40000+ units can easy conquer all of the British Empire in the 1840 scenario.) 5.colonies and overseas provinces should realistically h…
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