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AOH2 trojan virus with update
Hey so um on steam it showed me update for aoh2 and after i updated and launched the game it windows defender showed me a trojan file that was in aoh2 (aocII)folder luckily antivirus reacted fast and quickly deleted it. Does anybody knows what was the issue?
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How is conscript different than recruit?
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hello, can someone please send me full game file link, not only europe, but full world, which includes nuclear mod, i mean full game, which do not need to install nuclear mod, because it will already contain it. the reason why i am writing this is, that i could not study or correctly install mods in my game. thank you.
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How the Heck does The AI work
Here are a few Questions That i have About the ai. Will they release Vassals? How long does it take For them to form a Nation? Will they Perseu Other Nations For Their Own Cores? Do they Have Pryority with Wars? Do they Prioritize High Point Provinces Or Provinces with Forts/Ports/Watch Towers/Farms? How do They Maneuver Troops? Can you Join/Leave The HRE? If you atack 1 HRE Nation, Will all of them atack?
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Создание кнопки
Здравствуйте, дорогие игроки и мододелы, помогите мне как создать кнопку замороженного конфликта через классы.dex, что бы война когда была и можно было нажать на кнопку замороженный конфликт и война, чтобы была, но страна не нападала, когда вы не нападёте, помогите, пожалуйста
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dobrý večer chci se zeptat
dobrý večer chci se zeptat na youtubu vidím že je ve scenáři WW1 ale v mojií hře scenář z ww1 není
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Half of AoHII is broken right now on android.
Dear, Lukas Recently, I've decided to jump back into Age of History II, but have discovered that the game isn't exactly as I remembered it. The game is now extremely glitchy and buggy compared to what it was. UI flickers and the screen shakes at random, loading certain saves will not allow you to go to the next turn, or it may just turn completely black. The gameplay is not the only victim of these issues. The editor also suffers from the inability to switch maps, perform certain edits, and many others that I don't even know yet. Us android players of Age of History are grateful for the game Lukas has made, and are aware of the new one in development. We just wish to…
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my flag has inverted colors
idk why but i was put a new division,and when i apply it on my custom civ the white and black color has inverted for each other can someone help me out?
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New map just isnt working no matter what.
For some reason, After a whole night of trying to fix it. My map just wont stop crashing upon opening the game. After checking the Command Prompt, It throws Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at age.of.civilizations2.jakowski.lukasz.Game.build_LoadProvince( at age.of.civilizations2.jakowski.lukasz.Game.loadProvince( at age.of.civilizations2.jakowski.lukasz.Menu_InitGame.loadAssets( at age.of.civilizations2.jakowski.lukasz.Menu_InitGame.access$000( at age.of.civilizations2.jakowski.lukasz.Menu_…
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Can't negotiate peace
I had captured every territory of Finland along with many of my vassals included in the war, but now some off the vassals don't even exist, therefore whenever i try to have a peace deal, the message just get ignored, I don't even get the refusal message nor the successful message.
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I can’t conclude peace negotiations, the game crashes to the menu on any action
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creating a map
i followed the tutorial as its my first time creating a map, and i did everything maybe five times but anything i did didnt matter, as the game just ignored my map as it isnt there, any help ?
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Game starts bugging after 800 round
Hey, I hope someone can help me. I have a Galaxy S21Ultra and when i start a new game i can only play up to round 1000, after that the game begins bugging and after every round it gets worse. At a certain point I can no longer play because I can no longer move units and establish diplomatic relationships. I'm always frustrated and then I just don't feel like playing anymore because it involves playing for hours and it's really annoying. I hope someone can help me with that.
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Problem with Island Province creation
i've followed this guide : to create some island provinces, but it appears like that instead of what it should look like
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Strange functions
In Editor of maps there are 2 strange functions: Creating sea rotes and Creating Borders based on all scenarios
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Speed in game
Why does the speed don't work? I select speed 200 but it does not get faster. Does anyone else have this problem?
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help Wymęczenie Wojną/War Exhaustion
ENGLISH: So I was playing as Italy, and had a war with France and Bosnia, and now, I have 40% war exhaustion, and its getting smaller only by 0.10% per tour, does someone know how to make it decrease faster? Pls help! POLISH: Więc grałem sobie jako Włochy, miałem wojnę z Francją i Bośnią, a teraz mam CZTERDZIEŚCI PROCENT WYCZERPANIA WOJNĄ, a do tego co turę spada ono o zaledwie 0.10%, ktoś coś wie jak przyśpieszyć ten proces?
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Hello, i'm making a mod for Age of Civilizations 2. And i made a formable called "Transcaucasian SFSR". but it was democratic as deafult. So i added a _c at the end of every file related to the formable. BUT, for whatever reason, the _c got into the name. I'd appreciate if someone helps me remove the _c in the name. Thank you! (The notepad image is the "civilizations_information" file for "Transcaucasian SFSR")
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Steam-achievements not working
I have a problem with the Steam-achievements where you have to make 25 and 50 unions. I have made a lot of unions but the counter is stuck at 11 unions and no matter what i do (even reinstalling the game) the counter wont update for any union I form.
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How to change the no war declaration after 4 turns
How do i change the "War cant be declared in 4 turns" limit to zero?
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AOC2 glitches after exiting fullscreen
Hello, so while I am playing, say I Alt+Tab from the game, and after a while, when I click to the game to return to it, it just... doesn't, not even alttabbing back and it shows this image: I don't know what to do. Please help me coz I have to restart the game and lose progress. Thanks
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Relationships turned to 0 bug
So there's a bug which happens in most mods on android. When you reach a certain amount of turns (let's say turn 800 or 1200 it doesn't matter) the relationships between other civilizations and yours turns to 0. How to fix this bug? I would be glad if someone helped me. Ps: sorry for the grammar mistakes above. English is not my first language.
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Game goes to main menu when clicking peace Negotiations button
When I negotiate peace with just one country it doesn't go to the main menu, but my allies can't take any land even if I'm doing it for them. Also if I negotiate peace with a country that I and my ally have lands of I can select what provinces will my ally get but it takes stars from me and not my ally. When I started this save everything worked fine. If it's needed can send save file unknown_replay_2024.01.21-13.00 - Trim - Trim (1).mp4
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I cant do next move.
pls help i cant do next move in the game.
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Development level stuck at 1.0
At the start of the game and after allocating a suitable percentage of the budged towards Investment, the development level of each province increases by a certain value each turn as long as it's below the technology level. All good until the development level of a province reaches 1.0, no matter how much the technology level increases, development level stays at 1.0 and I have to manually invest in the province to increase the development level. Any fixes? Thanks in advance!
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