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1,698 questions in this forum
can i install mods if the game is cracked?
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[iOS] it doesn’t install
Hey I just bought the game on my iPhone 6 and it doesn’t want to install, please help me
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Bug after starting a war.
After staring a war with any nation I can't click provinces so I can't move my armies, build something on them or even retake my occupied land. So I lose even easiest games. What should I do?
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como criar novos tipos de governos
I really want to create my types of government in the game but I don't know how, does anyone help me?
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My game crashed.
So i buy this game - I played 14 hours and today I opened game, loaded my save and... I tried to do something but nothing works. I don't want to lose my progress. Can you help me?
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Bugs & Inaccuracies
Alright, so I'll attempt to list here all of the bugs that me and others have found. If I've missed a bug, please tell me. This list is massively incomplete. Bugs: -Bugs- Save bug - Sometimes, for unknown reasons, save files get corrupted and crash the game when clicking load game. There is no fix for this other than to delete your save files. This can happen on games under 100 turns, but it is more common on 100 and above games. Overflow bug - Sometimes, when a variable gets too high or too low, it overflows and goes into the negatives and gets stuck there. This is the reason for all of the permanent 99 economy provinces. There is no fix for this othe…
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Bug while invading provinces
A rebel country is invading me (but it's not a revolution against my country), and when I try to attack it, it steal the troops I used in the attack, and it also doesn't accept any peace treaty, so, it's impossible to finish this war. What can I do?
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Как убрать желание свободы у васслов полностью?
How to remove the desire for freedom from vassals maybe have cheats\codes so that they do not declare independence? Как убрать желание свободы у васслов? возможно есть читы\коды чтобы они не обьявляли независимость
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game freez after auto save
Any patches for the game freezing, just purchased on steam
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Brak zapisanych światów
Jak włączam grę i klikam "wczytaj grę" to tam nie ma moich zapisanych światów, a są bardzo ważne. Proszę o pomoc na jednym z zapisanych światów mam zdobyte większość państwa. I dodam jeszcze, że przed chwilą zainstalowałem moda "Addon+" i tam pozamieniałem wszytko, myślę, że to przez to nie mam światów. 😢
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Scenarios extinguish
How to delete a scenario
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Is it a bug???
I think this is a bug. Two days ago, I was playing a cross-section of the song. But since yesterday, if you play a game suddenly, it's played vertically. Is this Easter egg? Or is it a bug? If you read this, please reply.
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The game keeps crashing, I have done everything to try and fix it, but nothing works. It will crash randomly and it ruins the game. When I first bought Age of Civilization II last year it was a great game, now it will not even run properly and will just crash to the home screen.
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my events dont work?
I don't know what im doing wrong? none of my events show up!
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Can I set that, the other civilisations can’t start war?
Is there a mod, or anything else, to set this option? They are fighting strong, if I attack them, but they can’t start war against me, or the other civilisations.
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How to write in different languages?
How can I write in Russian,Turkish,Chinese etc. In age of civilization 2 on android?
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How to install .rar mods
Thank you!
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Problem z liderami
Jak wiadomo AoC jest dość proste więc szukając wyzwania (i trochę dla jaj ;p) stworzyłem Wielką Lechię i Króla Lecha I Wielkiego. Następnie stworzyłem scenariusz gdzie Polską miałem wszystkie potrzebne tereny i chciałem sprawdzić czy uda mi się stworzyć nowe państwo. Udało się ale przywódca mi się nie zmienił i dalej jest nim Piłsudski (w sumie dziwne, nie powinien być Duda? Dobra, nieważne). Jak można zrobić opcję zmiany przywódcy przy formowaniu nowej cywilizacji??
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Startup Problem
Cómo se pronuncia My problem is the following: I had it in the game as clearly we all have it, all right, but when I am going to start it, it tells me that I have to get 64 bits, or rather that my Computer is not functional with the game, so which I decided to see and say meet the minimum requirements but still ...
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Are revolutions a game mechanic?
Once when I was playing as Great Britain, a large Great Britain with a different ideology suddenly declared independence and took half of my provinces. Is this a large rebellion or is it a different game mechanic?
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Game Crash
Around turn 120 my game crashes and if I’ve saved recently its only a minor inconvenience. However once I get back in after about another 100 turns the game crashes again. Any fixes? (I play on iPad)
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Device is out of RAM memory - Game not saved
I need help for this bug of save game:
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How to avoid the riots in my country?
When I want to rule the world, there always comes a time when there are many revolts. How to slow down or prevent these riots? (sorry for my English)
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Game Glitch: Not Being able to attack because of Military Acess
Soo... i was just playing normally, when finland (my ally) decides to start a war (again) with some random person. so i accept being the good friend i am, then i have to ask for military acees to cologne, so i do, but then Finland wants to get into a war with burgunfy for the 10000000th time, and cologne is allied with burgundy, but i have military acess so it glitched and i couldnt atack cologne
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Bugs en el juego
Ayer funcionaba perfectamente, pero hoy al abrir la partida da fallo y hay que hacerlo una segunda vez. Luego una vez abierta no deja por ejemplo usar la diplomacia y lo mas grave no pasa de turno. He reinstalado y nada. He comenzado partida nueva y da el mismo fallo.
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