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1,698 questions in this forum
Potrzebuje pomocy
Ostatnio scenariusz współczesny świat mi się zbagował i dlatego najprawdopodobniej musze dać scenariusz nowy z współczesnym światem więc dlatego potrzebuje aby ktoś skopiował ten scenariusz i mi wysłał pod moją pomocą proszę bardzo o pomoc albo przynajmniej się doradzić
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Why doesn't the music play?
I play on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. When I first got the game in January I think, there was music. The music that plays in the game has since disappeared. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. The other sounds work too. Please help.
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the game does not start
When I want to run Age of Civilizations 2 a black screen appears and crashes to the desktop :/
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Is there a way to annex puppets?
Hello guys.Do you know if there is a way to annex your puppets/vassals
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Building farm bug game
I build one farm lvl 4 in one province, so the game bug he don’t save automatically and when I make the save he bug and don’t save too, I try everything and now I can’t build nothing in another province and don’t save the game, that farm just stay building on 3 days but never come. Someone can help? I don’t want start all over again. (iPhone 5s)
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I need help with formable nations
So i tried installing formable nations to my mobile age of civilizations and I found folder the formable nations I liked but when I extracted every formable nation file into formable_civs it doesn't show up in game anyone help?
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help Buying Provinces?
So I'm having troubles understanding how to buy provinces from other countries in the game. I've read in multiple places that you can't buy cores from countries, but for example, the highlighted provinces owned by Brazil are all considered cores, correct? Does that mean someone has to conquer those provinces, and then I can trade for them before a core is established, or am I just misunderstanding something?
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I need a Europe map
So I need a Europe map... Just europe... I need it to be about 4000 provinces
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The game in windowed mode.
How to put the game in windowed mode without opening it? Because it gives off-scale error when I open it.
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How to add minorities when creating a scenario?
Good day! I have noticed that many provinces in both the 1440 scenario and modern day scenario (and likely many other scenarios) have minorities of nonexistent nations. For example, Moldova has both Transnistria and Gaugauzia. Is such able to be added while one creates a scenario? Thank you in advance!
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Player removal
hi i have a problem. I played Germany and next consoles I added another playable civilization to the game. The problem is that I don't know how to remove this one created to play only with Germany again. Please help cześć mam problem. Grałem Niemcami potem dodałem konsolą do gry kolejną grywalną cywilizację. Problem polega na tym, że nie wiem, jak usunąć tą utworzoną do gry żeby grać tylko Niemcami. Proszę o pomoc
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Quiero continuar mi partida
Resulta que siempre gano las partidas y me sale el típico cartel de que gane.. le doy a un turno mas y juego varios turnos, pero al cabo de unos pocos turnos mas ya no me deja jugar. Hay alguna manera de eliminar eso de los turnos para poder jugar todo lo que quiera?
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Czemu Od DAWNA Nie ma większych Aktualizacji? Why From the GREAT There are no major Updates?
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Black screen when opening and closes the program
I installed AOC2 today, and when i open it, it goes a black screen for some seconds and the game doesnt open, does anyone know how to fix this problem?
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I have a problem with my game, please help.
Hi everyone I have been playing this game a long time but I have aproblem, recently I overclocked my monitor from 60Hz to 70Hz and when I open the game my screen turns black, I changed again to 60 hz and it worhs perfectly but if change the fullscreen to window with 70hz it works. My question is this, there is any way to use the fullscreen with 70hz?? pls help and thanks
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Is there a way to get more diplomacy points?
After getting like 8 points, I only get like 0.2 per turn. But if I have 0, it gives me like 4 diplomacy points per turn. How it that?
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Help me
How to add a double-choice event
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Nie mam pojęcia czy wy też tak macie, ale jak gram jakimś sobie krajem, i nadchodzi kilkusetna tura (nie gram world conquest), patrze na ekonomie panstw na świecie, to widzę głównie u tych małych krajów (1-2 prowincje) ze maja po 200k ekonomi. Jak to jest możliwe?! Te kraje wydają cały hajs na właśnie powiększanie ekonomii, czy co? To jest irytujące, bo nie łatwo podbić tego małego potwora pomijając że z realizmem nie ma to nic wspólnego. Łukasz powinien zrobić zrobić jakiś update poprawiający tego typu błędy. Ps. Widać w jaki sposób Bizancjum podbija Osmana XDD
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No me deja continuar la partida
Cuando me dan la victoria al tener el mayor puntuaje yo doy que quiero continuar jugando, pero al cabo de algunos turnos ya no me deja jugar mas y se acaba la partida. Yo quiero continuar, como hago para modificarlo y poder jugar todo lo que quiera esa partida?
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The game ends
When I've been playing for quite some time, my game ends up giving me the victory but it doesn't let me continue and I want to continue, Is there any way to remove the shift limit or something?
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How do I delete leaders?
Is there any way to delete leaders from the game? I deleted the "leaders" and "leadersIMG" folders from the game files but they are still there. What do I do?
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How to fix this bug?
does anyone know how to fix this bug on android? I Can't play
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A great deal to AI, turned down.
(Sorry about my grammar) I am in road to create German Empire in 16th Century (Starting at 1440 scenario) and my game just stuck in the road because Savoy doesn't want to trade best deal they would have (I have declared war with them, and i bored to wait for a long turn). The deal: 300k+ Gold, 1 Province (They literall capital that i took), and Military access (They're in war with Hungary) What i wanted: ONE PROVINCE IN SOON REICHLAND ELAß-LOTHRINGEN
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Can somebody help me with scenarios
I wanna know how to create scenarios fast like adding events , how should i do it etc I am planning on creating my mods and then a pack of my mods . Here is a list 1.serbian uprising 2.kochina krajina 3. Kingdom of serbia (1718-1739) Etc
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I paid tue game
I paid the game now 19:13 (Greenwich) the money were took , i have an iPhone 8 the game does not install
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