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1,698 questions in this forum
How to install mods on PC?
Could anyone clearly explain how should I put mods in the game? Is there any tutorial on youtube that shows it?
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How can you copy a existing scenario on PC?
Okay, so I want to copy the Modern World scenario so I can tinker with the copy while still having the original one. Anyone have an idea on how to do this? I tried literally just copying the modernworld file and that didn't work. Please Help.
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How do I add new regions?
Not just paint the map, but completely new?
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Hi. I will create scenario and i have question How to create events?
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next button dont work
i cant get to next move, i clicked both space and next move on screen
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Sorry for new topic,i didnt seen an answer for my problem. Mouse move the sides of world , how to disable this?
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Is there a way to control the relationship between two foreign countries?
Just what I wrote in the title
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Is there any way i can edit the turns?
(I don't speak english, so sorry for the broken english) I'm creating some scenarios but the chronological time passes very fast. Usually every turn is a month, so we only have 12 turns in a year. This is a bit annoying since a scenario about some conflict like the second war, the napoleonic wars or the independence of the united states requires several events and with that some time between these events. I can give three exemples of this: 1. Takes 3 turns from Monaco to Tunis (1/4 of the year to cross the mediterranean). 2. Can anyone capture France in 42 days (2 turns), like the nazi germans? 3. The anti-France coalitions happened every year o…
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kick me out at open
I open aoc and at 50% kick me out and i have windows 10 can you help me please
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Union bags
Ukrainian language: Як вийти з союзу? Я створив союз Україна-Угорщина, але на мапі був клаптик землі, який був Угорщиною. Я запропонував союз і в мене тепер союз Україна-Угорщина-Угорщина. Як вийти з союзу?! Допоможіть! Poland: Jak wyjść ze sojuszu? Stworzyłem sojusz Ukraina-Węgry, ale na mapie był kawałek ziemi, którym były Węgry. Zaproponowałem sojusz, a teraz mam sojusz Ukraina-Węgry-Węgry. Jak wyjść ze związku ?! Pomoc! English: How to get out of union? I have created the Ukraine-Hungary alliance, but on the map there was a piece of land that was Hungary. I proposed an alliance and now I have the Ukraine-Hungary-Hungary allia…
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Age of Civilizations doesn't work!
I can't play in AoC II. Instead of loading, the game goes back to steam. I've tried to uninstall the game. Did'n help!
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Game randomly breaking
Hello! I have one problem with AoC2 i can't really fight.. Well, when i launch game, enter scenario, and take the nation i want to play, everything's okay, but.. After a couple of turns (19 maximum) game is randomly breaking, sounds are still hearable, all the clikcs are being done, but screen is freezing and i can't do anything.. I've reinstalled game, patched Java, but nothing hepls.. Any idea 'bout it, folks?
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Why are the "Statistics" and "Leaderboards" options in the "Games" Menu locked?
When I click "games" on the main menu, there are two selections on the bottom of the menu which are labeled "statistics" and "leaderboards". for some reason, they are dimmed and cannot be selected. I was hoping somebody may know why. Thank you!
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The map is not all visible (help pls)
When I play with any scenario ( original or not ) all of the map does not appear in which country I start with, neighboring countries appear ( and a few other countries ) other countries unexplored
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Cities won't save
Custom cities simply won't save when I press the save button. The same thing happens when trying to edit maps with tools such as the Wasteland editor.
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I want to copy a scenario to alter it, but dont want to lose the original scenario. So i tried to just copy that scenario in the game folders (earth/scenarios) but then it gives an error in game? So how can I copy a scenario to then alter it ingame?
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Events Doesn't work
Hello. In every scenario i download, scenarios just dont work. Help me plz
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Will my opinion with other countries be affected if i asked other countries to be allies with me?
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Events for all civs
Is there a way to make an event that everyone gets(Invasion events)
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Help meee
QUESTION!!! How to make event where if u occupy province of some country, it will make that country to surrender. Let's say I want Spain to surrender when I occupy Madrid
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Hello im here new and i just started playing aoc2 and mapping can you please tell me how can i get some ranks like count or other ranks thank you for reading my post🕊️.
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Ai won't colonize
I am on android and i wanna play a civ- like scenario, all nations only have their capital, i have no wasteland, it starts in the age of civilizations and i have neutal provinces colonization on, however the ai won't colonize
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Help me please...
I have a problem about map editor
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Folders are missed
Today, I finished my Cold War map (it's only on german) and i opened the civilizations_editor folder. Then I saw, that many required folders are missed. I can play with this map, but if I want to upload that map, I can't because I haven't the required folders. Can someone help me?
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ideology bug
Hello, I have installed a ideology mods and created ideologies but but the constitutional monarchy is considered the monarchy
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