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0.0 relations bug?
Hello friends! I have bug which sort of ruins the game. On about turn 4000 relations between nations started getting reset to 0.0. I end up with "Improve relations" not working at all (with rare exceptions) and most of the world being completely neutral (see pictures attached). Is there a patch/mod/way to fix this? Thanks. ====
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Game fails to launch with Java error.
Hi! I've had the game for a while but never played it, my friend did. So I decided to install the game and play it. It just didn't start so I investigated a bit and found a Java error but my knowledge isn't enough for me to fix it so here is the log: cmd>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoCII\jre\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoCII\AoC2.exe" Cp1254 Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load file: ic_32x32.png at<init>( at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglGraphics.setupDisplay(Lwjgl…
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New Leaders, Error Add Civilization
it bug, when i trying new leader add civiliztion, but why not work, and i go main menu, i wanted share it bug, for devloper fix, or who say me how to fix it
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Load game crash glitch
I just tried to launch AoC II and I clicked on load game, and it just closed the whole game. This is really annoying me because I've spent a long time on these games and I don't want to lose all of my progress. Please fix this or get back to me soon, -TheLivingCarrot
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Why Steam Version of the game doesnt work but pirate version work?
Before i buy steam version of the game i play pirate version from Torrent but then i buy original game from steam i played 6 hours and game was good but then something happend i idk why but i cant do turns.Then i found post on the forum whith same problem.But tips which one guy give to that person doesnt work.Then i try to test both versions of the game and result in this video: PS: i cant post the video because of size but you can watch it here: result was bad.
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Lovells Skin Tag Remover
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Senariusz nie dziala
mam pytanie czemu jak juz wrzucilem scenariusz do plikow to jak wchodze w aoh 2 i chce zagrac w ten scenariusz i klkne w niego to mi ekran mryga i ten scenariusz nie dziela i nazywa sie ERROR????
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My Belgium Map dosent work can anybody fix it?
I swear I did everything right, with no syntax errors but it still crashes when I open the map in the game menu Link HERE!!!!!
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What should i do?
Every time when i want to create a scenario, and click: add civilization it freezes the game or even crash it. can someone tell me what should i do?
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Game crashes at 99% using a custom map
My game keeps on crashing at 99% because of my custom Europe map with 7294 provinces
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I have got a problem
I I can't start a new turn. Resetting the game or restarting the computer does not work. What should I do?
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How do i put custom map in game
Im dumb dont know how to put map in game plz help
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Load game
When i go hit the load game button age of history crashes
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How to run decompiled game file? I keep getting errors
Im trying to run a decompiled version of aoh2. I always seem to get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: LwjglApplicationConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type LwjglApplicationConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type Files cannot be resolved to a variable LwjglApplicationConfiguration cannot be resolved LwjglApplication cannot be resolved to a type ApplicationListener cannot be resolved to a type AoCGame cannot be resolved to a type DesktopLinkHandler cannot be resolved to a type I am running it from DesktopLauncher but …
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How to create and add your leader on android? (device rooted)
I need to add leader on android.
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How can I change the flags by ideology?
In recent days I have been very interested in this topic, I have not been able to find an optimal way to change the flags by ideology, I do not understand the game files well since I am used to the Victoria 2 files. I want to change the flag of Communist Argentina, how do I do it?
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Forum sitesine nasıl senaryomuzu ekliyoruz(mobil) We add a scenario of how we did it to the forum site.(Phone mobile)
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hello! i have question can i play age of history on windows 11?
plz answer be cuz my game is not doesnt work
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Błąd z wczytaniem gry
Witam Gdy chcę wczytać grę automatycznie wyłącza mi się gra co mam zrobić?
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I need help
I have added some provnces in the Earth map, it was working well, but after a tiem i crashes, this problem has happened to me in a few map, can anyone help me?
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I cant run aoh2
Hello, when i bought aoh2 from steam, i installed it but i cant run it, its just crashing.
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Question about music
My first music isn't starting to play. I have add some new music to game changed AgeOfCivilization file, but the music isn't starting, I must go to audio and click next button to start the music
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0% aggressiveness
Does anyone have mod for aoh2 that doesn't change anything but adds 0% aggressiveness?
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