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1,699 questions in this forum
Change flag by government
So I was wondering how I would change the flag by the countries government, for example, if you play as Germany and change your government to fascism then the flag will change to the Nazi Germany flag or if you play as the United States and change to monarchy the flag will change a different flag. I was wondering how to do this for a custom country.
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Cant Edit/create Scenario's ingame
So i was just Playing and For some reason whenever i try to Create a scenario and i noticed that when i chose Create a scenario it just Opens the Main Menu Can anyone Help
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downloading civs
how do you down load civs correctly? I followed the instructions but I keep getting these question mark icons with these jibberish in the civ names what am I doing wrong ?
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How can I change the flag of a civilization?
I tried to do it myself but didn't manage to find da wae. I'm on android btw.
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I acidently deleted the default Napoleon scenario for the game.
It doeesent work anymore. can someone just give me the Napoleonic wars scenario? thanks.
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How do I make countries gain territory in a event (I am on PC)
I am really new to all this sorry I am on PC and the exact thing I am trying to do is to make France get French Louisiana from Spain in 1802.
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soundtracks of CK2?
are there the soundtracks of CK2 for AoC2? or is there someone who has the knowledge and is so kind as to be able to do it? The truth is that it would be great to have those themes in the game.
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How can I add any mod in my game on phone(android)?
How can I add any mod in my game on phone(android)?
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why can't I increase or decrease opinion about another nation?
Everytime when I insult or improve relations with another nation in the next turn the value doesn't change and it remains at 0.
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Economy and Map Editor
How do I change a country's economy in a given scenario? And the population?
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Adding multiple provinces in map editor
Is there a way to add multiple provinces in the map editor at once? Currently I am only able to add one province, close the editor, and reopen it again to do so.
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How do I make countries vassals of other countries in the scenario editor?
Sorry I'm new to this.
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Help me please
Map wont load even my requirements match but it just wont load.i tried to do open it 5x but i cant,ive tried others and still it wont happen. please help me what can i do with that.
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How to fix names?
I don't really know how to explain this, the names look all messed up on the world as shown on the image below
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How to enable technologic victory
Hi , somehow i've removed the technology victory, after achieving it for the first time a while ago, since then it shows "disable", reinstalling steam dind't work Any ideas?
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Transfer savegames Android
Hi. I have a new android device. So is it possible to transfer the savegames between them?
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Will have online??
I am asking myself will have online in AOC 2??
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Map Editor (continents, ocean etc.)
The download for the map editor (the one which allows you to create your own fictional planet to play on) isn't working and every time i try to download it it fucks up my game fiels and i need to do something on steam to de-corrupt them again and then reinstall the game.
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Gra się nie otwiera .
Gdy klikam ,,graj" ma na steam po lewej stronie pokazuje uruchomione a sama gra się nie włancza na mojim drugim komputerze gra normalnie działa . Z góry dzięki za pomoc .
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How to advance the date?
When I unpause the game, only turns advance and the date stays fixed at May 15th. Whats going wrong?
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map editor
I do not know what to say, but my game keeps closing. I can not put my provinces in the game. ;-;
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How Can I create a new goverment type?
Title says all
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What does development actually...DO?
I can't figure out what investing in the development of a province actually accomplishes. It has no noticeable effect on Tax income, nor on Production income. You can invest thousands of gold into a province but not, as far as I can tell, actually gain anything from it except a slight increase in Administrative costs. Is there some important game mechanic I'm missing here? What does the "Development" level of a province do?
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android Changing a nation's flag
Hi, I recently got the game on my phone and I'm still not too sure how i can change my nation's flag, is such a thing even possible?
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