Offtopic AoC2
405 topics in this forum
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Maybe some of you know. At the time, the AocgamingmoddingTR team released the beta of this mod, but the full version was not released afterwards and it is still shown as a mode that is still being continued Live. Also, Kerem Yılmaz is on the Discord Server When I open a forum about this mod, nobody knows about it. It's probably because the AocgamingmoddingTR team has disbanded, but the real problem is if they say this game is still ALIVE. Let me know if there's something wrong with me. Do you know anything?
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 reply
that sounds like a random food name.
Last reply by Mike892, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Mike892, -
- 0 replies
About 60+ might remember the post I made about the malware known as, "Wave Browser" that had a bunch of ads on this forum page. Heck I might even go and say it is the most promoted ad on the forums. However someone deleted my post that warned people about dangerous ads that could steal your data because the link for it does not work anymore. Please Please Please spread the word about how bad Wave Browser is and make this post popular so more people can know about it. I dont know why my post got deleted but that isn't good that someone is deleting stuff like warning people about dangerous web browsers.
Last reply by Mr.Bigtime75, -
- 0 replies
Greetings, fellow strategists and enthusiasts! We're absolutely thrilled to bring you some exciting news. 🎉 Our Official Discord Server is Live! Join us in real-time discussions, strategy sharing, and become part of an engaging community. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned conqueror or a newbie setting foot into your first campaign - there's a place for everyone. Get on board today and join our Discord: In addition, we'd like to extend an invite to our long-standing Age of History II Subreddit. Dive into in-depth conversations, flaunt your in-game triumphs, stay updated with the latest news and updates, and help us shape…
Last reply by justaguyulove, -
- 2 replies
Hi if anyone of you play Megamod you should know about the crazy army sizes for AI. I was playing a Historical Germany run and I would get stopped by Great Britain, British Raj, and France. Even if using historical ideologies like National Socialism and not Oskism it's so difficult. You can spam 20 Million troops and it still wouldn't matter because the Uk and British are one island nation and two of the Great Powers.
Last reply by Jayjay100, -
- 3 replies
I made this limberwisk map and it's surroundings.... I want someone to make a map from it... And then upload it and give 25% of credits to me... DON'T ASK WHY I DIDN'T USE THE MAP EDITOR Want cats?
Last reply by Qarsherskiy, -
- 4 replies
Hi,I am Gabriel and I am here to asked an question about fonts in games.I am playing (PUBG) for a long time and I have noticed that many people use their user name very rare and in awesome writing. I have tried many times to change font style like " special letters copy and paste" but they are not accepted there. So is there any way to change font in user name.
Last reply by Saper432, -
- 2 replies
to aoh2
Last reply by milaradionova, -
- 1 reply
I just wanted to say that i am a Prince.
Last reply by davidtjk, -
I love the AoC2 community.
by Guest- 7 replies
I just love every single one of you bastards, always fighting to keep this community alive. As long as we keep together, this community shall never die.
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 4 replies
There was no update since December Is the game abandoned
Last reply by UWUGUAY, -
Testowe, proszę się tym nie przejąć. / Testowanie proszę się tym nie martwić .
Last reply by Perry Whitney, -
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I made a map of the Islamic Republic of the Koudeiland Islands but I don't know how to post it here.
Last reply by Koudeilandic Ghal, -
- 0 replies
Historias Promocionadas El favorito no siempre gana. ... No se limite a una casa de apuestas: compare precios. ... Cuantas menos selecciones, mejor. ... Evite la tentación de los precios con cuotas. ... Considere los mercados menos obvios. ... Asegúrate de entender los mercados. ... No apuestes con el corazón. ... Elige tu momento.
Last reply by billuh, -
- 0 replies
Сайн байна уу Энд хүн бүр, үнэндээ би үнэхээр зарим нэг спортын бооцоо хүсэж байгаа, та Одоо надад тусалж чадна? Би одоо танд маш их талархах болно, та бүхэнд урьдчилан баярлалаа
Last reply by billuh, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by AntiNoofOfficer, -
- 2 replies
what do you think of this agdag.jfif
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I'm curious how someone would get this rank on the forum.
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 1 reply
Eu to fazendo esse tópico porque esses turcos e russos tem que aprender a botar o titulo na p*rra do tópico na lingua que vai ser o tópico. Sim isso também pode ser considerado uma piada até porque nenhum gringo vai entender. Mas f*da-se tó cenário bando de infeliz: 1625617372673cjysigyk.rar
Last reply by nino1906, -
- 2 replies
So from the comment in my WW1 scenario, I would like spread a few scenarios before 2023.... 1. 1300 ( Work in progress ) 2. Russian-Ukrainian Crisis ( work in progress) 3.Yugoslavia 4.Korea ( Modern ) That's all of the scenarios I've been working on, more will come soon, about in January 29th I will be finished for the month, see you on January 18th, and happy new year!
Last reply by Jojoplaze12.0, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Bavaria, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 1 reply
Który tak żuł gumę , ze oślep?
Last reply by Jasse09, -
- 0 replies
Ive got a feeling this games surviving community is really just being used to give people that dont want to actually put an effort into making something good a lot of extra discord members, besides people like Italian p&c, i really see a shit ton of nerds comming here advertising a unfinished mod that likely isnt even theirs, and then saying "join my discord for updates" and then suddenly a month later ""MY MOD IS CANCELLED!!"" this is a big problem i see because most of them dont actually delete their server (sometimes dedicated to the project, or game((i dont expect someobdy to delete their server if it already had members ofc, but this is for those people solely…
Last reply by Anglo-Dutch,