289 topics in this forum
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC MOVED, LINK TO NEW TOPIC BELOW YOU CAN FIND THE NEW TOPIC BY CLICKING ON MY PFP ASWELL You heard that right, TSGW is getting updated. This mod is focused on the Second World War, with even more events then before! Brought to you by @Italian PeC, IdiotFBG, Tira, @3dddies and me. Special thanks to: @Emir of Granada and @PHZanoniGamer This update was first meant to aim at historical events, but with help of Eddie I am able to add 10+ non-historical paths as well. …
Last reply by Wooodex, -
- 108 replies
As the title says, I am going to redo the original TWR that I made (and kept making) due to different reasons. Well in this new "mod" I'm going to redo everything and with years of experience in aoh2 modding I can confirm that this project will be something unique. psdt: this time it won't be abandoned xd(I hope) It will also be powered by the uwut system and will have many new provinces and a renewed map. Features: • Hoi4 style events • Edited and New provinces (4479/5000) • New Map • New Countries • New UI • TWR scenario • New leaders • Change of leaders mechanic -TWR Development Team Special Thanks to…
Last reply by grymahjong, -
- 1 reply
The Mriya Edition mod for Age of History 2, created by Ilya Korostel, has the following languages: English, Ukrainian, German, Polish and Belarusian. It is a unique add-on that adds new provinces, scenarios, textures, and other elements to the game. This mod aims to enhance gameplay and enrich maps with historical events that allow players to relive new alternate stories. The mod is in development!
Last reply by Brianman, -
- 8 replies
What happened with the mod? it disappeared
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Hi, i'm trying to add a lot of new buildings for my aoh2 mod but i don't know where the file with the buildings are, if anyone know please tell me, have a good new year!
Last reply by TnTFireYT, -
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Hello, friends! The Mriya Edition mod (beta version) is ready! Mriya Edition Beta 1.1 was created by the author under the name Ilya Korostel. The mod was developed over 5-6 months. The goal of the mod was to improve the original version of the game by adding more detailed provinces. More nation scenarios were added, as well as new provinces to some countries. For example, provinces like Vatican, Liechtenstein, or San Marino were not present on the map. You may wonder why it's called "Mriya Edition"? The answer is simple: the word "Mriya" translates from Ukrainian as "Dream," which perfectly suits the name! By the way, there are five languages available in the mo…
Last reply by Ilya Korostel, -
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 1 reply
Wczesna Beta 1.4 Scenariusz/mod trwa od 1935 do 1948 Na start polecam zagrać jakimś silniejszym państwem, aby najpierw poznać wszystkie eventy i dowiedzieć się co i jak, wtedy dopiero zalecam grać słabszymi państwami, typu Polska, Czechosłowacja, Chiny itd. Najciekawsze państwa do grania (wg. mnie) to: 1. Polska 2. ZSRS 3. Rzesza Niemiecka Nie wszystko jest skończone, a właściwie większość rzeczy nie jest jeszcze skończona. Wersja EB 1.4: Dodano bardzo dużo nowych eventów Zoptymalizowano historycznie ważniejsze państwa. Jest teraz 5 rodzajów rządów: Faszyzm, Centryzm, Demokracja, Komunizm i Wolne Miasto (nie polecam…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 2 replies
hi Age Of States Mod Is Make Of Me Link:
Last reply by incometaxkanpur, -
- 2 replies
So guys,i am a mobile modder,and i want to uptade the cruel ages II map,for this i am looking for an map maker if you want to edit the map to it have 7k provinces,it now has 6769 provs contact me here:
Last reply by hitsmods, -
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This mod contains: +a lot of new civs, +new ideologies, +new leaders, +new flags, +new background, +new UI and new scenarios. Screenshots from the game: This mod is currently in development. sorry for my bad english.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
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Wczesna Beta 1.3 Scenariusz/mod trwa od 1935 do 1948 Najciekawsze państwa do grania (wg. mnie) to: 1. Rzesza Niemiecka 2. ZSRS 3. Zjednoczone Królestwo Polska i Francja nie mają jeszcze drzewka Wersja EB 1.3: Dodano możliwość ominięcia linii Maginota Zoptymalizowano siłę państw, Rzesza jest teraz słaba na początku, jednak można z niej stworzyć państwo nie do pokonania Usunięto część Afryki Północnej aby ułatwić walkę na tamtych terenach. Zalecane ustawienia Trudność: IronMan Mgła Wojny: Klasyczny Prędkość gry: 50% Agresywność AI: 0% Jeżeli ustawienia będą inne niż podane, to jest możliw…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
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I actually forgot I had this, this isn't a mod I just couldn't find the right tag, although it offers 2 fictional scenarios. The first offers about 90 nations, while the other about 200, including regional, colonial and administrative subjects It will release when...I remake it because I accidentally deleted Q-Bam and when I learn how to release scenarios on mobile, wish me luck.
Last reply by BurgerMan, -
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Wczesna Beta 1.2 Scenariusz/mod trwa od 1935 do 1948 Najciekawsze państwa do grania (wg. mnie) to: 1. Rzesza Niemiecka 2. ZSRS 3. Zjednoczone Królestwo Polska i Francja nie mają jeszcze drzewka Zalecane ustawienia Trudność: IronMan Mgła Wojny: Klasyczny Prędkość gry: 50% Agresywność AI: 0% Jeżeli ustawienia będą inne niż podane, to jest możliwość, że pojawią się błędy Pobieranie PC: MediaFire: Kliknij Social Media Discord (wcześniejszy dostęp do updatów):
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
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- 1 reply
apolgy for bad english when were u when coreier 6 was die? i was at home eating dorio when phone ring "coreier 6 is kill" "no" @PeteFromPat
Last reply by PeteFromPat, -
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Wczesna Beta 1.1 Scenariusz/mod trwa od 1935 do 1948 Jak na razie największe drzewko mają Niemcy Mało rzeczy jest zrobione Zalecane ustawienia Trudność: IronMan Mgła Wojny: Klasyczny Prędkość gry: 50% Agresywność AI: 50% Jeżeli ustawienia będą inne niż podane, to jest możliwość, że pojawią się błędy Pobieranie PC: MediaFire: Kliknij Social Media Discord (wcześniejszy dostęp do updatów):
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 11 replies
BLOODY EUROPE II С СОБЫТИЯМИ Описание и ссылка Bloody Europe II + (события) - это модификация для мода Bloody Europe II игры Age of Civilizations II, проще говоря подмод (сабмод), который добавляет события и другие полезные функции.Этот мод добавляет новые формируемые нации, музыку, новые иконки и разные события. Скачать мод можно ниже. Последняя обнова вышла 2 сентября (на ПК) и 7 сентября (для телефонов) Скачать версию для ПК или же версию для телефонов можно кликнув по ссылке (с гугл диска) Также есть версия без музыки для ПК (она весит намного меньше) Что добавлено в моде? Ряд новых событий и улучшений. В основном события добавлены дл…
Last reply by den, -
Hey Modders Could You Make A Mod For Me That Has Bloody Engine And UWU Engine? Plz
Last reply by Sacro Império Brasileiro, -
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Wczesna Beta 1.0 Scenariusz/mod trwa od 1935 do 1948 Jak na razie największe drzewko mają Niemcy Mało rzeczy jest zrobione PC: MediaFire: Kliknij
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 2 replies
AOC 2 Expansion+ I have created an expansion mod which contains additional scenarios and interesting events. I will add other features every update Several New Scenarios -Yugoslavia Reborn Scenario -Indonesia Communist Rebel (PKI) Scenario -Gulf War Scenario -WW1 Scenario -Cold War Scenario Scenarios That Have event On It So Far Only Yugoslavia Reborn Scenario That Have Event, But.. I Will Add Event On Every Scenarios Along The Update Planned Content On Upcoming Update: -More Leaders -More Civilization (Fictonal Civilazation, Maybe) -Event In Every Scenario! -And Of Cou…
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Hello everyone! Many people from the aoc community are aware of the existence of some mods dedicated to the victory of Germany in World War II, such as The New Order, Thousand Week Reich. The implementation of these modifications inspired young modders, including me I present to you the Iron Reich mod, where the actions take place in a separate universe of the victory of Germany, but already in the modern world (no no no! This is not a TNO submod). The modification is still raw, but it has already gained popularity in a few months (by the way, this mod was mentioned more than once in the Aoc Strategicon). What can you do in this modification? At the moment, you…
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Well, my comrades. You've been waiting for this. I am announcing the release of Alpha 3.1 modification "Iron Sturm" This small update does not add as much and grandiose content to the mod as in versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. However, you may find some changes in the game that will seem unique and pleasant to you Changes: - Ostland (Baltien) It was divided into two states: Reichsland Weissrussland (as Belarus) and Reichland Baltien (as the Baltic States). Several interesting events have been added for Baltien - The interface has changed a lot. Now it gives a gloomy atmosphere to fashion - A conflict has been added for Romania. There is no event for the…
Last reply by TheDuse, -
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--- Opis --- Jestem w trakcie robienia nowego moda do AoH2. Mod zawiera customową muzyke, nowe scenariusze, a w każdym z nich eventy (nie wszystkie gotowe), możliwość ustawienia Agresywności AI na 0% (zalecane). Dodałem też nowe cywilizacje, nową czcionkę, lekką zmianę ustawień, nowe ustroje polityczne/ideologie, zmianę polskich tłumaczeń oraz nowe możliwości. Zmieniono wygląd terenów na mapie. Mod jest we wczesnej becie dla tego nie wszystko działa poprawnie. Wersja Wczesna Beta 1.5: Naprawa błędów związanych z rodzajami rządów w eventach, Nowy scenar…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Original: By Banan4rang(?) and Uwut Original Forum basically a remaked mod with really awesome ui (foreshadowing) and new bg cuz it sucks (no offense to the creator of the map bg) PROGRESS: CIVS: 86% SCENARIOS: 57% CITIES: 78% UI: 20% (1 OF 5) MRBEAST: -19192828282828822922939% /SAT THIS IS NOT A COMPETITIVE MOD AGAINST BUN_DHA4'S QBAM MOD!!1!1!1!1!111!!!1 Currently in the making... When it's ready.. : P join my server to get notified about it's updates (it has super awesome developers and other people " i don't remember " (Foreshadowing again.)
Last reply by ExistenceDaVitaReduxDev, -
- 3 replies
BRAZILIAN MOD: AD PRAETERITUM 🇧🇷 It's a Brazilian mod created by me that aims to bring the most historically correct scenarios possible. The mod goes from the time of the Roman Republic, through the Middle Ages, the Age of Discovery, the Napoleonic Wars, the British Century, the World Wars, the Post-Second World War period (Cold War), alternative scenarios and the today scenario. (2023, is not today, but is close) EXAMPLES: Additions: Uwut engine, Music, Scenarios, Leaders, Font, Maps and more. Languages: PTBR, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic. The mod is currently at version 1.5.3 (I didn't post it b…
Last reply by megoflyplen,