289 topics in this forum
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Hola Comunidad!!: Les comparto que el Megaxu Mod ha revivido en una nueva re-versión mejorada y que constantemente se actualice con nuevo contenido creado por nuestra pequeña comunidad! Link de Discord:
Last reply by Megaxu, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
--- Opis --- Jestem w trakcie robienia nowego moda do AoH2. Mod zawiera customową muzyke, nowe scenariusze, a w każdym z nich eventy (nie wszystkie gotowe), możliwość ustawienia Agresywności AI na 0% (zalecane). Dodałem też nowe cywilizacje, nową czcionkę, lekką zmianę ustawień, nowe ustroje polityczne/ideologie, zmianę polskich tłumaczeń oraz nowe możliwości. Zmieniono wygląd terenów na mapie. Mod jest we wczesnej becie dla tego nie wszystko działa poprawnie. Wersja Wczesna Beta 1.4: Dodano scenariusz na mapie Europy: 1920 Dodano scenariusz na mapie Europy: 1939 Poprawiono moda wizualnie Naprawiono niektóre błędy --- Link do…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 0 replies
--- Opis --- Jestem w trakcie robienia nowego moda do AoH2. Mod zawiera customową muzyke, nowe scenariusze, a w każdym z nich eventy (nie wszystkie gotowe), możliwość ustawienia Agresywności AI na 0% (zalecane). Dodałem też nowe cywilizacje, nową czcionkę, lekką zmianę ustawień, nowe ustroje polityczne/ideologie, zmianę polskich tłumaczeń oraz nowe możliwości. Zmieniono wygląd terenów na mapie. Mod jest we wczesnej becie dla tego nie wszystko działa poprawnie. Wersja Wczesna Beta 1.3: Dodano scenariusz Zimna Wojna (1950) Poprawiono scenariusz WW2+ Dodano eventy do Szwajcarii na scenariuszu WW2+ Naprawiono niektóre błędy Mod ni…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
--- Opis --- Jestem w trakcie robienia nowego moda do AoH2. Mod zawiera customową muzyke, nowe scenariusze, a w każdym z nich eventy (nie wszystkie gotowe), możliwość ustawienia Agresywności AI na 0% (zalecane). Dodałem też nowe cywilizacje, nową czcionkę, lekką zmianę ustawień, nowe ustroje polityczne/ideologie, zmianę polskich tłumaczeń oraz nowe możliwości. Mod jest we wczesnej becie dla tego nie wszystko działa poprawnie, w przyszłości planuje dodać nowe możliwości w dyplomacji, oraz możliwość rozwijania militarii w kraju. --- Link do pobrania --- PC: MediaFire - [Kliknij] --- Inne--- Jeśli ktoś chcę pomóc w robieniu moda, może…
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 16 replies
Hi. I have good news! Would you like to have rts in aoh2? or similar features in aoh3! Then stay tuned to this thread! For example, I'll show you my progress in rts: you can support me by subscribing to my channel! my channel: note: the mod is currently developing (don't worry, it's not too far in the future. at least it will be released earlier than aoh3)
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Description: "Byzantium Through the Ages" is a comprehensive modification for Age of Civilizations II (AoC2) that invites players to experience the compelling story of the Byzantine Empire, from its humble beginnings to its eventual decline. Immerse yourself in the world of Byzantium and embark on a historical journey spanning centuries, as you navigate through the triumphs and tribulations of this remarkable civilization. Features: Accurate Historical Map: Explore an intricately designed map that encompasses the evolving territorial extent of the Byzantine Empire from its foundation as the Eastern Roman Empire to its fall in 1453. Witness the growth and co…
Last reply by Apple, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
--- Opis --- Jestem w trakcie robienia nowego moda do AoH2. Mod zawiera customową muzyke, nowe scenariusze, a w każdym z nich eventy (nie wszystkie gotowe), możliwość ustawienia Agresywności AI na 0% (zalecane). Mod jest postawiony na Uwut Engine. Dodałem też nowe cywilizacje, nową czcionkę, lekką zmianę ustawień, nowe ustroje polityczne/ideologie, zmianę polskich tłumaczeń oraz nowe możliwości. Mod jest we wczesnej becie dla tego nie wszystko działa poprawnie. Wersja Wczesna Beta 1.2: Dodano możliwość rozwijania militarii w kraju. Dodano politykę gospodarki (Cywilna, Częściowa mobilizacja, Ekonomia wojenna, Technokratyczna ekonomia). …
Last reply by TobiasRieper, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! Our development team is ready to present you with a new unique modification for Age of History 2. If you are interested in the history of the Victorian era or the history of the 19th century in general, this mod is definitely for you! After all, it covers the time from 1856 to 1910. Our fashion contains a huge variety of events, states, rulers (for absolutely all states). A new unique world map that includes almost 6,000 provinces. If you are ready to plunge into the history of the Victorian era and start making history in our mod, you can download the mod from the link that we will post in a separate post (around April 1, 2024) Happy Masle…
Last reply by Wooodex, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
🖥Download (PC):Yandex - - / d / 1aOwbiI904SNV9e6tMBZQ ..Mail - Download a clean version of AoC II. Run the downloaded mod file, select in the "Destination folder" the location where the game is installed and click extract. If you have a licensed version of the game installed in steam, then nothing needs to be changed.This video shows the process of installing the mod on a PC - to find the root of the game - --------…
Last reply by neieder, -
- 1 reply
- 275 views Please join this server,i want to make the most historical and better historical aoc2 mod ever made,help me in my dreams with maps and suggestions in what i can do better,wanting make this server grow,we accepting partnerships too
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 31 replies
The shot Around the world is a ww1 based age of history 2 modification expanding from 1910-???(somewhere in the interwar) This is what now looks like one of my best mods ever. For example the First Balkan war has 5 different outcomes which all work. 30 new provinces in the balkan region and 10 new in Slavic Austria. When ww1 starts the franco-german border turns into a wasteland to simulate the maginot en most events succeseeding the austrian declaration of war have triggers instead of dates. to not get the same run every game there will be a lot of alt history planned. update log 1 - first balkan war has been completely added with 20 pr…
Last reply by bun_dha4, -
- 2 replies
HI GUYSSS.... Now I Will Share My Custom Cursors For PC!!! [LINK] Cursors By THE FUHRER.rar
Last reply by henrykang, -
- 3 replies
Age of History 2 (6671/6671) Only PC FEATURES : - 21 Formable Civilizations - 29 Scenarios (No Event) - 7 Backgrounds PİCTURES : Download Link (PC) : Discord : fearles1991 Youtube Channel : Updates Will Come...
Last reply by theguyinyourwalls0035, -
- 11 replies
This submod take place in post go4 Germany in 2000 Intonation Nightmares are finally gone thank to go4 Germany and Europe become like pre ww2. Japanese empire is beginning decline USA and German federal republic become super powers but still there groups try ending era property and peace Sorry English was bad
Last reply by cvbnm07, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
English: Note: The features in this mod are only made because they are highly requested. Not to gain fame! (I mean it for us Turks 😄 "@uwut, don't take offense. It really has nothing to do with you") Features added in the mod called Nuclear Age: -When you launch a nuclear attack, the state where you launch it becomes a wasteland. -Bunker now has 3 levels "names are bunker1, bunker2, bunker3" "When you fire a nuke at level 0, the province becomes barren." -You must now have at least 5 nukes to shoot nukes. But he will only spend 1 of them. -The nuclear icon in the nuclear attack section turns red when you don't have nukes, and green when you d…
Last reply by Ezsteban, -
- 0 replies
Hi Adding Europe Map Link:
Last reply by TheAOH2Fan, -
- 5 replies
Hello guys, i have some ideas for AOC 2 MODS, If there are already mods on those ideas, or you make one, please let me know Map of america with many provinces HRE map, with various events WW1 with many events Napoleonic wars with many events Chinese civil war In the name of the tsar (Alternative history) Fuhrereich (Alternative history) Kaisereich (Alternative history) Victorian era with many events World map with Antarctica Russian civil war with events Cold war with events Galaxy map Also i want to know how to install games in .RAR or .ZIP archives in Android, so, please, let me know hos
Last reply by 17th Bavarian Division, -
- 8 replies
I have this idea of making a mod of modern day (2020) and also millennium dawn (2000) the cool thing about this is that i will add portraits of all leaders from both scenarios and i will add realistic events for all wars. Features: New Nations New Leaders Events Might use uwut engine 1.6.5 if he lets me
Last reply by TomattinoYT, -
- 19 replies
A simple mod that allows you to set the AI aggressiveness to 0. To do this, simply obtain the Java executable and place it in your game folder. Then, execute it and you're ready to set the aggressiveness to 0. you are free to add it to your mod download:
Last reply by daniel29293823, -
Map of Rwanda
by Zik- 4 replies
Hi, my name is Zik, and i'm making map of Rwanda. It will be map with provinces and etc. I'll keep in touch, if i'm done, or update. Cities: 9 Connections: 154/154 Provinces: 154/154
Last reply by germanycommunities, -
- 2 replies
Discord Server Welcome to my millionth mod, Napoleonic wars The mod is based of the french revolutionairy wars and napoleonic wars ranging from 1792 till 1815, from the french declaration of war untill his defeat at waterloo. This mod includes Leaders for Major Nations A reworked hre and Italy A de facto map of the world Events for Russia, Poland, Austria and France( more soon) The war of the first coalition and it's treaties Sister republics in Switzerland, Netherlands and Italy All campaigns from the first coalition
Last reply by Xjento, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
So I was messing around with Apple's AoC1+ v1.4 map editor, I had just finished importing my old ww2+ scenario and updating it, and I wanted to add Hala Ib and Upper Istria well, this is what happened. Is there anyone that actively does maps that can help me fix this and figure out how to properly add provs?
Last reply by ItsCatboy, -
- 3 replies
A Brand New Mode. Victoria II As You Know, This Is a Paradox Game Story About Queen Victoria, which Happened to Britain. In This Mode It is the Adaptation of the Game Age of History II. Scenarios That Are in the Mode; ■1600 ■1699 ■The 7-Year War ■Napoleonic War ■1836 (Main Script) ●●●FEATURES OF THE MODE●●● ◇Victoria II UI (LWC/Çağan Ayyıldız) ◇Victoria II Font ◇Refreshed Main Menu ◇New Background ◇Soundtracks of Victoria II |□■□■DISCORD■□■□| ■■■■■MODE LINKS■■■■ ■■♤PC♤■■ ■■◇MOBILE◇■■ =======…
Last reply by alexito, -
- 1 reply
BLOODY DYNASTIES Imagina, un mod de AOCII en el que combináramos el juego Crusaders Kings III, con el mapa y estética de Kings of Dynasties y las mecánicas de Bloody Europe. Pues eso es lo que os traigo Este mod estará basado completamente en el año 1066, en plena guerra entre normandos e ingleses. En total habrán 4 escenarios, todos basados en el mismo año, con la diferencia de que tres de los cuatro escenarios incluirán eventos personalizados para 3 civilizaciones cada uno Este mod incluirá: -Este mod contará con las provincias bases de AOCII -Todas las naciones pertenecerán a una dinastía, como los Habsburgo, los Borbones o los Jimena. Ha…
Last reply by KR3UGELL, -
- 75 replies
Welcome i will introduce you to a mod with the most provinces yet. Europe Gigantica is a map of 21K provs. This mod will include bloody europe codes as it's preety muc bloody europe 2.0 Scenarios Currently why have only some scenarios 2022 : Modern day 1944 : Operation Overlord 1914 : The great war 1936 : The victorian era planned : 1936,1949,1440,provinces map Provinces:100% cities : Belgium,Luxembourg formables : French Empire,Benelux screenshots :
Last reply by Xjento,