Scenarios to download made by community
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- 22 replies
Where do I can find or add scenarios to the game? Go to game files -> map -> Earth -> scenarios Informations about scenario if you are not sure which folder is your scenario: Go to game files -> map -> Earth -> scenarios -> 1543351142303fendpqhv (Folder of scenario) -> 1543351142303fendpqhv_INFO.json { "Age_of_Civilizations": "Data", "Data_Scenario_Info": [ { "Name": "Napoleonic Wars", "Author": "King George", "Wiki": "", "Civs": 61, "Age": 5, "Year": 1792, "Month": 1, "Day": 10 } ] } And just move downloaded scenario folder and it's already in…
Last reply by Pragadheera, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Znacie jakieś POLSKIE scenariusze do AoC II? (Najlepiej z wyborami)
Last reply by Young_pepe_2137, -
- 25 replies
A mod situated a few years after the fall of Alexander The Great's Empire and the rise of Rome Featuring : North Africa, Europe, Asia Minor, West Asia 78 Civilizations in total 50 New Civilizations including: 17 Established nations with custom flags AND 33 Ancient tribes Accurate and historical borders based of here Complete List of New Civilizations: Established Nations Ptolemaic Kingdom Seleucid Kingdom West Numidia East Numidia Bithynia Scyths Rhode Hellenic League Marseille Thrace Crete Olbia Pergamon Galatia Meroe …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 123 replies
𝕷𝖚𝖐𝖆𝖘𝖟𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖘 Lukaszian Scenarios is a project made by I Mostly Mossy Man that plans to cover from 600 Anno Domini to 1700 Anno Domini. It will have no events to emulate the simple style of Lukasz's scenarios. We also have a discord serve if you want to help our project. Special credits to: @Unity ,alinew01 (Riyis), and @BurgerMan. NOTE: I am switching to Age of history III so progress will be slowed so the images or now innacurate I will show you some images from the 1111 scenario, that is unfinished but in development: West Europe Balkan Rus Levant South East Asia …
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 7 replies
The Great War 1.9 The Great War To paczka scenariuszy, które przedstawiają historie od 1900r do 1919r. (bez eventów). Paczka zawiera też 32 nowych cywilizacji oraz 7 nowych liderów. Lista scenariuszy: The Great War-Cisza Przed Burzą: The Great War-I Wojna Bałkańska: The Great War-II Wojna Bałkańska: The Great War-Europejska Beczka Prochu: The Great War-Początek Piekła: The Great War-1915: The Great War-1918: The Great War-10 Listopada 1918: The Great War-Europa Po Wojnie: | | …
Last reply by bartekgorzki123, -
- 4 replies
- 5.4k views It includes: - Canadian provinces scenario with modern day prime ministers - Mexican states scenario with modern day governors - Governors of American states in 2017 - Modern day governors of American States - Adds Mexican States and Canadian Provinces into the game Extras - Coahuila and Texas civilization added - Ideology flags for some new civilizations and American States All the flags of the Mexican states are not official with exception of Jalisco and Tlaxcala Why both scenarios look horrible? The game isn't made for th…
Last reply by Moraes, -
- 7 replies
Announcement For now, this scenario has been abandoned (just for now I will continue with this). Because I'm working on another scenario called The Napoleonic Era which will be during the Napoleonic Wars form 1804-1815. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update Logs: Version 0.1 ( Unfinished Version.) What did i add: -Africa and the Middle east. -The War of Independence (Event for the Colonial Dominion of…
Last reply by Someone2_, -
- 6 replies
Are you bored about having a very little Football War scenario? Well, here is the response, Football War extended, it includes other civilizations and ideologies in that date (It's literally 1969 scenario but nobody cares) It includes: - Football War Extended scenario - New Civilization (Upper Volta) - New Leaders for Honduras and El Salvador - Leaders for other civilizations: Mexico, Brazil, USA, Soviet Union, North Korea, West Germany, South Vietnam, Chile, Peru, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Upper Volta, Poland - It also adds Communist flag for Yemen and South Vietnam Football War Extended Map.rar
Last reply by nayahai, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
An update to my previous scenario called NATO vs CSTO. This scenario will get updated as the war progresses. In this scenario NATO already declared war on Russia, Belarus, Kazahstan, other CSTO members and Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. ___________________________________________________ Map made by WorkPlease Link: _______________________________________________________________ Link: Version 1.0 - Version 1.1 - Version 1.2 -…
Last reply by reyyy2002, -
- 7 replies
Türkiye Kurtuluş Savaşı Senaryosu : Turkey Libaration War Scenarios : "Sevr Türkiyesi" adlı devletle başlıyorsunuz. Formlanabilir 2 devlet var : "Sevr Turkey" Has you begins country. there are 2 formable country Misakkı Milli yada Türkiye Turkey or Misakkı Milli Bunları formladıktan sonra isterseniz Osmanlıyı da formlayabilirsiniz After you from them, you can also…
Last reply by mehmet122334, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
A scenario involving the world in 1756, just before the start of the Seven Years' War. I have tried my best to recreate the world of 1756, but if I have made any mistakes please feel free to point them out and I will try to correct them. UPDATE 1: First events added -American revolution event for Great Britain in 1776 -Latin American independence events added for Spain at the start of the 19th century -Added an event for Caucasus expansion for the Ottoman Empire -Added cores for more countries (Poland, Lithuania, Catalonia, Gran Colombia, United Provinces of Central America, Mexican Empire, Hungary, Chile, Argentine Confederation, Uruguay, Paraguay, …
Last reply by SoyAtlasXD, -
- 45 replies
Note : Some of the events are not finished. The historical paths are desactivated for the IA, only you can choose to go non-historical, i won't recommend to do it for turkey and syria because they are not finished. Hello dear friends ! Here you can find my 1919 : "Aftermath of WWI" scenario ! Hope you enjoy it ! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Featuring new civilizations : Bavarian Soviet Republic, People's Republic of Saxony, Hungarian Soviet Republic, West Ukrainian People's Republic, Anadyr (unflagged), Transbaikal Cossak Host (unflagged), Governement of the Nothern …
Last reply by OhPancake², -
- 5 replies
What would the year 2020 have been, if Europe axis powers(Germany and her allies, I mean) won WW2? I am currently working on a scenario(and a mod) called ILLUSION : Order of (the) Blood, which covers a topic mentioned above. I cannot confirm when will be the first version of this scenario released, so I think you can only see some pics of mine down here for now. This scenario is focused on the story, so I will try to put as less countries as possible in order to prevent unnecessary wars and border gores. (For example, the whole of South America and South of Sahara desert is a wasteland and cannot be played nor conquered.) …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Download: This is a scenario about the arctic for the mape project vita
Last reply by Filip III, -
- 10 replies
- 9.2k views This Scenario is basically upgraded version of "Victorian Era" Scenario. New Leaders, Advanced Diplomatic Relationships, and New Nations! Enjoy the Scenario, m8s! +to Lukasz Are these the only files to send to ya?
Last reply by SoyAtlasXD, -
MOD STILL IN DEVELOPMENT Hi ! Iam great war with 200 events scenario producer beag_5 Me and my team took a break from modding due to a few negative situations that happened to us. But now we started modding for aoh2 again. Our first mod is Millenium-Dawn Modern Day for Conquerors. Features of Millenium-Dawn Modern Day Mod : -So many Events With Pictures for now : 2000: done 2001: done 2002: still in development 2003 to 2021 : still in development contains Research on other years continues. -New Leaders With Pictures beta download link When we finish the event of a year, we will share the download link with you from disco…
Last reply by BurgerMan, -
- 1 follower
- 215 replies
_______________________________________ Scenario list(Eurasia) 683, 711 750, 773 814, 843 888, 926 962, 1018 1054, 1081 1111, 1143, 1180, 1206 1243, 1261 1299, 1337 1368, 1402 1429 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ age _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ goverment _______________________________ _____________________________…
Last reply by Conquerors, -
- 0 replies
(This topic is changing to age of history 3).
Last reply by Someone2_, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Witam Mógłby ktoś podesłać jakieś fajne scenariusze?
Last reply by OgnistaStrzal, -
- 9 replies
If you have any alt history ideas for this scenario: Leave them here in the comments 😄
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 13 replies
Imagine, if you will, a time before Lukasz added the Victorian Era scenario to the game. I was an avid fan of the game even in this time, and because I wanted a Victorian Era scenario, I created my own. I dubbed the scenario the Victorian Age, and it was wildly innacurate. However, even so, when the official Victorian Era scenario came out, I was disappointed to find it was rather lackluster. It disappointed me for a number of reasons, so I decided to upgrade my Victorian Age scenario. It's been months in the working, but I feel now that it is ready to be released to the public. ==What does it change?== My Victorian Era scenario adds a wide variety of changes in…
Last reply by SoyAtlasXD, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
A New World is a little project that i had in my mind: WHAT IF THE WORLD HAD GONE WRONG? THE OCIDENT: The Year is 1800, and the world is starting to industrialise, sweden is fighting a war against the anti sweden coalition, and it's likely to surrender soon. if they do surrender, new super powers are likely to born. The Tsardom of Russia is almost in Leningrand, a place that sweden stealed! Our Emperor is in necessity to unify all the places that at least one man speak russian. Prussia finnaly starts their counter attack and they are reaching in the Sweden german homeland. Poland.. Denmark was able to sunk the most important swede…
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 24 replies
Hi! I just started a modern world scenario (I ruined the original). I know there are some mistakes such as the Brazilan-Argentinian border and the Peru-Brazilian border, but I thought I would upload this so that people don't have to go through the effort of recreating the map as I did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double click the zip file in File Explorer Copy the file inside Paste it inside Program Files (x86), Ste…
Last reply by No_Mik, -
- 10 replies
Am I the only one?😄 Basically I only play with the modern map scenario, 10 January 2018.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys! I made this simple Planet of The Apes scenario. PS: I intend to continue until I fill the entire world, but that will take thousands of years, haha. Human Civilizations: 1. North American Resistance (USA) 2. Canadian Resistance 3. Mexican Resistance 4. Cuban Resistance 5. Brazilian Resistance 6. Argentine Resistance 7. Latin South American Resistance 8. Alaskan Resistance 9. South Africa Resistance 10. Sudan Resistance 11. Egypt Resistance 12. Madagascar Resistance 13. Somalia Resistance If you want to give any suggestions or criticism after checking the scenario, I w…
Last reply by Das Moss Man,