Scenarios to download made by community
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- 9 replies
Hey guys! This is my first scenario. New Era Scenario! -African countries lead by Ethiopia decided to unite into African Union and they became new world superpower. -Korean Revolution: North Korean Army made a Coup. Newly formed goverment united with South Korea. -Russia annexed Belarus. -Russia decided to create a puppet state out of Kaliningrad -> Prussia. -Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg signed a Treaty of Brussels. Treaty of Brussels: New country will be named Dutch Republic (Netherland), have Brussels as capital (Belgium) and have Luxembourg dynasty as leader (Luxembourg). Ideology will be fascism. -Republika Srpska seperated from Bosn…
Last reply by Mariiziio, -
- 3 replies
In this scenario you get to play as one of the 16 Bundesländer of Germany, to compete for the domination over the Federal Republic of Germany. This package contains two scenarios as well as 14 new playable Civilizations. Scenario 1: Germany [Screenshots tbd] Scenario 2: Germany (No City States) [Screenshots tbd] The same as Germany, but without Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin I hope you enjoy this scenario German Bundeslä
Last reply by Cooler boi, -
WHi all I created a scenario in which more countries have their independence and sovereignty. This scenario is a scenario that shows how many countries can be independent in the world. 98319
Last reply by Waders, -
- 0 replies
Balcans Started a War again! When they will learn? Well , time for another chaos and destruction time. Link to Scenario -
Last reply by kebabowxki, -
- 0 replies
POLiser is scenario that is mostly based about alternative history of Poland , and how it become a europe superpower. You may not know , but in history Poland was having chances to be strong , but unfortunelly didnt used it. But here is alternative History. In 1916 , Poles started uprising on Austria , germany and Russia territories , and managed to win it in 5 February 1917 , and also gain a full indepedence. At 1921 while Polish-Bolshevik war , Piłsudzki didnt decide to make a peace pact with Soviets , but was keep going deeper into russia territories. When Poles captured Moscow , bolshevik decided to give up and sign a pact , where Poland gette…
Last reply by kebabowxki, -
- 5 replies
You can cringe but you can't not play this (at least when I publish it). Anyways this is literally random, I plastered random civilizations around the regular world map and you might probably see that from the photos. Might be a few memes here and there. Currently Finalizing I'll publish it when I figure out how to publish it and when I'm done finalizing it. Umm I guess that's it? I'll also start working on an alternate future WW3 scenario thing that I was thinking about on my 3 week vacation to Europe that I got back from 2 weeks ago.
Last reply by AlphaStar, -
- 0 replies
Siema, ma ktoś scenariusz wojny NATO i Rosji? Jeśli tak to chętnie bym sobie pobrał z góry dzięki
Last reply by ziomek_zjadł_nick, -
- 2 replies
This is a continuation of a scenario that never got released because of the file becoming corrupted. This is an alternative Pre-WW1 scenario. I will be attempting to create this mod in as many different mods as possible; however, right now I am mainly focusing on regular AoH2. Neuerkrieg (NK) is attempting to make a focus on trying to handle your nation, rather than declaring wars every other turn. NK will be transferred over to Conquerors Pro, Conquerors v1.5.1 (Conquerors of the New Age), Bloody Europe II, Addon 2.0, and Age of Imperialism (pre-1.3). I will try to also get NK to 1.3 and onward of Age of Imperialism. I will be adding more than Europe, obviously. Rig…
Last reply by Justskull, -
- 2 replies
April 19, 1775: the American Revolutionary War Years of tension between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies have lead none the less to another bloody conflict in the North American rich territories. This time it will change history's course... forever. Currently, the Thirteen Colonies are struggling for their own liberty aganist the tyrant nation of Great Britain. The Dutch Republic, the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of Spain, Britain's historical enemies, are eagering to join the fight and take back their rightful place on the world stage. Alone and without their full support, defeating English troops will not be an easy task... Me…
Last reply by ukrainebeswaglikethat, -
- 0 replies
I made this before and cause i made an account i decided to post it 🙂 How to put the scenario in: 1. Download the zip file 2. Extract the folder inside of the zip 3. Copy the folder into: Windows (C:)/ProgramFiles (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AoCII/Map/Earth/scenarios 4. Enjoy! 😄
Last reply by ukrainebeswaglikethat, -
- 8 replies
Scenario war in ukraine:
Last reply by jeko, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I made scenario about Iron Curtain. The half of communist world and war with democracy :D. I don't made leaders, because I'm lazy xD Siemka, stworzyłem scenariusz nt. Żelaznej Kurtyny. Ten scenariusz umieściłem w roku, gdzie było najwięcej dyktatur i komunistycznych państw. Nie robiłem liderów,ponieważ jestem leniwy. mini
Last reply by Alan69, -
- 0 replies
Вступ до нато
Last reply by Кирил, -
- 5 replies
Hello, This is my first ever scenario made in Age of History 2. Hope you guys enjoy it! Scenario: Serbian Republic Attempt About scenario: It's year 2037 and Vojvodina and Kosovo got independent from Serbia so Serbia declare war on Vojvodina, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina in attempt to get Serbian Republic rebuilt. (PART 1) Part 2 Leaks: You successfully rebuilt Serbian Republic because of that Montenegro decide to unite again with Serbia. Croatia was happy about it and they support Bosnia and Herzegovina which leads to getting Vojvodina free but Serbia took Vojvodina back again and united with Montenegro again, they started war for Vojvodina's a…
Last reply by v4sk3, -
- 0 replies
Hello this is pre ww1 scenario but i didn't add africa. there is polish (1902) and english (1902 ENG) version v1 update: indochina is french vassal v2 update: fixed russian provinces , Added North Borneo v3 update: fixed balkans provinces 1902 ENG 1902
Last reply by Onyx736, -
- 20 replies
Helden der Welt=“Heroes of the World” in German. Me and several friends work on a hero universe similar to Marvel, DC, ect. It is very complicated and requires alot of backstory to the World. This story is currently being published on Deviant Art. The Story: This Earth is a world consisting of both magic and science. Magic and Science go hand and hand in this world to a point that Magic is considered a science. This creates many strange things. Including Heroes, Villains, and the so called “Neutrals”. Helden der Welt explores this along with an interesting twist on history. 334 BC, there were three species dominating Earth, with les…
Last reply by Król Endeyy, -
- 0 replies
- 1.9k views here enjoy
Last reply by wlgmanostaso, -
- 0 replies
Its year 2192 Conflict between many countries caused massive nuclear bombarding on Earth , and now most of territories are destroyed and located with a radiotion toxics. Will you survive in this world? Or maybe will get killed in it? Apocalypse is now... Link to Dowloand : Its my first scenario , so i hope people gonna enjoy it. Things added in 1.5 version : -20+ new countries -Rebalanced provinces -Changed ideologies of some countries Its now so much , i know , but i dont know how things like Events w…
Last reply by kebabowxki, -
- 3 replies
Hello, This is my third ever scenario made in Age of History 2. Hope you guys enjoy it! Scenario: Balkan War 3 About scenario: Serbia and Montenegro turned into Monarchy and wanted to become Empire but they wanted Serbian Empire land back which leaded to start of Balkan War 3. (PART 3) Difficulty: Extreme Balkan War 3.rar
Last reply by Gabisans04, -
- 16 replies
Here's My 1900 Scenario (Borders in Asia may not be true)Also ignore the fact that Germany turns to Weimar Republic on the 2nd turn.There are 2 alliances:Balkan Against Ottomans and Triple Alliance
Last reply by Standart, -
- 1 reply
Hello , probably no one gonna see it , but i would wanna to share my Custom scenario that i made today. As the title says , its happening at 'The end of world" Where nuclear war starts and everybody start nuke they neighbors. Here link to dowloand : Its my first time sharing my scenario , so i hope i dont did anything wrong and its gonna work.
Last reply by kebabowxki, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I made some scenarios of the Spanish Civil War (I’m Spanish) because they are very easy to do, but I'm from Android and I can' t share them until the Workshop arrives. About technology: in all the scenarios, the two civilizations have the standard technology level, 0,45. Update 25/03/2019: -Now, there are 6 scenarios: (In cronological order): august 1 of 1936, august 19 of 1936, may 1 of 1937, november 1 of 1937, july 1 of 1938 and march 1 of 1939. -Added Spanish colonies: Equatorial Guinea and Spanish Sahara (However, they are territories with little importance in the war, but now ALL the Spanish territories are represented in the war) Some p…
Last reply by Kauan, -
- 0 replies
Hello, This is my fourth ever scenario made in Age of History 2. Hope you guys enjoy it! Scenario: Serbia and Montenegro War About scenario: Serbia and Montenegro took almost all land after winning Balkan War and forming Empire but sadly after few years pasted due to civil wars and lot of crime wars Serbia and Montenegro got in argument and split in 2 countries that let Croatia, Vojvodina, and Bosnia to have freedom and they got independents from Serbia and Montenegro Empire. Montenegro with Greece, Turkey, Romania, Vojvodina and Bosnia joined in war against Serbia and Croatia since Serbia promised to Croatia if they Unite Croatia will get some land, now …
Last reply by v4sk3, -
TR: Evet bu defa The Gathering Storm V2.0'ye Hoi4'teki The Great War'daki (ve onun Redux Beta'sındaki) 1910 ve 1919 senaryolarını Hoi4'teki The Great War'a (ve Redux'una) göre yapmaya çalıştım. (Evet bu defa bir çılgınlık daha: İki senaryo birden çıkarıyorum) Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I tried to make the 1910 and 1919 scenarios from The Great War (and it's Redux Beta) from the Hoi4's The Great War (and It's Redux Beta). (Yes another craziness: I'm releasing two scenarios at one time) There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! 1910 and 1919.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by yamuktepsi45, -
- 0 replies
It is a scenario that can be played in 364 states. In this scenario set in the First World War: ALLIANCES France & Russia Germany & the Austro-Hungarian Empire VASSALS United Kingdom: Canada, British India, Union of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. United States: Philippines. In addition, the relations of some states have been adjusted. Good games! : D
Last reply by Arda016,