Scenarios to download made by community
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Eng: This is scenario for Age of History 2, with alternate future in year 2122. This scenario contain: allies, vassals and non-aggression pacts. Download below! Pol: To jest scenariusz dla Age of History 2, z alternatywną przyszłością w roku 2122. Ten scenariusz zawiera: sojuszników, wasali i pakty o nieagresji. Pobierz poniżej! Fre: C'est le scénario d'Age of History 2, avec un futur alternatif en 2122. Ce scénario contient : des alliés, des vassaux et des pactes de non-agression. Téléchargez ci-dessous! Ita: Questo è lo scenario per Age of History 2, con futuro alternativo nell'anno 2122. Questo scenario contiene: alleati, vassalli e patti di non aggressi…
Last reply by sziroczek_, -
- 5 replies
The Coming Storm Note: If there is something wrong in the Scenario, please fix it in your own Scenario Editor 1644990964657vbwxamqc (1).rar
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 2 replies
I've been having trouble using these .rar files, because i'm new, or it could be because i'm using opera gx, anyways can somebody help?
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 2 replies
Age of History 2 1700 Scenario Download is not avaible anymore (btw, its important to download the leaders/leaderIMG)
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I share this video that I made Don't hesitate to go and watch
Last reply by Mirmox34, -
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Endsieg (Europe) Note: -This Scenario has a small amount of events -Borders might be wrong1645690972024kubnoybz.rar
Last reply by Tryington, -
- 1 reply
I've seen many players creating scenarios where they got the correct border, like WW2 and modern world, I legit want to make one but I can't make A correct border of A country, I legit want to know thb
Last reply by L_mustrd, -
- 3 replies
Welcome to the Asia update on Neuerkrieg. Some cores will be changed, including Assyria 100%, assuming the cores don't get entirely removed for Assyria. However, I like what I have done with Asia, and will continue to work upon it. More events will be added in the future for both Europe and Asia. I will also try to nerf England a bit, because they are too easy to play. Phoenicia will also become a Greek puppet, which I have yet to do. Neuerkrieg
Last reply by Tryington, -
- 6 replies
The same as normal NK, but with no events. This appeals more to those who enjoy the war side more of AoH2, instead of more plotting gameplay. This will change with the updates to NK.
Last reply by Maksimum, -
- 7 replies
1882 Note: -This scenario does NOT contain events. -Sorry but some collonies and tribes are missing -Borders and Capitals might be wrong. 1645592543369oljwwdqi.rar
Last reply by Maksimum, -
- 5 replies
TR: Evet yine geldim ve bu defa AoH2'nin en iyi modu AoI'a bir senaryo yaptım. Aslında bu modun forum sayfasında Anadolu ve Balkanları içeren bir resim var ama bu senaryonun kendisi yok. Dedim ki yapsam iyi olur. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes I am back again and I made a scenario to AoH2's best mod AoI. Actually there is a picture of Anatolia and Balkans in the mod's forum page but the scenario is not in the game. I thought that I should do it. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! AOI Mod(u): 1641314054171imisimdc.rar
Last reply by yamuktepsi45, -
- 0 replies
Screenshots and drawings of scenario Lemmings :
Last reply by Iwo2014, -
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Operation Barbarossa Note: This Scenario is only focusing on Europe and parts of African and Asia 1644925255091kmrarqdh.rar
Last reply by Tryington, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
The Kelper-22B Pack.rar free download The Kelper Scenarios Pack The Core Version
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
Are you tired of playing the Modern World scenario which has no relations, alliances or more government types? Well, then I present you: PRESENT DAY MOD When I played the Modern World scenario for the first time, I noticed lots of inaccuracies, such as Guernsey being fully independent, Somalia having a fully funtional government and Cuba being democratic. So, I've made this mod to make a realistic modern world. MOD FEATURES: What the mod currently includes: United Nations Revamped UI Present Day scenario Renamed buildings, actions etc. New icons New soundtrack Mod size: 161 MB Less lead…
Last reply by Meherrem, -
- 0 replies
Selamlar bu senaryoda dünya yapısı ile yeni tasarımlar . worldwar2.rar
Last reply by Karsanlı Adam, -
- 3 replies
Made 2 Communist Scenarios in 1923 and 1929 Communist World: (1923) Red World: (1929) Download is not avaible anymore (btw, its important to download the LeadersIMG)
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
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No, its not related to "Kaiserreich" original scenario, its just a name And this post have been made for an reddit post 1641250235185tzhyllhw 1641250235185tzhyllhw_A 1641250235185tzhyllhw_C 1641250235185tzhyllhw_D 1641250235185tzhyllhw_HRE 1641250235185tzhyllhw_INFO.json 1641250235185tzhyllhw_PD 1641250235185tzhyllhw_W 1641250235185tzhyllhw_E
Last reply by ILoveGermanicReichs, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by ze5ek, -
o cenário contém com algumas mudanças diretas da vida real na época exemplo : as guianas estão unidas e não colonizadas para não ter conflitos de paises europeus no cenário paises com eventos - paraguai brasil argentina Bolívia Uruguai proximo update previsão - events para o chile + events for bolivia , brazil and argentina ( o mod não esta pronto ) screnshots\!
Last reply by Balakyt, -
- 1 reply
This is 1805 scenario i make it doesnt have ideal borders but its playable Theres some screenshots: the link works
Last reply by antololo, -
- 14 replies
Hi i make scenarios and i have no ideas when you have say that please This scenario i have
Last reply by Byzantine7, -
- 1 reply
War is cruel, Central Powers won the war but then Red Revolution begins everywhere. Britain, France en Germany has fallen to the reds but Monarchs escaped to Canada, Africa and East Prussia. Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire has fallen because of minorities. From the all victors only Bulgaria remains and Central Powers has been disbanded. But Remants of Entente keeps their Alliance, USA joined. In Spain also a civil war. What will happen next? The year will be the end of 1919. Redworld1919.rar
Last reply by ineedaname, -
- 0 replies
So i will upload the map tomorrow. New Civilizations; Scandinavia -Jamtland,Skane,Geats,Göthenburg,Gotland,Kvenland,Tavastians İceland -Clan Sturlungar (My Favorite) Europe (There is so many thats why im gonna write few of them) -Cordoba (Muslim nation at iberia),Asturias,Bavaria,Kievan Rus,Bulgaria,Prussians,Hungary,Croatia,Byzantine Empire Africa -Tlemcen,Tunis,Morocco,Abbasids (But its 750 ad abbasids), Nekor İf i have any mistakes remind me. Should i add events?
Last reply by barlasozkokten,