Scenarios to download made by community
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The Meme Wars wasn't an war in real life but it was a vote in the European Union but this is if the countries that vote agonist the ban of memes formed a faction download
Last reply by platinum, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys, Thi is my first post so yeah. Anyways, I made an Red world Scenario for Bloody Europe 2, It might be a little bit inacurate because I made it when I had no internet, but I think its still fun. download:
Last reply by Anglo-Dutch, -
- 0 replies
oi hoje em vim trazer um cenário de 1962, é um cenário alternativo aonde tem 3 ideologias que disputam o mundo a primeira é a democracia que é a ideologia com menos integrantes mais tem paises muito fortes Fascismo é a segunda que mais tem integrantes, não se espalhando muito pelo globo E sim focando na europa O comunismo é o mais predominante com quase 50 nações com essa Ideologias espalhadas pelo globo 1962
Last reply by Farrell Modder, -
- 5 replies
Scenario isn't my AOC2.rar
Last reply by Elmar, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
WWII: Fixed Well, we are humans and we do mistakes. And Lukasz is a human and he did mistakes in World War II scenario. I decided to fix them and share it with you players. Asia, changes in China and Japanese Puppets South America, Peru and Ecuador border Also, fixes in Africa Also fixed the puppets(Dominions etc.) And finally, the governments in Europe and Asia are fixed I hope you like it, i may consider to further develop this. Link to download:
Last reply by Tryington, -
- 5 replies
After downloading and extracting the .zip file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file.
Last reply by 2nd Perkaza R. Dani, -
- 1 reply
Hello this scenario alternative history on Kepler 22B. Me love this map!!! Me make more scenarion on Kepler 22B. (sorry no events :( ) Kepler 1800.rar my civs.lnk
Last reply by 111dendenden111, -
- 0 replies
I won't give any info paste the files onto BE2's folder. Don't use it on normal game Turkey.rar
Last reply by Fearless Okan, -
- 7 replies
Herkese merhaba Bu senaryo tamamen alternatif ve tamamen tarafsız senaryo.rar
Last reply by redfalcon, -
- 4 replies
After downloading and extracting the .zip file, read the 'READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!' .txt file.
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 32 replies
I have made an Independent States scenario and you can probably guess what it is, a scenario where states are independent! I made this completely by memory (shh don't tell anyone I used google for the capitals), so if anything is wrong, tell me in the comments and I will fix it asap. Russia coming soon requested by BgoingN2
Last reply by florshmisflorg, -
- 1 reply
ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО НУЖЕН МОД ADDON + Вот сам сценарий, 2917 год Монархия, коммунизм, и великая япония лишь малая часть которая есть в этом сценарии. УДАЧИ!
Last reply by oliver07, -
- 1 reply
A scenario that features the battles of the Yugoslav Wars. Please note that this is my first scenario i ever made in Age of Civilizations, so don't expect too much. I'm open to your suggestions on how to make the scenario better. YugoslavWars.rar
Last reply by phil07, -
- 0 replies
Oi, vim mostrar para vocês meu primeiro cenario dentro do jogo, podemos ter alguns erros porque eu ainda não sei fazer isso muito bem mais espero que vocês se divirtam com o cenário Guerra Mexicana - Americana
Last reply by Timoshenko, -
- 0 replies
Oi, vim mostrar para vocês meu primeiro cenario dentro do jogo, podemos ter alguns erros porque eu ainda não sei fazer isso muito bem mais espero que vocês se divirtam com o cenário Guerra Mexicana - Americana
Last reply by Timoshenko, -
- 7 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Orwell'in 1984'ünün devamı olan 2004 senaryosunu yaptım. Fikir için yamkutepsi45'e teşekkürler. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the continuation of Orwell's 1984 scenario: 2004. Thakns to yamuktepsi45 for idea. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! 1639493448799bilfxaly.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
Download In this scenario, Germany had shrunk and you didn't have much hope left, you can renew Germany's hope or make it even more hopeless by downloading this scenario. Everything depends on you. -All diplomacy adjusted. -Armies were placed on the borders. -There is no event, but I plan to add it in the future. -Have fun with the game. -You can ask your questions via DM Discord:rey#0006.
Last reply by Faleroy, -
- 0 replies
Hello guys! This scenario for fast game and have one event(BROKEN NEED FIX) 11 civs (custom) in my plans create team for make more scenarios for kepler 22b (Need dowload The Kepler Civs Pack 1 find in civizations) The Starter Era (-125 year)(scenario for fast game).rar
Last reply by 111dendenden111, -
world 2786
by leopro- 4 replies
world 2786.rar
Last reply by awep11, -
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Russia invades Ukraine on the 6th of January 2022 with the help of fellow members of CSTO. Nato responds by declaring war on CSTO. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Map made by: WorkPlease Link of the map: Tutorial on how to install this scenario: 1 - Download the attachment 2 - Open the rar file 3 - Copy the ''1565366214215uumkzlkl'' (right click - copy; ctrl+c) 4 - Go to: Program Files (x86) -> Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Age of Civilizations ll -> Map -> Earth -> scenarios 5 - Paste the ''1565366214215uumkzlkl'' (right click - paste; …
Last reply by AmarS, -
- 1 reply
EVENTLİ MODERN DÜNYA SENARYOMA HOŞ GELDİNİZ , Senaryom da israil, yunanistan, türkiye, arnavutluk, kürdistan gibi ülkelerde de event vardır . eventler arasında: erken seçimler , batı trakya olayı , kıbrıs olayı , kuzey epir olayı , kürdistan olayı , ermeni sorunu , israil-filistin sorunu , kudüs sorunu gibi eventler vardır. İçerik : -İsrail'e amerika yatırımı sayesinde ulaşılamaz bir teknoloji ve ekonomi verildi . (eventler ile gelecek) -Türm türk bölgeleri vardır. -doğu türkistan olayları vardır vb. daha fazla olaylar vardır , oynayarak a…
Last reply by Selimzmrt, -
- 0 replies
EVENTLİ MODERN DÜNYA SENARYOMA HOŞ GELDİNİZ , Senaryom da israil yunanistan türkiye arnavutluk kürdistan gibi ülkelerde de event vardır . eventler arasında erken seçimler , batı trakya olayı , kıbrıs olayı , kuzey epir olayı , kürdistan olayı , ermeni sorunu , israil-filistin sorunu , kudüs sorunu gibi eventler vardır. İçerik : -İsrail'e amerika yatırımı sayesinde ulaşılamaz bir teknoloji ve ekonomi verildi . (eventler ile gelecek) -Türm türk bölgeleri vardır. -doğu türkistan olayları vardır vb. daha fazla olaylar vardır , oynayarak anlayabilirsiniz . İNDİRME LİNKİ VE SENARYONUN AYRINTILI TANITIMI İÇİN VİDEOM : htt…
Last reply by selimzmrt42, -
- 1 reply
1640724494868mgfsaowx 1640724494868mgfsaowx_A 1640724494868mgfsaowx_C 1640724494868mgfsaowx_D 1640724494868mgfsaowx_HRE 1640724494868mgfsaowx_INFO.json 1640724494868mgfsaowx_PD 1640724494868mgfsaowx_W 1640724494868mgfsaowx_E
Last reply by Vladgobby, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by JoJoPlaze, -
- 0 replies
Do I really need to explain this scenario? I'll just show ya a screenshot and then YOU decide if you wanna download. Download link:
Last reply by Businessoverrights,