Scenarios to download made by community
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Welcome to 0.5! This Version Includes: ● Europe ● Asia ● Venetian-Ottoman War ● "Surrender of Sweden" Event ● A Monarchist France! ((With decapitations and Revolutions Guaranteed)) ● HRE ● Great Northen War ● Official Release Date: Waiting for Workshop ((And most likely after 1.0/1.5 if it comes out)) Next Version: 0.7 0.7 Should include: ●Africa 8
Last reply by giorgiishere, -
- 25 replies
i started like one week ago but can do it much because of exam week so im starting again now if you have suggestions you can write them in comments :)
Last reply by giorgiishere, -
- 40 replies
My first scenario that I have created is called 1815 and the scenario map is completed and takes influence from the Wikimedia Commons map of the world 1815 and I have also taken influence from the 1440 scenario when it came to adding tribal civilizations in empty areas and I am willing to accept help for any map day errors or fixes from the community as well as event help to make it more historically accurate.
Last reply by giorgiishere, -
- 3 replies
Olá, aqui venho publicar o meu "mod" do Age of History 2 da Segunda Guerra Mundial . Irei listar abaixo, todas as coisas que adicionei: -Músicas novas -Muitos eventos da Segunda Guerra Mundial em PT-br -Modificações do cenário -Líderes novos -Novos países formáveis -novas ideologias -novos efeitos de som Eu testei tudo certinho é claro. E no futuro irei lançar novas atualizações, para que a experiência seja bem mais dinâmica INSTALAR : Baixe pelo mediafire: pelo google drive:…
Last reply by the white river dinosaur, -
- 2 replies
Hello Dear Friends ! Here you can find my 7 Years War scnenario ! Some of the customs civilizations have been maded by TheWarMonger all credits to him. EDIT 1.1 : Some of the Germans states have changes. New civilizations : Wadai (By TheWarMonger) Palembang (By TheWarMonger) Banjar (By TheWarMonger) Sennar (By TheWarMonger) & New France (By TheWarMonger) Frankfurt Duchy of Westphalia Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen (NEW) & Duchy of Saxe-Weimar (NEW) --- EDIT 1.1 : Landgrave of Hesse Kassel / Darmstadt are replaced by the basic landgrave of Hesse. The duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and the Duc…
Last reply by OhPancake, -
- 0 replies
Well this scenario is about poland and two countries. You can guess what countries from the image below. Btw this is my first scenario and sorry for my bad english. Edit: i forgot to say. This scenario is for europe map. Polish nightmare.rar
Last reply by Iveolu, -
- 2 replies
New Civilizations! ----------------------------------- New 2 Leader Tuned Technologies Adjusted Diplomacy New İdeologies!! DOWNLOAD LİNK(PC) ----PHOTOS---
Last reply by sAsKe, -
- 2 replies
I have made a map of the Cold war but REVERSED. in this scenario, the USA have become communist before WW2 and russia has become a federal republic. slowly the westerns nation of europe become communist as well. WW2 happen and germany lose but fast after the world is cutted in two parts : The side of the United Socialist States of America with his west european allies, japan, central america and the old europeans colonies that fell to communism ; and the side of the Federal Republic of Russia with his east European allies, Free France, The United kingdom (and his remaining colonies), China, the Middle-East and all the remaining republics that has not fallen to commun…
Last reply by Perkaza R. Dani, -
- 0 replies
After downloading and extracting the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file. 1635259962940qkzcoucg.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 0 replies
Scenario list + download: Kingdom Of Bohemia 1377 Austria-Hungary World War I Balkan I'm not working on Scenario+.
Last reply by Xaeloricek, -
- 0 replies
TR:Evet bu defa yamuktepsi45'in önerisiyle bir senaryo yaptım. Kendisi 1215 Yılı senaryomun yorumlarına (?) Fransız devrimi başarısız olsaydı ne olurdu diye bir öneri paylaştı. Bende bu öneriyi yaptım ve başka bir şeye evirilmiş olabilir. Aynı zamanda 1. ve 2. Koalisyon Savaşlarını alternatifleştirdim. Senaryoda çoğunlukla Fransa için, az sayıda Osmanlı ve Lehistan-Litvanya için event var. Hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! UYARI: Daha sonra bu senaryonun eventlerini İngilizceye çevirebilirim. ENG:Yes this time I made a scenario with a advice from yamuktepsi45. He offered me a advice which is What if French Revolution failed in the comments of my 1215 Year scenari…
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone ! I have made a new alternate history map : Native World ! In this world, Europe has not become a dominant power after the fall of the Roman Empire. Because of that, nations from all over the world avoided colonisation and developped themselves, creating new Kingdoms, Republics and Empires. Nations like France, The UK, Germany, Russia, never existed because Europe stayed basically like it was 2000 years ago (With some changements of course) So in this map you can take control of a nation you would never have think of, and build a new Empire, never seen on any other map ! This world dont have a dominant power, will you be able to become the Ultim…
Last reply by Altra12, -
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I couldn't find a way to do so.
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Hello,this is my Cisplatine War scenario,have fun playing it!:D This scenario has a new civilization,33 Orientals Cisplatine War.rar
Last reply by Alemanha Ball, -
- 8 replies
Current Civs: 4 FlyingScout OhPancake VitoMPC Lucas2021 Still working on this so feel free to send some in the replys. Starting number of provinces will always be 5! Will only be doing this on weekends and occasionally weekdays so don't mind if i dont add it immediatly. So I found this dead scenario called "War of the AOCII Community" and it peaked my interest, so I decided to do my own and keep it alive this time. Basically, just reply using the format below: Color: (Hexadecimal Code) (Insert State/Country), (Insert City) Leader: (Optional) (Include a image wi…
Last reply by FlyingScout, -
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TR: Evet uzun süre sonra yeni senaryoyla karşınızdayım. Bu defa 1553 yılını alternatifleştirdim. Senaryoda , çoğunlukla Osmanlı için, 1553-1564 yılları arası eventler vardır. Hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! UYARI: Bu senaryonun eventlerinin İngilizce olduğu senaryoyu da yapmayı düşünüyorum ama sonra olabilir. ENG: Yes after a long while I'm here with a new scenario. This time I alternated the year 1553. In the scenario, mostly for Ottoman Empire, there are events between 1553-1564. There might be issues, good playing! WARNİNG: I want to do this scenario with events translated to English but i might do that later. 1633169089227etibofzc.rar civili…
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I wanted to make a mod set in the witcher universe for a long time. Unfortunately, I couldn't make a map of the continent. In return for creating a map, he offers a modest reward, the nickname of the map maker among the authors of the entire mod. However, I hope that someone will be willing to help and contribute to the development of the game
Last reply by WATSUNSS, -
- 88 replies
so what you mean Well, everyone in the Society of the age of civilizations has seen World War I or II, but have you ever heard of community War? What's a community War? Anyone in the community, we take information from him, like from any country, and so on, we create a war scenario between them. Project? Over sixty-eight people. new flags for them Alliances, winnings, loss will have a good story How? I'll leave you with some pictures . you understand better. ■ ■ ■ ■□■□■□■ ■□■□■ ■□■ □ Now we have 13 people in the scenario You want to be part of the project, …
Last reply by FlyingScout, -
- 0 replies
Szukam polskiego scenariusza z eventami. Najlepiej gdyby był w czasach współczesnych. Gdyby ktoś mógł wysłać link do pobrania to byłbym wdzięczny.
Last reply by YankeS, -
- 0 replies
Szukam polskiego scenariusza/moda z eventami. Najlepiej gdyby był w czasach współczesnych. Gdyby ktoś mógł wysłać link do pobrania to byłbym wdzięczny.
Last reply by YankeS, -
- 0 replies
After downloading and extracting the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file. 1620463823591ouvkcstq.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 0 replies
!!!THIS IS THE ALPHA VERSION OF THE SCENARIO!!! After downloading and extracting the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file. 1633536795861dskppdpd.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 0 replies
This is the first update to the viking age scenario, i updated the British isles, some features: - New Leaders; - Now is possible to win with Wessex, but is too hard; - Isn't so easy to conquest england with Jórvik; - More balanced. Hope you like it, i'm going to update it in the future. Viking Age - 867
Last reply by Jota Pe, -
- 2 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Rusya Çarlığı'nı oluşturan ülkeleri yaptım Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the countries that are creating the Russian Empire There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! İlham Kaynağı/Inspiration Source: 1633100220023xppsiidm.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 3 replies
I did a "Earth" scenario for the franco prussian war with 3 custom civilizations and other 4 southern German states with events, the normal civilizations are Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Baden and Hesse, then, I made customs for North German Confederation, one for the Second French Empire, and another one for French colonies. You can play with the civilization you want, as events establish an automatic peace when a capital is conquered, as a realistic and historically accurate German victory, or alternate French one. There is diplomacy and alliance with southern states. Even though you could play with any civilizations, I recommend playing with north german or france as southern …
Last reply by new lakhal 2.0,