Scenarios to download made by community
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TR: Evet bu defa normal AoH2'ye 1215 yılını yaptım. Bir dönem Bizans küçük devletlere bölünmüştü (Latin İmp., İznik İmp. gibi) ve bende bunun olduğu bir senaryo yapmak istedim ve bu yüzden bu senaryoyu yaptım. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the Year 1215 scenario to normal AoH2. There was one time where Byzantine got divided into smaller countries (Like Latin Empire, Nicea Empire) and I wanted to make a scenario in this era and that's why I made this scenario. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! 1632073997995hwtcloec.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
1950 COLD WAR.rar
Last reply by berat_7436, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
[Discontinued] Hello everyone. It's Addon+ Events Pack but now it's early soo there's only events to 1939 in one scenario but im gonna make more soon. Next version when Addon+ 1.5 release. Download (New Link because previous doesn't worked)--->
Last reply by CCCP, -
- 0 replies
hi / hola
Last reply by leopro, -
- 0 replies
What is "Gathering Storm - The End of One War for All Other Wars"? - It is a map scenario of the First World War, specifically the March 21, 1918 Spring Offensive. What are the historical details? - The Spring Offensive in France by the Germans, Russian Civil War, the offensive by Egyptian troops in Transjordan, Arab revolt in Hejaz, German vassals, Chinese, British, Alliances such as Entente, Alliance, White Army and Red Army and last but not least, participation of South American countries like Brazil and Haiti To historical events? - Unfortunately not, I don't know how to make events with this mod as it is something silly, whoever wants to help…
Last reply by Mr.Anti-Lolicon, -
- 2 replies
it's my 1st scenario :) 1631558856758hbndmheu 1631558856758hbndmheu_A 1631558856758hbndmheu_C 1631558856758hbndmheu_D 1631558856758hbndmheu_HRE 1631558856758hbndmheu_INFO.json 1631558856758hbndmheu_PD 1631558856758hbndmheu_W 1631558856758hbndmheu_E
Last reply by AgeofCivilizationsFan, -
TR: Evet bu defa The Gathering Storm V2.0'ye HoI4'teki In the Name of Tsar senaryosunu yaptım. In the Name of Tsar Rusya'nın da WW1'i kazanıp kendine pay çıkardığı bir senaryodur. Türkiye olarak oynamayı kolaylaştırmak için Türkiye'ye 2 event eklendi. Aynı zamanda yurtlar eklendi. Hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the HoI4's In the Name of Tsar scenario to The Gathering Storm V2.0. In the Name of Tsar is a scenario where Russia also win the WW1 and got something else for him. To make play as Turkey easier there are 2 events added for Turkey. Also cores are added. There might be issues, good playing! 1631558469300nipfeprd.rar …
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 2 replies
You can have an alternative, a historical one, anything you like in your heart. Just give me an idea.
Last reply by Bricksburg, -
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Remake rise china but but add event pre 2022 like crisis oil 2014 go china supportpower but more power economic collapse usa 2020s happened but more worst Shanghai Pact never change this my timeline rise china just happened Venezuelan War china start proxy war again usa after WTA invasion Venezuelan wanna oil this event happen 2020 pre start scenarios also Venezuelan War fine war usa pre weakened second 2021 evn after us army back home reat Venezuelan army War again china no boss army Venezuelan usa oil company just take Venezuelan again war china Venezuelan War not end yet but
Last reply by new lakhal 2.0, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
This is a scenario I made a while ago which I intended to finish, but because I shifted my focus to Coat of Arms: 1836, I kinda left this scenario abandoned. However, because it's still fully playable, I thought I might as well share it so you can enjoy it. I'll probably be coming back to it after a while. I'll also make the proper thread for it once I'm finished. Anyways, here's a screenshot: And here's screenshots on some of the events: As for the download, it's here: Hope y…
Last reply by Xjento, -
- 3 replies
About 5 days (9, 10, 11, 12 and 13/november) i was working in this scenario. At the end, 109 nations. but i don't get how to use events and formable nations yet.
Last reply by SaltShield, -
asia Far-East Asia Scenarios
by Guest mimida21- 0 replies
hello, am not dead (yet), just real life being real life and my computer screen is being whacked by black screen when i leave it blacked for too long. anyway here's the file: Far-East Asia scenarios.rar have fun with it.
- 0 replies
1973 COLD WAR -Senaryoda herhangi bir event yoktur , iyi oyunlar. -There are no events in the script, good game. 1973 COLD WAR.rar
Last reply by berat_7436, -
- 0 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Batın Burhan'ın CoI4 modundaki Kaiserreich senaryosunu görüp modifiye edip normal AoH2'ye çıkarıyorum. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I saw the Kaiserreich scenario in Batın Burhan's CoI4 mod, modified it and now I'm releasing it to normal AoH2. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! Crowns of Iron IV Modu/Crowns of Iron IV Mod: 1631292676872tngsytir.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 3 replies
Hallo Gennosen! Its been a while since my first post, and i wanted to update yall on whats currently goin on in the mod development and stuff. so first a few changes (little and major) in the map Texas has been gobbled by the US of A New chinese War lords have been added and India is a bit less balkanized and a bit more minor ones like new countries in the balkans, ect. New Portraits including: Mussolini Quadrouple's The Indian drip master this guy named lama and Mcarthur And some cool new Flags: And here's what im currently working on: Portraits for russia (and portraits…
Last reply by Captain Morozov, -
TR: Evet bu defa bir çılgınlık yapıp World+ BETA'ya bir senaryo yaptım. Senaryoda aşırı alternatiflik vardır. 😉 Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made a crazy desicion and made a scenario on World+ BETA. There is so much alternativity in the scenario. 😉 There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! UYARI/WARNİNG: Bu senaryo için World+ BETA modu gerekmektedir!/You need World+ BETA mod for this scenario: İndirme Şekli/Download Style: AoCII > map > PANew > scenarios > drop the file in the .rar/.rar'daki dosyayı at game > civilizations_editor > drop the file in the .rar/.rar'daki dosyay…
Last reply by wbladew5, -
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 2 replies
American lmperialism invasion home china today china defense home break American lmperialism
Last reply by Lakhal new, -
- 20 replies
Enjoy :)
Last reply by FlyingScout, -
- 0 replies
A fun little scenario I made in like an hour, having Germany go through a civil war. Just to note, if you play as a nation other than Germany, no gameplay will be affected, the events will only happen if you play as the Weimar Republic. Meant to played at 50% aggression and speed.
Last reply by FlyingScout, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Perkaza R. Dani, -
by Lakhal new- 3 replies
oh my god
Last reply by TDani12, -
After you downloaded and extracted the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file first. 1626627920479culfeeak.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
TR: Evet bu defa Darkreich'ın 79 yıl sonrasını konu alan Darkreich: Millenium Dawn Edition senaryosunu yaptım. Fikir için yamuktepsi45 adlı kişiye teşekkürler! Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made Darkreich: Millenium Dawn Edition scenario that takes place 79 years after original Darkreich. Thanks to yamuktepsi45 for idea! There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! Orijinal Darkreich Senaryosu/Original Darkreich Scenario: 1630492596758ilcwkdyf.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
After you downloaded and extracted the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file first. The Great War.rar
Last reply by TDani12,