Scenarios to download made by community
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AoH2 Conquerors Triple Alliance:1922 Senaryosu/AoH2 Conquerors Triple Alliance:1922 Scenario
by wbladew5- 2 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Alt. WW1 bazlı Triple Alliance:1922 senaryosunu yaptım. Bu senaryoda İtalya taraf değiştirmeyip İttifakların yanında savaşa giriyor ve Osmanlı tarafsız kalarak cumhuriyete dönüşüyor. Aynı zamanda Bulgaristan da biraz toprak alıyor fakat sonra ittifaktan atılıyor ve bunlar gibi daha fazla olay oluyor. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made Triple Alliance:1922 scenario based on Alt. WW1. In this scenario Italy does not switch sides and enters the war on Central Powers side and Ottoman Empire stays neutral in the war and turns into a republic. Also Bulgaria takes some lands but the gets kicked out from the alliance and…
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 3 replies
hello this is my 1945 scenario and if you can see the Video please subscribe or comment what it will be next
Last reply by mrki75, -
- 0 replies
Welcome! I am making a series of Scenarios based in Europe. This is a Work In Progress but I expect to finish it by March 2022 Includes : new countries, future scenarios, Alliances, new Leaders will include : more scenarios, a ton of vassals, custom exclusive region scenarios ----------------------------------------------------------- CHRONOLOGIC ORDER: 1st European War Aftermath Breakup of Fascist Yugoslavia 3rd Cold War Aftermath Thermonuclear War Aftermath ----------------------------------------------------------- STORIES : 1st European War: Aftermath : The first European War has just oc…
Last reply by mrki75, -
- 2 replies
good idea?
Last reply by Lakhal new, -
- 2 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Hoi4 Endsieg: Ultimate Victory modundaki Fall Blau (1942) senaryosunu AoH2'ye, diplomasi de dahil, yaptım. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the Fall Blau (1942) scenario from Hoi4 Endsieg: Ultimate Victory to AoH2 (also i made diplomacy too!) There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! 1629821981017xcaggxov.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
Conqueror Of The World 1.5 Bir WW2 Senaryosudur. İçinde Tam 290 Event İçererek Dünyanın En Çok Eventli Senaryolarından Biri Hatta Tam Emin Olmamakla Beraber En Çok Eventli Senaryosudur. Her Devlette Event Bulunmakta. Meksika, Yunanistan ve İrlanda Gibi Devletlerde Farklı Yollar Var. Normalde Oyunda Olmayan Rhineland Devleti De Oyuna Eklenmiş Durumda. Sadece Bulgaristan'daki Eventler Hatalı sebebi ise Bulgaristan'ın başkentini düzelticem derken eventlerini de silmem =( Neyse Senaryoda Ek Olarak Mutluluk Ve Teknoloji Seviyeleri Ayarlanmış Durumda. Bunlara Ek Olarak Diplomatik İlişkiler ve Yurtlar Da Ayarlanmış Durumda. Bu Senaryoyu Tek Başıma Yaptım. Ve Bu Yüzden Tam 5 Günc…
Last reply by Kayra Namal, -
- 2 replies
This is the Islamic Invasion mod, Arabia has been unified by the Rashiduns. the Byzantines and the Sassanians have fought a long war. The Frankish King has died leaving his empire fractured. In India, the Pushyabhuti dynasty rules the North with an iron fist. In China, the Tang dynasty has replaced the Sui dynasty. In the Americas, the Huari-Tiwanaku empire flourishes. Where will YOU play in this time period? -two events- An event which gives the Rashiduns +40000 gold each turn while they are at war with the sassanids and romans till 659. An event which causes Tang to lose 1% happiness each turn while in a war.…
Last reply by manavsep, -
- 2 replies
Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 2 replies
Trochę już mi się znudziły obecne scenariusze w grze, niby mam swoje ale w nich daleko do ideału. Chciałbym wypróbować czyiś scenariusz więc jeśli ty masz scenariusz to z wielką chęcią bym go ograł.
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 0 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Hoi4 Millenium Dawn senaryosundaki 2000 yılını AoH2'ye sınırsal ve diplomatiksel açıdan benzetip yapmaya çalıştım. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes, this time I tried to make the 2000 year in Hoi4 Millenium Dawn scenario by borderly and diplomatically. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! 1629711881351pntlocoe.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
1950 SENARYOSU SENARYO DP Dönemi'ni anlatmaktadır. 1950'den 1961'e kadar eventler devam etmektedir. Toplam 30 event vardır. İyi oyunlar 1950 SENARYOSU.rar
Last reply by Berat_0905, -
- 0 replies
Senaryo Süleyman Demirel'in başbakanlık dönemini konu almaktadır. Toplam 19 event vardır. İyi oyunlar. 1965 SENARYOSU.rar
Last reply by Berat_0905, -
- 0 replies
TR: Evet bu defa Hoi4 Endsieg: Ultimate Victory modundaki Kaiserschlacht senaryosunu AoH2'ye yaptım. Hoi4'teki Kaisersclacht senaryosuna benzetmek için diplomasi de ayarlandı. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made the Kaiserschlacht scenario from Endsieg: Ultimate Victory on Hoi4 to AoH2. To make it similar to the Hoi4 Kaiserschlacht, diplomacy is also settled. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! civilizations_editor.rar 1629565405301dkarmznv.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
TR: Evet bu defa Conquerors moduna Kaiserreich: 1958 Edition senaryosunu yaptım. Bu senaryo orijinal Kaiserreich'ın 22 yıl sonrasını anlatmakta. Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! İlham kaynağı: TNO modu (Hoi4 ve AoH2) ve bu video: ENG: Yes, this time I made Kaiserreich: 1958 Edition scenario on Conquerors mod. This scenario tells the 22 years aftermath of original Kaiserreich. There are no events, there might be issues, good playing! Inspiration source: TNO mod (Hoi4 and AoH2) and this video: 1629383571403emxretom.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
1938 SENARYOSU Senaryo İsmet İnönü dönemini anlatmaktadır. Eventler 1938'den 1950'ye kadar devam etmektedir. Toplam 30 event +4 resim vardır. İyi oyunlar. 1938.rar
Last reply by Berat_0905, -
- 0 replies
1925 SENARYOSU (34 EVENT +5 RESİM) Senaryo Atatürk dönemini anlatmaktadır. Eventler 1938'e kadar devam ediyor. İyi oyunlar. 1925_SENARYOSU.rar
Last reply by Berat_0905, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by ANTEP 777, -
- 0 replies
1983 SENARYOSU (24 EVENT) Eventlerde toplam 2 resim vardır iyi oyunlar. 1983 SENARYOSU (Turgut Özal).rar
Last reply by Berat_0905, -
- 2 replies
It's 1929. WW1 just ended two years ago, and both sides got nothing out of it. Immense instability strikes almost every country in the world. Germany is fighting a civil war, the Ottoman Empire is about to collapse, and the Qing Monarchy is struggling to defend against the warlords. Many countries are beginning to pay off their crazy debt. Communism becomes the new major ideology, but there is still room for fascist regimes across the world. Worst of all the world is expecting a second world war, where the Communists wreak havoc against the Fascists. Will this war ravage the Earth and kill another tens of millions of men, or will you be able to stop it... Conf…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 3 replies
Here is the mod: resume: France hasn't been destabilized by 7 year war, a bunch of events has been changed. Bourbon thank to Louisiana flee in New Orleans, USA Can't expand beyond Chicago and indian tribes survives in the west. Bonaparte lead France until civil war of 1919 after great war where UK and North German Confederation destroyed France and Austria Hungary. Kaiser Whillem II Can't handle German monarchy and most of his colonies are sent to UK. Chinese empire survive all like French colonies and Portugal with Denmark and Spain get bigger colonies, Italy still divided. Pictures:
Last reply by HowAboutANo, -
TR: Evet bu defa Napolyon kazansaydı ne olurdu onu yaptım. Napolyon Rusya seferi için Avusturya ve Prusya'dan yardım alıyordu fakat bu yardım Rusya'yı yenmek için yetersizdi. Bu yüzden Napolyon Osmanlı'dan yardım istedi. Sonra Osmanlı kabul edince Napolyon Rusya'yı alt etti. Daha sonra Birleşik Krallığa saldıran Napolyon yine galip çıktı ve düşmanlarını yendi. Ama ortalık sakin olmayacaktı... Event yoktur, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: Yes this time I made "What if Napoleon won?" scenario. Napoleon was getting aid from Austria and Prussia for invasion of Russia but this aid wasn't enough to defeat Russia. That's why Napoleon wanted help from Ottoman Empire. A…
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 1 reply
I made a scenario that adds some events to the Victorian Era, ill probably update it every week or so, if you find any bugs with the Scenario, tell me in comments. The only files this scenario changes are the Italy and Yugoslavia formables.(as of now) The events in the scenario are not made to be realistic or represent real life events, I just added what I thought would be fun. Events: Austria: 3 Sweden: 2 Greece: 2 United States: 1 United Kingdom: 2 Serbia: 1 Sardinia: 2 OttomanEmpire : 2 Tokugawa: 1 Qing: 1 Prussia: 3 Ottoman Empire: 2 Russian Empire: 2 France: 1 Download the formable civs file too. Download:…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 5 replies
This is a scenario I had made for fun a while ago, and now I thought I might as well release it. Almost a hundred years have passed since the start of the Great Northern War. With Sweden emerging victorious, it was obvious that the era of Sweden as a Great Power will continue, however, times are changing, and Sweden's position is at risk once again. In the East, the Baltic Alliance, made out of Russia, Poland, and the Latvian States, is eager to get revenge for their loss. In Europe, instability is at its highest. The Hungarian Revolution has just begun, while a bit more north the German Federation has formed, all while the Balkan League fights for their…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 4 replies
I am open to new ideas, can tell me what to work on next. Follow me on IG @420_nmap and can get in contact with me What's new: - Abkhazia - South Ossetia - Nagorno-Karabagh republic - Somaliland - Transnistria - Donetsk people's republic - Crimea under Russian control - Luhank people's republic - Mass reduction in Yemen happines and poverty is high - Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq start with less money due to economic crisis but happines level is medium - Free Syrian Army - Kurdistan in North Iraq - YPG in Syria - Haftar regime added to Libya - Houthi rebels in Yemen - Taliban in Afghanistan - Economic crisis and low happines in Ve…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 2 replies
So I haven't been updating the Dust Settles. Mostly because the game has had a bunch of bug fixing updates I didn't want to deal with. So recently I ported the scenario back over into the vanilla game, and redid all the governments to now have the scenario be completely vanilla. So far the full map scenario is the only one I did. However you may find some extra nations in the game files not in the scenario. I am definitely not planning on adding more start dates to expand on the lore of The Dust Settles. *Giggles.* The Story: 2050 was a bad time to be alive. The Third World War broke out and nuclear war destroyed humanity. Well almost. People survived,…
Last reply by davidtjk,