Scenarios to download made by community
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Hello everybody! This is my 1920 scenario, in the Interwar Period, It includes dynamic events for the rise of fascism and WW2, sit back and enjoy the roaring 20s! This scenario is currently on version 1.3! It includes: About 30 events New ideologies 1920 Scenario Ideology specific flags for some countries THE GREAT EMU WAR OF 1932 The Russian Civil War PICTURES (AS OF VERSION 1.3) ) DOWNLOAD: Dropbox download: Mediafire download: Please report all flaws and bugs in the comment…
Last reply by dinchy, -
- 2 replies
Hello! The game has an alliance "NATO", it specifically does not have several countries, so there are no problems with individual wars of certain countries. There is a non-existent state "Turkestan". In the scenario, different countries have good or bad relationships, different alliances. MSCNRO1_E MSCNRO1 MSCNRO1_A MSCNRO1_C MSCNRO1_D MSCNRO1_HRE MSCNRO1_INFO.json MSCNRO1_PD MSCNRO1_W
Last reply by rey otomano, -
- 0 replies
- 1.8k views War
Last reply by Vietcong, -
- 0 replies
Hello there! My Plan Was To make a Fresh Modern Day that will be Part Of More Than 1 Scenario. Modern Day Scenario Contains: New Fresh Map 307 Countries[Including New] Custom Ideologies[WIP] Events[WIP] Alliances[African Axis,African Comitern] Fun And More! Download: Alanva36MW[1.25]F.rar This Is How It Looks:
Last reply by Alanva36, -
- 3 replies
A scenario based of an discord war game called ES1400.
Last reply by Slavman69420, -
- 1 reply
scenario called Europe in 2500.It's normal if the is not greate because it's the fisrt one I do.And tell me what I can improve The scénario: Hi I created
Last reply by BoostedGodzilla, -
- 6 replies
Alternative World AlternatifDünya.rar
Last reply by BoostedGodzilla, -
- 1 reply
Hello , i am Nizar Producciones , some days ago i downloaded the WW1 scenario of Hyepak , it was very simple (the only WW1 i saw was Austro-Hungary anexing serbia and the war was over) so i added some interesting things , now it is a real challenge , also i made another germany becuase the german empire literally transforms into weimar republic after 1 turn , i made another ottoman empire becuase original had wrong flag also i corrected some country borders like in sweden and egypt , i tried to make the russian revolution event but it was not possible , please help me in the comments how to add events All the credits of this scenario are for Hyepak becuase he made…
Last reply by Hfhdhhd, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Made this scenario of Lithuania in the 17th century, but I'm not sure what files to upload here because I'm using the Addon+ mod.
Last reply by Neon, -
- 6 replies
2035 Scenario This is a scenario maked for fate of world remastered. This scenario nothing to do with real life. Hungary invaded romania. Ukraine collapsed to 4 countries. Russia lose control of caucasia. Libya divided to 2 countries. Kurdistan formed. Georgia collapsed. California formed. South Korea annexed North Korea. China is no more communist and collapsed. America invaded Cuba. Germany invaded Poland and invaded Kalingrad. Singapure Kingdom formed. Spania collapsed. İtaly divided to 4 countries. And so more. You can use either aoc2 or fate of world remastered. …
Last reply by redr1p, -
- 4 replies
Note name on my channel might change.
Last reply by DespotMilan, -
- 2 replies
Hello! I was doing an improved version of the Victorian Era scenario because africa and oceania are uncomplete and well i redesign the entire scenario and i think that the scenario is better than the original so here is the scenario! 😄 1595549272999nqbdcckf.rar NewCivs.rar
Last reply by Sri Lankan Mapping, -
- 4 replies
This scenario has all the countries of America and within some a civil war is taking place. Esse cenario tem todos os paises da America e dentro de alguns esta ocorrendo uma guerra civil. Entre na comunidade BR do discord: la vcs podem criar mapas, cenarios ou mods com AJUDA de alguem que vcs conheceram la e tambem podem postar seus mods, cenarios ou mapas la Ideologic war in america.rar
Last reply by GpobreXD, -
- 1 reply
I want to change the name of states in aoc2 but i dont now how it works please help me
Last reply by Adamovec, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Olá, sou Ximb e mostro novamente meu mapa de países, o meu antigo mapa, eu realmente não sei o que aconteceu com ele, enfim, aqui está o meu mapa. Mapa com todos os países da última atualização do kaiserreich, por ambos os países que não tem nenhum jogo (faça o dowloads desses países também) eu tentarei fazer eventos com quase todos os países e se possível obter o recrutamento de eventos do kaiserreich do hoi4 aqui, vai ser difícil, se você quiser me ajudar a não chamar discórdia (Ximb # 7167), agradecer muito, o cenário sem momento e 100% em português, em breve você poderá passar os eventos para o inglês também Paises - terminado Mapa - Terminado Ev…
Last reply by Gil, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am looking for a map from liechtenstein and san marino on 227 playable civilizations
Last reply by Ljayxy, -
- 13 replies
Courtesy of creator of Bloody Europe II map... Thank you! I've been making this by myself on my android. Most of the civilizations, especially the tribes, but also many Greek and Etruscan city states, I had to make on my own. I'm working on adding the ancient Irish tribes (Hibernia), splitting Illyria into more accurate tribes, and I'm working on tons of events. Some of these include: The Macedonian conquest and subsequent partition (into Ptolemy, Seleucid, etc.) Rise of Parthia The Hunnic invasions Somehow simulating Germanic displacement of continental Celts without making playing as one of them practically impossible migration of S…
Last reply by Commieslav, -
- 2 replies
I created New Map about future Russian Federation Become Eurasian Federation China Collapse but China Still Communism NATO Collapse Bulgaria Become Communism West Balkan Divided Many Countries Turkey is More Bigger Kurdistan Can't Independence Israel Become Greater Israel Egypt is More Bigger Indonesia and Malaysia United Pacific Countries United with Australia India and Pakistan Border Changed Germany, Poland, France, Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Andora Become European Union Sorry for bad Eng…
Last reply by Russian), -
- 0 replies
AoC2 Scenario Makers Server Please come There is a place for scripting in this Discord Group. You can interpret the scenarios if you are not doing it for Age of Civilizations 2, or if you do not play at all, you will be ranked for support. You are given an automatic role based on the level. There is also a Complaints and Suggestion Section. Mod reception will
Last reply by by scenariomaker, -
English This scenario has the Franco-Prussian war and the Paraguayan war And this scenario has events Este cenário tem a guerra franco-prussiana e a guerra do Paraguai E esse Cenario tem eventos Entre na Comunidade do Discord para ver mais mapas, Cenarios e conversar sobre o jogo: 1867.rar
Last reply by GpobreXD, -
- 5 replies
I know, I know... A lot of time since the 1.1 Version and I make another post. The problem is that if I put this in the last post probably you didnt notice the update because I didnt updtae in 4 moths. In any case, this mod is the final version. Scenarios: URRS 2050 1828 Peru-Ecuador War Gran Colombia-Confederation Peru/Bolivia War Chaco's War Malvina's War Regions of Southamerica (120+ new civilizations) USA-Mexico War Pacific War Triple Alliance War Six Days War Centroamerica Islands of North, South and Center America Latinoamerica Independence War If you p…
Last reply by MaviSalam36, -
Witam szukam scenariuszy najlepiej Polskich z wydarzeniami i nie pogardzę nowymi ideologiami :d
Last reply by Satniel, -
- 2 replies
Cenário da guerra constitucionalista de 1932. Foi uma guerra que o estado de São Paulo, que defendia uma nova Constituição para o Brasil e atacava o autoritarismo do Governo Provisório de Getúlio Vargas. Entre no server do Age of Civilizations 2 BR do discord: English Scenario of the 1932 constitutionalist war. It was a war that the state of São Paulo, which defended a new Constitution for Brazil and attacked the authoritarianism of Getúlio Vargas's Provisional Government. DOWLOAD: GUERRA CONSTITUCIONALISTA.rar
Last reply by GpobreXD, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Last reply by quatroNN, -
- 4 replies
ModernWorld+Events ⛔ Warning ⛔ The Scerenario is not Fully Realistic ⛔ Syrian Civil War South China Sea threat Turkey Grow faster in Economics and Military Whole Asia Will be afraid to being Controlled by China Iran Become a New Power Chinese Influence Over Asia Chinese Communism Collapse and Dissolve Armenia Join Russia Korean Unification Turkish-Syrian War Belarus Join Russia Moldova Join NATO Russia Shocked Chechen Uprising Catalan Independence Russia Become Super Power Again Bangladesh is Develope Country Indo-Pak War NATO Collapse Bulgarian Rebels And More .…
Last reply by Obi-Wan Kenobi,