Scenarios to download made by community
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- 12 replies
This is a KaiserReich Scenario based on the HOI4 mod, many innacuracies can be found, such as wrong flags and borders, because AoC2 and HOI4 are totally diferent The mod includes -Factions (Entente, Mitteleuropa and the Third Internationale) 101 Playable nations I'm looking forward on making more updates to make the mod better so if theres anything wrong just tell me HOW TO DOWNLOAD -Extract the files -Open AoC2 local files and go to maps > Earth > Scenarios -Paste the map folder in the Scenarios and vóila Download link: Update: got…
Last reply by hhhhhh, -
- 0 replies
First of all, this is a script and it is just a script for "Bloody Europe 2". Subject of the Scenario: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottomans Won the Great War, France, Russia and Britain Destroyed and Brand New States Arose. Germany and Austria-Hungary are no longer "friends" but "enemies" with Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. While the relations between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire are slowly improving with Russia, France and Britain, relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary are deteriorating. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire Establish a New Alliance and Develop in "Economics, Population and Diplomacy" to Become a New European and Then a World Pow…
Last reply by Kaşar, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Yelper, -
1 wojna św
by lil123- 0 replies
I wojna światowa
Last reply by lil123, -
- 4 replies
I haven't seen any vanilla scenarios about this period yet, so....😃 WIP Table of content: 1. Italian Peninsula 2. Gallia
Last reply by Xjento, -
- 1 follower
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1919 - 1 Year After The End of the great war, the world now finds itself in a peaceful moment, not before the chaos come again. The Central Powers had sucess in capturing paris, france have surrended, the britain was alone - there wasn't how they win, they surrended, in the famous 04/14/1918, The Treaty of Munich has been assigned, the entente, no longer exists, the kaiser would have it path to the eternal sucess. the central powers have stabilished a new europe, a europe that should obey the kaiser - that's what they thinked, acctualy, the world haven't changed much, but with this victory, the next years of europe would be a caos. That's a scenario under…
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 0 replies
Scenariusz Wojna Polsko-Bolszewicka na Europe. Myślę że będzie fajny. Jest Oczywiście Po Polsku. żadnych nowych krai
Last reply by bartekgorzki123, -
- 2 replies
Scenarios : Empire War (What If) 27 Civilization Year 1700 Civilization : United Kingdom or British Empire Kingdom of Spain Russian Empire Vassal : Tabaristan France or Kingdom of French Vassal : Italian Republic Ottoman Empire German Empire or Prussia Empire Portugal or Portuguese Empire Qing Dynasty Japanese Empire United States of America Netherlands or Dutch Empire Austrian Empire Sweden or Swedish Empire Belgium or Kingdom of Belgium Papal States Thailand or Kingdom of Siam Qajar Dynasty Abyssinia or Kingdom of Abyssinia Naples or Kingdom of …
Last reply by bartekgorzki123, -
Howdy !
Last reply by Don346k, -
World War I Here is a little tutorial on how to correctly install the scenario: Download the zip file below Copy the "1544964241155bztfsakp" folder (Don't rename it) and paste it in the folder located here by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios Open the "civilizations_editor" folder inside the zip file that you downloaded Copy everything inside the folder and paste it in the folder located here by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\game\civilizations_editor Launch Age of Civilizations 2 …
Last reply by Siamese, -
just made a 1940 map, (its my first shared map :D) the entire world!
Last reply by _Kornisz0n_, -
- 13 replies
Hello all. I am new to AoC2, but here is my first scenario, based on the book "1984" by George Orwell. I have added all three superpowers, as well as a buffer zone that all nations start at war with. I added the buffer zone to allow the nations to border each other more, and to add some variety. Currently, the rebellion has very little money and low happiness, so I wouldn't recommend playing them. - Brennernator (Im not sure about the leaders, message me if they aren't working, I know that they don't have portraits, but any other stuff I don't know) USE THE FILE
Last reply by aajjoindia, -
- 5 replies
1700 World Scenario The 1700 World map is a scenario that features civilization straight from 1700! Try to conquer and become the dominance of the world! Download: I Also use this map to make timelapse. BTW I Do not force you to watch it. Source:
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
Russia map
by MrBean- 9 replies
Hello! Just yesterday I completed the scenario about Russia. In this scenario, all regions of the country are present. Link to the scenario in Russian: Link to the scenario in English: P.S. I wrote the description using google translator.
Last reply by Deen, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi, it's my first scenario, I hope you enjoy. Cold War C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Games\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios 1662795585710cjiovcst.rar
Last reply by Snajper, -
- 21 replies
Español: ¡¡Hola a todos!! este es el segundo escenario que él ha creado en este juego y me gustaría compartirlos. Es un escenario con el cual el objetivo es la colonización de América, se centra en el imperio español y la creación del virreinato de nueva España, pero también se encuentra en la colonización como Inglaterra, Francia y Portugal. El escenario no es tan correcto, pero se acerca a eso. Cualquier error o sugerencia, por favor póngalas en los comentarios para sacar nuevas y mejores versiones del escenario. Contiene un que otro evento, como la llegada de Portugal a América. Nombre del escenario: Conquista de América Año de inicio: 1519 Autor: K…
Last reply by the american, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by baran2423, -
- 0 replies
- 780 views Europe Only Map 😛
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 2 replies
Spain broke (again), and in the year 2018 you'll have to survive as one of it's regions. Madrid, as the centre of Spain is represented by the UN, as a kind of zone zero. Region list: - Andalusia - Aragon - Asturias - Balearic Islands - Basque Coutnry - Canary Islands - Cantabria - Castile - Catalonia - Ceuta - Galicia - Leon - Murcia - Navarre - Valencia Extra Regions: - Andorra - Gibraltar - UN (Madrid) Broken
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 0 replies
Happy birthday to you Mr. Jakowski! Hope you're having a good day today. 👏🥰🤲
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 11 replies
I made this 1919 scenario, just for fun. It's mostly accurate apart from some territories, mostly in Russia, but everything else should be fine. My discord server: Thanks for downloading 🙂 Download is all the way at the bottom. Just look for it. 1919 AoH2.rar
Last reply by BugglyIsHere, -
- 1 reply
- 374 views E FALA GALERINHA DO YOUTUBE como o cenario original bombooooooooooooooou mais de 20 milhoes de visualizacoes decidi trazer aqui a nova dlc chamada dlc ferrada, ela custa 1 clique ta galera?, adicionei ai alguns nucleos como os da alemanha na polonia e na franca dos frances comunista na franca, trouxe ai a guerra civil espanholaaaaaaaaaa o partido comunista na polonia ai tambem vai ta disponivel fresquinho pra vcs galera pra instalar e muito simples ta e eu so sei como instala pra pc, vc vai ta indo ai na sua steam e vai em propriedades ai vc abre os documentos e vai em map e dps em earth e entao finalmente em scenarios …
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 1 reply
- 347 views mapa da 2 guerra mundial modificado para ter eventos ainda em desenvolvimento, caso algum br veja isso testa ae e me diga oq achou tem uns 10 a 20 evento sendo eles da italia etiopia alemanha gra bretanha e franca
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by sqertsers,