Scenarios to download made by community
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- 9 replies
Introducing "1836 Project"! Btw, do I have to also add civ files on regular civ folder and not just on custom civ folder?
Last reply by Kaspi SB, -
- 18 replies
Future Europe 1 20 Civilizations Year: 1297 Future Europe 2 22 Civilizations Year: 2240 Future Europe 3 50 Civilizations Year: 2222 DOWNLOAD ALL
Last reply by Ljayxy, -
- 3 replies
my map from 1914 .-.
Last reply by Kaspi SB, -
Punic wars
by Snake- 0 replies
Punic wars.rar
Last reply by Snake, -
- 2 replies
hey guys i have discord group for idea aoc2 scenario give your idea and i create excuse me for my bad english i from france
Last reply by deniz2009, -
- 1 reply
Files you need Middle East.rar UI.rar Governments.json Download Tutorial : videom (2).flv
Last reply by DenizMert2008, -
- 3 replies
Scenario: 1590862670884jhvbhlxu.rar i update the scenario so download it from here :
Last reply by DenizMert2008, -
- 0 replies
I've released new scnario: Fall of Eu-Nato. If you want to play this scenario you need to take these files: If you want screenshot, just watch this video: Fall of EU & NATO.rar
Last reply by Forret, -
- 6 replies
yellow = humans grey = zombie Zombie Apocalypse
Last reply by Leeb, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I've started AOC2 channel, for now I play 1440 scenario but I will also release new scenario's. Check it out:
Last reply by Forret, -
- 2 replies
1921 Turkish war of Independence West Front Greeks-Turkish Kurtuluş savaşı senaryosu,Batı cephesi. Realist armies and economy.
Last reply by DenizMert2008, -
I made 1648 scenario
Last reply by Ljayxy, -
- 4 replies
Hi! My name is KefkaPalazzos, and this is my first map. It's based in a roleplaying campaign im doing, and i decided to make it in Age of Civilization because im bored. The story is simple, and a little bit unrealistic: Stalin doesn't die in 1953, and still in the goverment more time, finally giving his role to Brezhev. The urss starts to have a good time, while USA starts sinking. After the Vietnam war, China and Urss unifies in the Great Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (GURSS). By the time of the 70-80 the capitalist block is fucked up, Britain lost the Falklands/Malvinas War, France votes a communist party, and well, at the end, USA lose the Cold War. The United Sta…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 6 replies
guys i really like this guy alternate map so what do you should i do it or nope link
Last reply by Leeb, -
by Caionymous- 0 replies
Finalmente, 1550 está pronto, em breve, para um cenário Antes de Cristo, mas agradeço a todos os que relataram. Espero que gostem. Baixar: 1591963011237vbwsierf
Last reply by Caionymous, -
- 10 replies
This would be staged in 2147 after World War 3. The war replaced and changed many nations' borders and its ideologies. The war separates the world into three pieces: Pro-NATO states, anti-NATO states and Fascist states. WARNING: This scenario has no relations with the current political status of the countries. No offense towards people, religion or political parties is intended. spoiler: there are no nukes The entire backstory of the WW3: Tensions rise between China and the US, while Russia creates a military alliance called the Eurasian Pact which consists of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. After many years of conflict, Chi…
Last reply by Afşar Han, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
2037 A world where extremism is growing stronger, where powers never before seen conquering, begin their conquest. The defeat of Germany and Italy in the third war to end all wars was not enough. A world where Celticism (An ideology with the ideal of unifying all Celtic peoples) is growing stronger in Lusitania. A world where the Fourth African International appears and a world where pan-eslavism comes back again is a world where we don't want to live on, but it's this scenario. More about the scenario... What comes with scenario? With the scenario comes some special new civilizations: Galiza Lusitana: German Nation: …
Last reply by Afşar Han, -
2 1234
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 1 reply
hey guys! Me here. I need scenarios for my mod. While I make some, you can help me have scenarios by submitting down below!😄 By submitting your scenario below, others can play your scenario, no matter good or bad!(If very bad, nope) And by submitting, you should press the like button guys!👍 Thank you and have a goood day!
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 15 replies
India joins Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Butao Myanmar and saw India Sultanate that quickly make alliance with Brazil and China and forming the BIC. Servia invades Kosovo. North Korea declares war on the BIC and the United States, but the BIC does not care. Meanwhile the Monarchy is restored in Brazil with the return of the Monarchy, the Acre (a Brazilian state) declares independence by turning the pre-historic Empire. Empire of Brazil declares war on Portugual. The United States forces Brazil to declare war on North Korea, China does not like what Brazil did then become ally of North Korea, So Brazil leaves the BIC. North Korea Invades So…
Last reply by DaviplayerBR11, -
- 3 replies
hello people, I made this map about the cold war, there are still many things to change, and i need your suggestions on what to improve or add in the future, I made this text on google translator because I don't speak English sorry for anything Cold War aocII.rar
Last reply by DaviplayerBR11, -
- 1 reply
Dowload The Rising War.rar
Last reply by Sevbano, -
- 3 replies
Dear. Łukasz Jakowski When does age of civilization2 update? (android verison) I'm want you to update the age of civilization 2 FROM.Korean player Game bug: don't play music, don't save the game, 1200 scenario Joseon-> Golyeo country Pius: 1900 scenario, historical AI, Korean keyboard consultation scenario photo
Last reply by Sinfulwhisper, -
- 2 replies
Congress of Berlin is a scenario after the Russo-Ottoman war. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia signs Reinsurance Treaty. First things first: By formable civilizations remove Germany from weimar repubic or change it to Federal repubic of Germany congress of Berlin.rar
Last reply by Forret, -
- 0 replies
1591299834882gbkccaiz_A Este é um cenário do ano de 1330, ele não possui eventos, mas fique á vontade para criá-los. Em breve farei outro cenário provavelmente de 1770 ou algum cenário Antes de Cristo. Este é meu primeiro tópico então pode ser não tão bom. Espero que gostem.
Last reply by Caionymous,