Scenarios to download made by community
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Last reply by Michal Sulewski, -
by جبوري- 1 reply
Hello, does the Kaaba have a multiplayer feature (play online)?
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 6 replies
THIS IS MY 2024 CONQUERORS SCENARIO V0.1, Features: 30+ 2024 President, 4+ Event ,Indonesia,Ukraine,Palestine,Russia, Real Recruit Soldiers, New Government, Real AI Soldiers. Recommended: Dificulty: Normal Recommended: GameSpeed:100 Recommended: AgresifBot:100 (This Scenario Only Can In Conquerors + Uwut Engine 6680 Province) ATTENTION: THIS SCENARIO IS BETA, SO MANY BUG AND CRASH IN THIS SCENARIO I Will Update Every Month Or Weeks:) [LINK] : 2024 Modern World By THE FUHRER.rar
Last reply by Scheissenberg, -
- 2 replies
Political Party Version 1.1 Europe Map ENG Political Party 1.1 adds 160 civilizations representing different political parties, and the territory of each party depends on the election results (last update: June 2023). Players manage political parties instead of countries, and each civilization has its own leader. Additionally, four ideologies have been added: liberal conservatism, national conservatism, social democracy, Islamism. The pack is available in Polish and English. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PL P…
Last reply by Don346k, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by OhPancake², -
- 5 replies
MOD ANULOWANY OBECNIE PRACUJE NAD ODŚWIEŻONĄ WERSJĄ Rise of Syndicalism Project (W skrócie po prostu RoS) Lore: Witam chcę zaprezentować wam projekt zwany RoS czyli świat w którym syndykaliści zdobyli wiele poparcia w wielu krajach Akcja zaczyna się w 1927 roku 3 lata po wielkiej wojnie, ostatecznie wojnę te wygrała ententa która zajęła całe Włochy, wtedy podpisano traktat kończący wojnę. Jednak w 1927 roku nadszedł czas by Polska zaatakowała Niemcy pogrążone w wojnie domowej z syndykalistami, niestety jednak nacjonalistyczna Rosja na wschodzie zaatakowała Białoruś i Ukrainę, Polska dołączyła do tej…
Last reply by Snajper, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Germany In pieces Once Again Hello! This is my first (uploaded) scenario here. It's just a hypothetical scenario where half of the German population and more non-German ethnics were having a crisis in the German controlled regions, it wouldn't probably make any sense.. Because it doesn't! Sadly, my scenario is only supported by Bloody Europe II (You should check out that mod, its amazing.) Should I make one where it's in the main game? The scenario's year is set in 1971, have fun! File: GIPOA.rar The preview ^-^ Looks a bit choppy and low-quality because it's taken from the preview.png.
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
License Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 Credits Polish Mods Team & Łukasz Jakowski Adnotacje Autorzy modyfikacji nie odpowiadają za szkody wyrządzone przez modyfikację. Modyfikacja nie jest kompatybilna z innymi modyfikacjami. Social Media Grupa na Facebooku Strona na Facebooku Polish Mods Team to zespół fanów serii gier Age of History tworzący do nich polskie modyfikacje, które mają zachęcić starych i nowych graczy do kontynuacji swojej rozgrywki w świecie AoH.
Last reply by just 8gor, -
- 4 replies
- 1.6k views I may make other scenarios for this mod if i have time Maybe later i will compile all the scenarios into a submod (?
Last reply by ArithmeticMorgan65, -
- 3 replies
This scenario shows world between 620-610 BC when Medes and Babylonia make a coalition against Assyria and its puppet states. Deioces finally has been united most of Iran in order to crush Assyria. Can you restore medes Empire too? This map is in Asia Scenarios. rise of Deioces(Medes).rar
Last reply by ArithmeticMorgan65, -
- 2 replies
Rise of the Roman Kingdom (753BC) Note: -This scenario does NOT contain events. -Flags and Civilizations might be wrong. Rise of the Roman Kingdom.rar
Last reply by ArithmeticMorgan65, -
- 16 replies
1700 Here is my scenario of 1700, it may be that it is not so correct on the subject of borders On the tribal countries, if they are not well placed, they are put to fill so that it is not only colonizable land. UPDATE: I finally updated this scenario, someone called krauser3ful that is a great man, helped me completing the territory in the Americas at making Civs for the Thirteen Colonies, French Colonies, Spanish Viceroyalties in America and other things that i don't remember. But his help was damn big, thanks for the supPort m8. Files: .rar file ---> 1700 v2.rar .zip file ---> 1700 Pics of the Scenario: …
Last reply by Polish_cow2005, -
- 3 replies
Hello! I hope you all doing well and in a period of 3 days i created a scenario of the year 1500. So the download will be here and if you find a error remember to write to me to fix the error. Bye! 🙂 1594500085188rbotwptn.rar NewCivs.rar
Last reply by chiggu, -
Scenario: 1600 1 2
by Edisonek- 39 replies
Siemka, przedstawiam wam scenariusz z 1600 roku. Pracowałem nad nim ok.4 miesiące z przerwami,a jak miałem skończyć,to musiałem coś poprawiać.Mam nadzieję, że nie ma żadnych błędów w granicach.Czytałem nawet wikipedie po angielsku hehe ;D.Jeżeli są błędy w granicach państw,walnijcie screenshota i według granic prowincji w grze narysujcie poprawne kontury. Hi, this is scenario from 1600. I worked on it for four months with breaks. I hope you'll like it 🙂 Wesołych opóźnionych świąt :D! Witam was po 8 miesiącach z kolejnym updatem! Tym razem update dodaje kolejne państwa oraz daje mapę WIELKIEJ EUROPY z 1600 roku. Również update wprowadza korektę granic, szc…
Last reply by KAmil12345, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, as you can see, I made a stage of 1800 I hope you like it: 3 If I fail in something you can tell me in the comments I will leave you the photos of the stage 1609557737865yyxyycqw.rar
Last reply by LilDripid, -
- 1 reply
هذا السيناريو هو السيناريو الأول الذي صنعته أنا وصديقي، وهذا السيناريو يتحدث عن الفتنة الثانية في الإسلام، أو ظهور الدول المتمردة على الأمويين. الدولة الأولى هي الأسديون، ويمثلهم مختار الثوار، ثوار الزبيريون. والخوارج المختار يثورون على الحسين بن علي الذي ظلما، والزبيريون يريد أن يقضيوا مكة، وخوارج خارج كل هؤلاء. رابط السيناريو
Last reply by Iraqi marshal, -
- 0 replies
1675 Scenario made by me I also added some cores if any borders are incorect please report them to me Screens:
Last reply by Snajper, -
- 0 replies
This scenario is the first scenario that my friend and I have created, and this scenario talks about the second strife in Islam, or the emergence of rebellious states against the Umayyads. The first state is the Alawites, represented by the revolutionary Mukhtar, and also the Zubayrids. And the Kharijites, Al-Mukhtar revolts for Hussein Ibn Ali, who was unjustly killed, and the Zubayrids want to rule in Mecca, and the Kharijites are outside all of these. Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi.7z
Last reply by Hydra Mahdavi, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
مرحبًا، أنا حاليًا أقوم بعمل مود وأحتاج إلى 3 حضارات. أطلب من بعض المتخصصين مساعدتي في صنعها ومن يستطيع إخباري بمواصفات الحضارات.
Last reply by Hydra Mahdavi, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
When it first launched its "people's war" in 1980, the Shining Path's goal was to overthrow the government through guerrilla warfare and replace it with a New Democracy. The Shining Path believed that by establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat, inducing a cultural revolution, and eventually sparking a world revolution, they could arrive at full communism. Their representatives stated that the then-existing socialist countries were revisionist, and the Shining Path was the vanguard of the world communist movement. [[Wikipedia article] Civilizations: Peru - Alan Garcia (republic) Shining Path - Abimael Guzman (communism) peoples…
Last reply by Dolnoslazak, -
- 13 replies
So, previously when I upload the Diodochi wars scenario I said I was working on a new scenario called 300. Somehow I made the greeks a little more advance in technology. And when I first played the Persian empire, I found it very OP. So I added new factions and of course, rebellion in order to nerf it. But depends on you, if you want Persia to be OP and have a challenge playing as Sparta, just comment below and I will remove the factions. Just added the civilization rar file in case if you can't play the civilizations. Some are for Diodochi wars scenario. Factions: Greek City States - Sparta - Athens - Epirus - Macedon - Thebes - Ta…
Last reply by jqhqjqg61, -
- 0 replies
How can I create a scenario to publish it here? Please help
Last reply by Hydra Mahdavi, -
- 0 replies
Add the 1941 scenario before Germany's invasion against the Soviet Union. also add population centers. Also, add relations between nations. also adds some alliances. You are free to make modifications and add this scenario to your mod. map Totorial download:
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 1 reply
I just want to say that I put a map of 2003 because it was the year that russia had the highest number of federal subjects, at 89 Russia (2003&2022).7z
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 25 replies
I created a very historically accurate 1960s scenerio in AoC2. I put quite a bit of effort in it to make it as close to reality as possible. Here are some screenshots of the scenerio. I might make this into a mod, although it might take a while to convert all the scenario files into a mod folder. Also, there are a few errors in the map,…
Last reply by Ian Samuel,