Scenarios to download made by community
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Viking Era
by RTSomi- 1 reply
Hey guys I just made a viking era scenario. There are some flows in it like i missed a few nations but i hope you'll like it :)!cPpAEagA!s5vYWfL5NSQg40KXcfkraAMkqohn5PG-vx8f3g9nc7c
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 3 replies
Emu War EN: This is the map of the emu war that happened in the real world. It takes Addon+ to work. PL: To jest mapa wojny emu, która wydarzyła się na prawdziwym świecie. Potrzeba Addon+, aby działała. Scenario requirements: Addon+. Emu_war.rar
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 1 reply
Scenario of 1914 (by Indonesian Emirati) Download :
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 1 reply
i have a axis won ww2 Szenario have fun ☺️ (the Szenario have Events and custom civ.) axis won
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 2 replies
Prosperia Byzantium spans 1000 years of history, its what if the Byzantines won the decisive Battle of Manzikert. Download Link:
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 3 replies
Central Europe 980 This scenario represents what Central Europe was like in the year 980 according to this map: Screenshots: Download central_europe.rar
Last reply by memososisi, -
erased topic
by ezeD- 2 replies
sorry but the scenario was erased
Last reply by RyanOrleansII, -
Last reply by MULN, -
- 0 replies
Hallöchen, first of all I wanted to warn you that this was translated using Google translator, I speak Portuguese, so there will probably be some wrong things there. Well, I wanted to show you a scenario I did in Aoc 2 addon +, I did it kind of based on a scenario called furrereich, or something. I couldn't find the creator of this scenario to give the credits, so if you find him, let me know in the comments, please. This scenario is still in version 1, so there are lots of bugs, and nonsense stuff. Well, I would like to ask you for help, because I don't know how to share a scenario using Android, please, if you know, help me. Now look at the pictures, and thanks for read…
Last reply by Brunocrl, -
- 1 reply
Polish and English versions of my new scenario "British Civil War" Note: Scenarios are IN british_civil_war_english and british_civil_war_polish file Download:
Last reply by Alnilam, -
- 8 replies
DISCLAIMER: This mod will probably never be finished due to my game reseting. Hello, I am creating an 1868 scenario. I currently have nearly all of Europe, most of North America, and some other colonies. Please tell me if you see any mistakes yet. Several country borders are unfinished (like Qing, the Russians, and others) When this scenario is finished, you will need Addon+. There are several events already made, i will try to balance the amount of historical and alternative events. Currently, there are 4 custom civilizations: 2nd French Empire North German Confederation Romanian United Principalities Military District 5 Some pictures:
Last reply by giannisgkouv2, -
- 1 reply
Hi, uh, i'm brazillian (so, sorry for my bad english) and I was thinking of creating a kaiserreich map on aoc2, with all the events I can see that I think I can put into the game, I have to do some civilizations like Mittelafrika and the map after I finish the map I will release to you and after a while I release with the events Hope you like it
Last reply by Lamôni TTW, -
- 18 replies
Invasion of Russia 1812 Although during the 1812 Invasion of Russia Napoleon achieved tactical victories and entered Moscow, the campaign exhausted the French forces, demonstrating the weaknesses of the French strategy, shaking Napoleon’s reputation, and dramatically weakening French hegemony in Europe. This scenario starts in September 2 of 1812, during the start of the Borodino Battle Links: <-- .rar link <-- .zip link Pics of the Scenario: Europe: ---------------------------------------------…
Last reply by South Mapping, -
- 12 replies
The United Kingdom started the British colonization of America starting the Anglo-Spanish War, Unlike the events that occurred in real life the UK wins the war and within one of the terms was an amount of gold that UNiao Iberica did not have, gold promised was settled for the United Kingdom the Brazilian territories and Caribbean colonized by Spain and Portugal. This treaty was known as the treaty of Madrid and Lisbon which caused a the economic and political crisis in the Iberian Union, Brazil cultural and economic change that became known as of the Portuguese language for The English Lenguage during the times the Brazil (British) was expanding and dominating countries …
Last reply by South Mapping, -
- 26 replies
Hello everyone I'm making a alternative Scenario of a alternative World War 1 Scenario What's New? *New Civilizations/Nations: Example: Dervish State *Alternative Events: Example: Alternate Sindicalists War *New Revolutions/Rebellions/Revolts: Example:Revolts on Croatia So what do I do for you?
Last reply by Lamôni TTW, -
- 3 replies
alien invasion scenario
Last reply by problem, -
- 3 replies
Working on a 395 AD Scenario... -Custom "Nations" -Events
Last reply by Federation of Arizona, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I did a 1930 scenario have fun 😊
Last reply by IRussian, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by IRussian, -
- 0 replies
What's in the Scenario? -Meksico Join Axis -America is divided by five: Germany,Japan,Meksico, Spain, and Italy Please Enjoy And Have Fun! How to install? download scenario extract it form zip/rar put into Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth(itsexampleifthatscenariomakedinkeplermapyouwillputinkepler)\scenarios put it here after theres a file named Age_Of_Civilizations open that with notepad++ and add the scenario tags(thefilename) and put ; at the end worldwar2.rar
Last reply by Manstein, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I am currently doing a scenario on the first world war as I am still a beginner to make scenario I helped myself tutorial. Are you interested?
Last reply by Atilla, -
- 3 replies
1-8-0-6 Scenario Note! "This scenario is remaking form Victorian era scenario" Have fun:)
Last reply by LAUELCOMMIE☭, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi I present to you a Scenario named 1924 : Another Threat which is a Alternate 1924 Timeline : 1917 : The Russian Revolution failed, Lenin & the communist decide to exil in the German Empire. Central Powers is pushed back to their former borders. At the end of the year, Entente forces push in Germany & Austria-Hungary 1918 : The Great War is won by the Entente. The Weimar Republic is proclamed. Thanks to their actions in the war, Poland & the Baltic States is freed by the Russian Empire (Only the East of WW2Poland is still controled by the Russians). France, UK & USA decide to create 3 occupations zones in Western Germany. 1919 …
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 2 replies
Note: There are no custom nations in this scenario. Just plop the Scenario into the Scenarios Folder of Earth and you’re good to go. Imperium is an alternative 1936 where a few things have gone differently. Let's go! In the 1860's the American Civil War rocked America so badly that neither the Union or the Confederates were able to remain stable. With this, a group of very radical imperialists overthrew both governments. With this, the American reign of terror began with the war against Spain. Of which the Americans took the Phillipines and Cuba. In South America, The War of the Triple Alliance ends with a surprising Paraguayan Victory by a crushi…
Last reply by LildawgGaming, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! Today I decided to have a go at the scenario editor of AoC2 for the first time. I wanted to make a new version of the modern world map, where there's an actual NATO and overseas territories are part of their real life parent countries, you name it. As Im totally new with this, I didnt realise this would delete the original, standard ''modern world'' scenario that I do like to play with. Could someone send a download link? It'd be much appreciated!
Last reply by LAUELCOMMIE☭,