Scenarios to download made by community
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1440 Alternative. 1572716897436vsoahwur.rar
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, So as some of you mightve realized im the guy who created a video a while ago showing off a cool mod i was creating with a bunch of different things and basically before i could make it public for everyone i went down for surgery and now im at a cross roads and dont know if i should continue so please watch this video it shows everything ive done to the game like a bunch of alliances spectating and just a bunch more and tell me if you think its worth me working on it more or if i should just give it up.... Should i continue the mod??
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 2 replies
It's the year 1912: Dutch Queen Wilhemina has been assassinated by Belgian nationalist in Brugge. The Dutch lost their ruler and starts mobililizing their troops and many ships are send. Belgium also sends troop to the Dutch-Belgian border. The British Empire sends a ultimatum to the Netherlands to stop mobilizing and stocking many ships there. But the German Empire supports the Dutch. On 27th September 1912: The Netherlands declared war on Belgium, the British declared war on Netherlands and the German Empire declared war on the British Empire, Luxemburg and Belgium. After Flanders and Luxemburg has been captured, France declared war on Ger…
Last reply by Forret, -
- 2 replies
2057 World War 3 V4 Link:
Last reply by Korkut Dogandor, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Can someone please tell me what mod Drew Durnil uses in his AOC II videos and link the mod? I'm talking of course about the terrain types, font, not the scenarios. Here's an example of the mod. I think it looks really good, especially with that invisible border between the provinces.
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 2 replies
İ made a scenario about turkish civil war (news on future) and i improve my skills so i made new scenario about turkish civil war v2 enjoy 🙂 1573919419874ppbxxpxx.rar
Last reply by Anonymousss, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by XDBerat4D, -
- 0 replies
Okay, so, about the fascist world, I will not be uploading it because I had to reset my computer (lose EVERYTHING and get my games back.) so that means that everything I made is gone, and I am too lazy to start over, and also someone already made the fascist world. (NO I DID NOT COPY IT, I DIDNT KNOW UNTIL LATER) and so I decided to make a new Scenario. Operation Barbarossa.
Last reply by Anonymousss, -
- 32 replies
Hello everybody! This is my Scenario, Europe in 1989. I have made events all the way up to 1993 currently, my plans are to have at least a Europe starting in 1989 with events that lead up to a decently accurate modern day scenario, so you can practically watch it in spectator mode like one of those History of Europe - every year videos with little to no interference. How I do this is make an event to create a large non - aggression pact, so the AI doesn't go crazy and make horrifying border gore. Future Updates: More Yugoslav Wars (Yugoslav Wars are actually not finished yet) Expansion of EU alliance events Russian annexation of Crimea e…
Last reply by kirbaclikral26, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by gayben33332, -
- 1 reply
When the version 1 comes new i finish scenario. There is a scenario: sory for 240p link under video
Last reply by SukorfTv, -
- 1 reply
WW2 Scenarios #The plan# You start World War II between 1942 and 1964, you must win and defeat the Nazi army But that's not easy. You will use your colonies to win, but only if you gives them after the WW2 The freedom And the story will revolve around events after the World War Events will end in 1964 ===You Must Play Britain Only=== I don't know how many events That would be in it.. Unfortunately, leaders cannot be changed by events. Add leaders' photos🚫 FIX BORDERS 🚫 EVENTS 🚫 😬ENDOHHHHHHHH😄
Last reply by Si Mapping, -
- 2 replies
(REPOST) This is my first scenario so don't bully me. 1572650333933klfhmmax
Last reply by eDouz, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Saving Things, -
- 11 replies
After years of rising tensions between the Republicans and Democrats the 2016 presidential election was the breaking point between the two parties Thus began the internal strife which led to civil war. The United States once the worlds sole superpower has became a place of conflict and depression. Will The United States live on and defeat the rebels or will America fall by the onslaught of the liberals and their supporters. Version 1.1 Added: More events for Cities being Captured Version 1.2 Added a lot more event and 2 nations and an event chain also gave the rebels a chance at winning Version 1.3 Added a peace deal if…
Last reply by Mr.Hitler, -
- 0 replies
Get Ready for ITV! I just created an ITV scenario, It is set in 1993. Download:
Last reply by Lao Mapping, -
- 3 replies
hey, I made an scenario, whats looking like 966, but i edited something. What if a big war started in 966? (Poland create)? See yourself!
Last reply by Wayhe, -
- 0 replies
I need you to see this video give it a view or if you want something better i will make ww3 scenario if you want please look these videos: ww1 alternate:
Last reply by DespotMilan, -
Last reply by Sh4y4n, -
- 10 replies
Hello, Guys! This is an cenario that focuses mainly on events. Most of them, decision events. These events are going to lead to 2027, an special year to my cenario, because some things are going to happen in 2027... Lore: The year is 2020, things are changing, many countries are starting to think that socialism is a good idea, the world is in a way to a global ideology conflict and some countries are going to take advantage of this... But your decisions can change the fate of the whole World... ———————————————————————— • [10/22/2019] Daily Update: 13 events added, some non-decision events and updated diplomacy, focusing on random events …
Last reply by Illyrian Mapping, -
- 4 replies
This is based off the show The Walking Dead. Its pretty bare bones right now and I guessed a lot and put some extra civs in there for fun If there's anything that is missing or needs to be changed let me know Version 1.1 Added Terminus, Woodburry and Oceanside also changed a few things around to make it more realistic
Last reply by Leetstreet, -
- 0 replies
Just another one of those cold war scenarios 1572653702620mjvfblfq
Last reply by eDouz, -
- 13 replies
This update was suggested by Nizar Producciones. Big thanks to him. Anyways, this is an updated version to where I added a few improvements such as a fascist middle eastern country, Spain gets more colonies, and Japan gets a little more land. I hope you like it. This is the updated map. This is the download. I I I I V …
Last reply by Anonymousss, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys; I'm mading a scenario named "Battle Royale" I dont mean game of Battle Royale I mean I will add civilization to every single province If you give me some Ideas or some more civilizations I will be happy Good days 😉 and I will give credit to mod creators which is I used their mods for this scenairo Note: If you help me with more civs. or etc. I can release a beta :)
Last reply by Adamicki12, -
- 2 replies
The scenario is 95% Done, I've been making for the entire week :3 It might have some errors, though... But I am going to fix before posting it.
Last reply by CoolieZN (🇧🇷),