Scenarios to download made by community
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I am Age of Civilizations 2 player i love this game
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 1 reply
The first atractive of this scenario is the Triple Alliance War or Paraguayan War Things that contains the scenario: - Triple Alliance War - American Civil War (with liberated territories) - Mexican monarchy rise - So much african kingdoms - An personalized cover 1566136981734esltxmpg.rar The leaders aren't included but if you want them just wait for the update of this mod: 1566136981734esltxmpg.r
Last reply by PANTIC_TIME_NEWS, -
- 3 replies
Coming Soon
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 1 reply
Alternativ 2050 [LINK] North America 1. The US has broken up into 50 countries. 2. Iceland annexed Greenland. 3. Mexico has annexed all other North American countries. South America 1. Only Chille, Brazil and Rio de Janeiro remained on the continent. 2. Rio de Janeiro regains its independence. 3. Cuba has annexed all the islands around her. Africa 1. Large countries have merged into the African Union. 2. Algeria, Egypt, the African Union, Nigeria, Madagascar and South Africa remained on the continent. Europe 1. Regained independence: Asturias, the Kingdom of Leon, the Kingdom of Navarre, Aragon, the Kingdom of Valenc…
Last reply by memososisi, -
Download ------> scenariusz
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 11 replies
💚REGIONS OF ITALY❤️ ------------ SCENARIO ------------ Hello guys! This is the first time I write a post on this forum, this is my first scenario I´ve made. I created all the flags and names, then tried to put them in to a original position and added different levels of technology each regions, seems pretty good! DOWNLOAD LINK: CLICK HERE Have fun!
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 4 replies
Link : This Mod starts in 1978 and includes several civil wars , two future wars(triggered through event),some wars among countries,the Famous Cold War with Euroope Divided in two this is the tutorial link for mod ( setup.exe method)
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 4 replies
ENG 829 A.D. A year after the theft of Saint Mark's Body the Abbassid are about to discovered that the fault of the theft was Venetian and probably they'll declare war soon after, the only chance for the doge is to find a powerful ally and hope for the best. This is an ucronistic scenario where the Abbasids actually become angry to the Venetian after this actually happend fact. When i'll be able to make the events work the scenario will be published, the map is based on the eu4's extended timeline mod. The scenario has been updated! now it comprise the iberian and the balcanic peninsulas, the mediterranean Afrika, some germanic populations and so…
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 0 replies
Alternative 2050 [LINK] modernworld.rar
Last reply by bumeranq 14, -
- 5 replies
Scenarios with New CivPack - 47 New & Re-new Civ - Renew civ have new flag & color - Based on Rebel and Civil War State Download - Go to ***Scenarios Release in CivEditor Package*** Image: Mexican Rebelion United Province of Cental America New Granada Peru-Bolivian Commonwealth Argentine Confederation Brazilian Civil Wars
Last reply by RyanOrleansII, -
reviviendo la propuesta de scenario de ramiro007/reliving the scenario proposal of ramiro007
by max23- 0 replies
Hola :D! Vine Ah Revivir La Vieja Propuesta De Nuestro Lider Ramiro007 la regla me parecio estupida asi Que todos pueden participar xD Infromacion Necesaria: Nombre de su pais: Capital en la cual se ubicara su pais: Ideologia(las del juego base obvio :v): Bandera: Foto del lider:(si no tienen usen la de su foro oh si no Quieren la del foro pos, no tengan lider :V): Alianza:(para confirmar la alianza con un jugador debera de mandarme pruebas de Que ese otro usario acepto hacer una alianza contigo) English: Hi :D! I came to relive the old proposal of our leader Ramiro007 It seemed like a stupid rule, so everyone c…
Last reply by max23, -
Last reply by PANTIC, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
SEPARATISTS V2 by Shrimpy5678 A brief foreword: Hello Everyone, This is the second version of my separatists scenario. The original only included Europe, but this one includes North and South America, Africa, The Middle East, and Oceania. Don't worry, I've already begun working on Asia, which should be completed very soon 😉. I will be releasing the full map in V3. Here's some stuff you should know about this scenario: This scenario has 55+ custom civilizations The scenario currently has no form-able civilizations, but I intend to add them The info for these separatist movements comes from Wikipedia, so if you see an error, L…
Last reply by ($Jake$), -
Futura Mod , futuristic mod This video is my video. Also I created the --- of this mod. But this mod isn't my mod. New Mod for AoC 2 / AoC2 / AoCII / AoC II Mod Creator: jaggwagg @PK Creator: Memososisi You can donate money for me on this website: Also you can join these groups for new mods: 1) 2) 3) How to Upload New Scenarios for Age of Civilizations II Android: How to Upload Civilizations_Editor Documents for Age of Civilizations II Android:…
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 0 replies
Europe in 900 AD COUNTRIES: Norway Denmark Germany West Francia Burgundian Kingdom Pamplona Leon Emirate of Cordoba Idrisid Fatimid Gallura Abbasid Byzantine Empire Bulgaria Serbia Croatia Hungary Italy Papal States Naples Salerno Scotland Danelaw Mercia Wessex LEADERS: Aelfwynn (Mercia) Charles III (West Francia) Conrad (Germany) Constantine II (Scotland) Constantine VII (Byzantium Empire) Prince Pavle (Serbia) Rudolph II (Burgundian Kingdom) Simeon I (Bulgaria) Tomislav (Croatia) 900 Europe.rar
Last reply by Lazija, -
Last reply by PANTIC, -
- 0 replies
First scenario I created South-Europe and Anatolia 1356.rar
Last reply by Lazija, -
- 4 replies
I know there already some ww3 scenarios, but here's another one. Don't worry about the EU, I made an event to nerf it.
Last reply by Athan, -
- 1 reply
I want to create a scenario in " Modern World " where rebels appear in Egypt's capital then in the neighbouring cities then take down dictator " AbdulFatah Al-Sissy " & gain control over the whole country how to set events to do so !??!!?
Last reply by Aryan, -
- 1 reply
Hello i was doing this scenario because i was bored xD but its not finished like the name says its a country's swap but the country's its not the only thing what change's the ideology swap's to and you will be able to form new civilizations like: sorry ik what the flags dont have sense but idk how to put my's flags in the game xD maybe the scenario going to realease in a week or maybe a month but if u want to help me whit the flags you're welcome xDD
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 0 replies
This is just a bad depiction of the 1600's, made just for entertainment purposes, and not historical purposes! This is mein first scenario, I would really appreciate some ideas, i need ideas for improvements ! Map :
Last reply by doggy_dog, -
- 6 replies
Great War scenario made by me Start date: 1/Jul/1910 I tried to make this accurate but the AI is very crazy sometimes Extras: - Mexican Revolution - Portugal leaving monarchy - Russian Revolution - Korean Empire anexation Differences comparing with other scenarios: - British Raj is part of United Kingdom - Mexican Empire (It doesn't exist in that time but for have Porfirio Díaz I put it like that and actually if you see the ideology is a republic) - Newfoundland independent - Events can't be skipped by the AI but can be skipped or changed by the player - 4 years before the war worldwar1.rar For a…
Last reply by IlanFX, -
- 3 replies
It is literally the Victorian Era map with some little changes - I just do this for look the Yucatan Republic in a map 1845.rar
Last reply by SuperGion915, -
- 10 replies
I Decided To Create A Scenario About : What Could Be 1939 If World War I Didnt Happend ? But I Need Your Offers . Please Tell What Could Be This Great War ?? German Empire Was Exist Or We Had German Reich ? Did Russia Have Revolution ? Did We Have Communist ? And What Nation Could Starter of World War 1 At 1939 ????????
Last reply by acerbggamingtv, -
- 0 replies
Greetings. On this site, we will interpret and evaluate shared scenarios in the forum. Of course we'll do it objectively. I should also mention that: Translators who can translate from Turkish to English please write
Last reply by KursatKoseoglu,