Scenarios to download made by community
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They should make a World War 1 scenario because they have a World War 2 but not a World War 1. If they add a World War 1 scenario then people can know what the map looked like and what the people had to deal with. Leave a thumbs up if they should add it or a thumbs down if they should not add it. Leave a comment if you have something to say about it.
Last reply by Billy Bowling, -
- 0 replies
Eng/// Hey! this is my scenario where u must conquer all of Europe! (all 28 countries) (without events) / Pol/// Cześć! to jest mój scenariusz, gdzie musisz podbić całą Europę! (wszystkie 28 państwa) (bez eventów) DOWNLOAD--- (link) WInEurope.rar
Last reply by wylewikwhui, -
- 3 replies
Okay so i have created a scenario for the addon+ mod LORE: its simple a alternative version of the aftermath of World War 1 progress: 30% Events: I will add a lot of events over time and some unique events too like votes in a country every 4 years or so about 500 events will be added so it will take a while but it will be worth it😉 Also I will try my best to give the player a LOT of freedom in those events For example: if you want to try and buy the old german lands that were lost in the peace treaty or just make your realtions with france so good that you can just ask for them and of course you can choose the…
Last reply by PApaSpitler, -
- 1 follower
- 38 replies
1683 SCENARIO (All borders may not be true) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …
Last reply by Hurricane_Boss, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys. I made Anatolia 1337 scenario. Sorry for the mistakes. Merhaba dostlar. 1337 yılının Anadolu senaryosunu yaptım sizler için. Hatalar varsa özür dilerim ve belirtirseniz sevinirim. AoC II Anadolu 1337 Mod.rar
Last reply by unconscious, -
- 5 replies
For more information in desc
Last reply by DespotMilan, -
- 2 replies
I changed countries with their competitors
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 0 replies
What if Rapa Nui won WW1?
Last reply by princedemchugdongrub, -
- 6 replies
Soo i've done this scenario, with 30+ events, this scenario is not meant to be 100% historically accurate but its fun to play! Feel free to leave comments and ideas to edit this! Here's a zip version of it: And a rar: 1549801108343txyhjywa.rar and some screeshots of it: [UPDATE]: 1.1 -Added some new events including peace between finland and soviet union -Removed finland from Axis -Balanced army sizes in Operation Barbarossa -Much more [UPDATE] 1.11 -Fixed couple events -Gave german territories in africa …
Last reply by princedemchugdongrub, -
- 2 replies
It looks like Alternate WW1 wins so after that (unknown maybe) project ill make next one to vote Infection Scenario WW3 Alternate WW2 Explaining How Hitler Could Win WW2 With His Axis Members Europe in a nutshell Alternate Future Of Europe Some AOC2 Video Welcome Channel Intro = (Explaining About My Exisiting What Will I Do And Why I Started Mapping....) Robot Scenario Alien Scenario
Last reply by DespotMilan, -
- 0 replies
I am finishing up a new scenario called: Birth of a Nation this scenario starts when the first states secedes December 20th 1860 and from their many events unfold and it leads up to the Civil war. As for my other mods they will be getting event pictures for most of the events. My scenario Death of a Nation has more detail to the Canada event string and a Mexican one will be added. Many foreign nations will now support the side that they want to win. The rebel peace deal has been updated so it is now more smoother. Adding many flavor events of when a major city gets captured with pictures. Expect these updates soon and thanks for down loading my scenarios!
Last reply by Mr.Hitler, -
- 0 replies
This is a Fallout universe scenario but its the whole world it has only a few events but more will be added soon
Last reply by Mr.Hitler, -
- 4 replies
n 1860, the vampire family in Transylvania began to replicate a viral gene from the blood The virus spreads in Europe - China - India and Brazil And in 1870, Britain formed an alliance against vampires from all countries In this scenario, you have to choose your country and fight with Vampires Vampire Empire 1.rar
Last reply by hooman, -
- 1 reply
Oh no! Most of the world has died! The only place left is Africa thanks to them blessing the rains. But, now other countries are colonizing Africa again in order to continue existing. Will you colonize or defend Africa? Also, Peter wins the lottery a lot.
Last reply by unconscious, -
- 1 reply
This scenario is inspired by V for revenge. The scenario adds the Norse fire regime in Modern Day. To install the scenario, you must delete (or replace) the '' Game '' and '' Map '' folders, and replace them with those in the Winrar File.
Last reply by ieunal61, -
- 1 reply
Hello! It's my first scenario for Age of Civilizations 2. It's scenario about WWII but on Aoc1 map. If you gonna like I it will make this with events. Link: Enjoy!
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 0 replies
Here's the rtf version of it:AoC_Interview_Eisen.rtf The game changed his life. He dropped out of college and created the Age of Civilizations II himself It is possible that you have not heard about the turn-based strategy of Age of Civilizations, which appeared on mobiles. Łukasz Jakowski's game turned out to be a great success, which changed the life of the creator. He dropped everything and left for the Bieszczady Mountains created Age of Civilizations II. As the creator himself writes, his game has a simple rule: easy to learn, hard to master. The player's task is to unite or subjugate the world with the help of army and diplomacy. The era after th…
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, In this scenario, the Sun disappeared out of nowhere, and sent earth flinging off into space. Without the sun's warmth, Humanity was forced to settle around geothermal areas in order to survive. Now, earth has found a new star, and has started to thaw. The various Technocracies of Earth must venture out into unclaimed land. Each one of them dreams of unification, but who will be the one to do it? this is incredibly inaccurate, but I attempted to put civilizations pretty close to geothermal activity. Yes, this would never happen, for a variety of reasons. This Scenario is not for everyone, but have fun - Brennernator
Last reply by salt_and_pepper89, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
In this scenario I made the local elections of Turkey on the @GyLala 's Turkey Map. Elections To play the scenario you must download this map. The map;
Last reply by GyLala, -
- 9 replies
The Great War Scenario On 2 August 1914, Germany occupied Luxembourg and sent an ultimatum to Belgium, demanding passage through the country. When Belgium refused, Germany declared war on France on 3 August and on Belgium the following day. German troops immediately crossed the border, launching an offensive against the Belgian city of Liège. This scenario begins on August 4, 1914 during the invasion of Belgium, contains armies and for some strange reason France is op. Here the scenario links my bois: <-- .rar link of the scenario…
Last reply by CassalettIV, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I wanted to make an alt-history scenario. I just didn't know what to make. What if Allbania won WW2? Nah. What if France didn't capitulate every 5 mintues? Nah. What if Switzerland had a coast? Nah. What if my scenarios were gud? Nah. Then, I had the idea to make What if the Ottomans won the Battle of Vienna? Ottomans in 1700 (Not Accurate) If you don't know what the battle of Vienna was, here is a brief explanation: It was a battle that was part of the Great Turkish War. Which involved the Ottomans against the HRE, the Habsburgs, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Tsardom of Russia, among others. The Ottomans had almost no chan…
Last reply by Doyouknowdawae, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Alternate World Scenario Türkler yandaki windowsu etkinleştir yazısını takmayın xD (It may not be realistic) SOME PHOTOS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 replies
I made scenerio that should help you with making Roun Table achievement. How to use Round table achievement
Last reply by Towarzysz Mateusz, -
- 0 replies
- 4.7k views This is a reproduction of the Second American Civil War, present in Kaiserreich. There are original flags and portraits To install it, you need to replace your AOC2 folder with the one inside the Winrar file.
Last reply by Comrade Athos, -
- 2 replies
Well, after two months of inactivity at doing scenarios, today I have done one of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974) based in the year of 1970. There are four civilizations: Portugal (only with their controlled territories in Africa, for balance the game), Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique (Cape verde and São Tomé and Príncipe were under portuguese control). I didn't add East Timor because was under portuguese control and away of the principal independence movements in Africa. About technology: all the civilizations have the standard technology level, 0,45. I can't give you the download link because I'm from android (I hope that after the launc…
Last reply by Lucas L,