Scenarios to download made by community
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why he do that
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
So i want to make a scenario and i want some ideas please
Last reply by Dullishcrab, -
- 0 replies
In 1786, Zandiyya's government went into weakness But Prince Lotfali intended to revive it The Qajars in the north held power, led by Aqa Mohammad Khan, intended to control the whole of Iran. Then a great war broke out between Zandieh and Qajar persia1786.rar
Last reply by hooman, -
- 0 replies
Supremacy 1914 a BAD WW1 map Here it is ladies and gentleman, a very bad WW1 game.
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 5 replies
Regional Conflicts Author: Kirill Cherpake
Last reply by Foxx World Productions, -
- 2 replies
Here comes the bloodiest ancient war! I tried to make the gameplay as balanced as I could. Enjoy! Note: If you don't know anything about this war, google it.
Last reply by sabit, -
- 0 replies
In 3727 the robots, cyborgs,dogs,dinossaurs,and more will start a revolution and will extinguish the humans (not all). New Civilizations: -Cyborg Domain -Evolved Robots -Dog Domination -Dinossaur Republic -American Humans, European Humans and African Humans Events: none so far Screenshot (For a while)
Last reply by TTs, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello! This time i am coming with bigger scenario: "1949" - World Divided. Making this don't took so much time, to make it easier i copied Modern World scenario files and changed some names and started making! Download Link: The Scenario is about starting Cold War. MatrixeQ HD Mapping
Last reply by MatrixeQ HD Mapping, -
- 5 replies
Can anyone create a Cold War scenario? no mods,no new civilizations
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 4 replies
New Update!!! Added two more events and alliances (these alliances do not exist because this scenario is alternative, not real) caribbean_islands update.rar
Last reply by TTs, -
- 0 replies
Screnshots: First link is Scenario with Alliances Second Link is Scenario without Alliances (Sorry for my English but I`m Polish) THIS SCENARIO IS BETA!!!!!!!!! This scenario haven`t got events 1555347666560fyglyslm (4).rar 1555347666560fyglyslm (3).rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by Atilos, -
Hi everybody n.n , this is my new scenario , it is about the Third World War of Imperial Mapping (a youtube channel) so if you are fan of him you will love this scenario , it is about the war between The Empire of Great Francia and The Republic of Greater Slavia a war to clean the world from the french spider and his web of Intrigue ¡¡¡ Will you be by the side of the Frankish threat , conquer the whole world and set up a global and uncontested dominance over the whole world ? , or do you prefer to fight for freedom and justice? Decision is yours... Fight as Frankia , Slavia , USA , Austria , Hungary , Venice , Turkey , Serbia , Bulgaria , you can choose amongst all …
Last reply by Nizar Producciones, -
ok so i did this and i dont really know what it is (i dont have any ideas for scenarios lol)
Last reply by kubek, -
- 0 replies
Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War UPDATE 17/02/2019 WW1 Eastern Front Russo-Japanese war Winter War UPDATE 18/02/2019 Mexican Civil War Shoubak Rebelion National Protection War UPDATE 22/02/2019 Fall Gelb Barbarossa First Sino-Japanese War French Invasion of Russia UPDATE 23/02/2019 Jacobite Uprising Kościuszko Uprising Syrian Civil War of 1925 Arara Revolt Mosul Uprising 1959 UPDATE 15/04/2019 Serbo-Bulgarian War Italian ivasion of Greece Vespers War Scottish-Norwegian …
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 8 replies
What`s new : -New puppet of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth -White Ruthenia -Rusian Civil War -Japan Civil War -Benelux annex Luxemburg and Malmedy (Province) -German Confederation annex Venice,Treviso,Verona and Udine Screenshots: 1922 1.1.rar
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 6 replies
Ancient Empires: A Classical Era Mod I noticed that there weren't really any Classical Era scenarios so I decided to make my own. I present to you: Ancient Empires! Ancient Empires is set in 375 BC, just before the rise of Macedonia. The Persian Empire in the east is still strong, but its satrapies may turn on it at any moment, and is threatened by the nomadic Saka peoples. Greece is divided; major players include Athens, Sparta and Thessaly. Carthage has built a mighty trading empire, and is looking toward Italy, where Rome is still a minor power. Note that this is the beta version. It's completely playable, but it doesn't include any events currentl…
Last reply by OrionsGamer, -
- 0 replies
This scenario is being worked on to expand the world map to make it look more interesting in the year 269 bc. Gaul isn't done yet and you will notice that some areas are highlighted under a group like "spanish gauls". I will disband them soon with other kingdoms.
Last reply by rds46, -
- 0 replies
mod link : based on alternate trees from HOI4 pictures:
Last reply by Dulmassia, -
- 1 reply
My second scenario, it's very random but i think you can enjoy the map Download now and play!Atlas milenium.rar
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 13 replies
Hello how are you? I hope so, WARNING THIS MAP IS NOT BASED ON REAL LIFE IS NOT A REAL HISTORY, This map is based on my main departure, It all starts in 1440 When Herman Of Elected Wied From Cologne I declare war on Cleveris Little Ah Little Start To Grow A Lot Conquering Munster, Bramante, Nassau County, Etc. In 1852 Perdies His Colonies In America And Africa Without Counting Corruption On The Throne Of Frederick William IV All This I Lead Ah A Republican coup d'etat in Colonia In 1857, the coup ended in 1916, and the republicans won decided to liberate the ancient nations conquered by colony, splitting the world into 2 sides the side colones that are the faithful countr…
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 0 replies
sorry no download lol i did a poll and cold war on small map won so i did it it also might look weird because i installed a background
Last reply by kubek, -
- 0 replies
i made Continental wars scenario i know this is probably not original also this is only for showcase
Last reply by kubek, -
- 5 replies
i made a ww2 scenario in small map update 1: fixed borders and country also i dont know why but you cant install rip 1554649798696cflcrozu
Last reply by kubek, -
- 0 replies
Ireland is love, Ireland is life, Ireland is filled with potatoes and in this scenario ireland.rar
Last reply by ibenhd54, -
- 47 replies
Hey everyone! I made a new scenario which includes events too! This is a historical scenario about Balkan wars which were in period of 1912-1913. First Balkan War was against Ottoman Empire and Second Balkan War was against Bulgaria. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to install? -Simply move balkanwars folder to E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations\map\Earth\scenarios ------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by TTs,