Scenarios to download made by community
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the UK is a brilliant place but look at this scenario and you'll never see this place in the same way ever again UK.rar
Last reply by ibenhd54, -
- 19 replies
Hi i am Nizar Producciones , this is my kaiserreich , in this scenario germany won WW1 , italy remained as central power , Persia helped central powers against russia and gained some land, also germany creates the Central European Union with all its allies in WW1 , their new vassals and new formed countries , USA fought against germany but in the end didnt lose much power , the russian empire was replaced by a new russian republic that is receiving support by the central powers in its war against soviet rebels , germany is at war against soviets , China is at civil war against Tibet and Mongolia and the tensions between China and the Japaneese Empire are not helping very…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 34 replies
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 11 replies
This is my first alternative scenario,currently i have only Europe and Africa finished,but this is just 1.0 version I have backstory for whole scenario,if you want to know about it tell me in comments. (link for the download) Feel free to suggest how to improve this scenario or correct my English :D.
Last reply by Kaiserwilhem2, -
- 0 replies
This Scenerio is a America from series Man i High Castle. Civs.rar 1554389424887kmollrcy.rar
Last reply by Victor, -
- 19 replies
(p.s. image quality isn't /that/ good because i'm on a 1366x768 monitor. my 1920x1080 one will arrive tomorrow, so yeah) Coat of Arms: 1836 The Era of Industrialization Lead your nation through a dangerous, yet prosperous era as you try your best to meddle in political affairs, either peacefully, or if it comes to it, by force. The Revolution ended over 20 years ago, yet the ideas of it live on, as the common class start questioning their government and turning to the ideas of liberalism, with a few even turning to the views of Karl Marx. It is a strange, and yet rather short period in the time of nations, yet, it will influence everything…
Last reply by luke.grxn, -
- 29 replies
Hi! I always see scenarios of WW2, but most of them are of the same ages: 1942, 1943 and 1945. So today I show you a scenario that I did of WW2 of all the world, but is from 1941, when the nazis haven't declaired war on Soviet Union and USA, so there are more options than in another scenarios and the map can be more interesting and balanced. I am from android and I can't share a download link until the Workshop comes, but I can show you some pictures of the scenario. Greenland and Svalvard are disocuppied like in reality (in the game they are neutral) because I thought it would be better for the game leave them neutral. This scenario contains some new …
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 4 replies
Götterdämmerung 1944 In June 6 of 1944 US, British, and other Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, German-occupied France, in the largest seaborne invasion in history. The landings began at 06:30 and met heavy fire from gun emplacements overlooking the beaches, along with numerous mines and obstacles. Over the day, the Allies suffered at least 10,000 casualties vs about 1,000 for the Germans, but secured their beachhead. This scenario starts on June 20 of 1944, at the Allies invasion of France. Here the links: <-- .rar link…
Last reply by Soares_DwD, -
- 9 replies
The modern World With these Civilations : Achaemenid Empire , French Empire , Qing Dynesty , German reich , Austria-Hungary , Great Britain , Mughal Empire , Aztec Empire , Roman Repuplic , Carthage , African Union , Europian Union , Korean Empire , Siam , Mongol Empire , Sparta , Maccedon ,Tokugawa Shougunate , Rashidun And Soviet Union . empire.rar
Last reply by hooman, -
- 0 replies
I saw the flag of the Italian Social Republic when I was editing one of my scenarios of WW2, so I thought in make a scenario of the Italian Civil War (1943-1945) But like territories change a lot, I finally made two scenarios of this war: One from november 1 of 1943 and the other from october 4 of 1944. Ironically, any of the two scenarios is balanced and one civilization is stronger than the other. About technology: the two civilizations in the two scenarios have the standard technology levels, 0,45. I'm from android and I can't give you the download links, but I can show you some pictures of the two scenarios: PICTURES: November 1 of 1943: …
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 0 replies
The Man in the High Castle This is the scenario of The Man in the High Castle, i put a lot of details in the map, but it doesn't have any events because i'm so lazy. Here the scenario: Man in the High Castle.rar Man in the High The archives are the same, there no changes each to other Here some Pics: Europe: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japannese Satelites in Asia and America: ----------------------------------…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 5 replies
Europe in 1885! Hello, everyone! This is my first real scenario, everything else I've made is imaginary worlds/afow's. There might be problems with the leaders since I don't really know how to change them. I accept any suggestion and corrections. Updates will be made once I've got more than a few corrections but still might take more time because of my personal life. Suggestions for you!: 1.Try to unite Bulgaria! All you have to do is play as either Bulgaria or Eastern Rumelia and try to unite with the other. 2.Try to recreate World War 1! 3.Try to take over the world as Luxembourg. 4.Try to Recreate the Balkan League and st…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 16 replies
So, This mod, like the title says, makes the What if Napoleon Won scenario. But you may notice some strange things, a few things have happened: America joined the side of Napoleon Sweden joined the side of Napoleon. You may notice other things, if you don't know why, tell me. Also, Napoleon, after the war, decided to invade the Ottomans, because he was "afraid" of them taking over after him. Napoleon decides to split up British India. If you want to know something, again, then tell me. Download Link: Just get the file in the .zip file and put it in your Scenario folder. ---New Update--- (new link above) Pictures will be bel…
Last reply by Jay Marc barreras, -
- 4 replies
Scenario World war 1 in 1916. My first scenario. 1543059359571xzljdpja.rar 1543059359571xzljdpja.rar
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 1 reply
This is a 2-1 scenario. I forgot to post the african one before making the oceanic one, so why not post both? The African The Oceanic
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 3 replies
I will halt all poll activity until I'm finished with the future scenarios Anyways, here's South America: La Plata isn't wasteland its just the colors look similar The South American
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys and girls! I made a modern day scenario with Holy Roman Empire. Hope you like it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to install? -Simply move modernwhre folder to Age of Civilizations\map\Earth\scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: This scenario doesn't include Leader Georg Friedrich of Prussia (ancestor of the Hohenzollern) Modern World with
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 1 reply
Turkish Civil War 1550956186670cjzwpvle.rar
Last reply by kayratanriverdi, -
- 3 replies
Hello I'm creating my new scenario. He tells an alternative story of World War I in which no one won. Germany divided into small countries (mostly democratic). Austria became an extremely fascist German Reich. The Russian civil war ended with the intervention of the Entente's army, as a result of which new countries emerged, for example Ukraine, Rus and Syberia. Soviet Russia is much weakened, among other things, because it lost the Caucasus. France has lost all of its colonies, Britain has become the world's dominator and the US has become an absolute monarchy (the result of the civil war of 1916-1918). It does not give links because the scenario is n…
Last reply by TaDziK, -
- 2 replies
Maybe someone will find this useful, fun or whatever
Last reply by aocfag, -
by KorBoogaloo- 8 replies
Welcome to 1715 Boy! My First ever scenario! For now all it includes is Europe and i call it Version 0.1 •Version 0.1: ● Comes with Europe ● Great Northen War ● Swedish Cores ● HRE •Version 0.5 (Work in Progress): ● Adds Asia ● Venetian-Ottoman War ● "Surrrender of Sweden" event ● "Surrender of Russia" event ● Addition of Parts of Siberia as "Wastelands" ● Border fixes if there are any problems with the current European ones ● Making France a monarchy again I'll be adding more content in future updates.
Last reply by KorBoogaloo, -
- 0 replies
AOC II Scenario fix (Korea) 5 scenario 5 Fix: add Nakrang, Tamra 1200 scenario 1200 Fix: Joseon -> Goryeo
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I need help about the europe borders of this war so if you have any europe borders at 1620 date please show me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 0 replies
This is basically a scenario using the current provinces of China, including Mongolia and Taiwan. There are 35 countries at the moment. Countries like Nepal and Bhutan will probably be added in the future. Map based on: If there is a mistake, please tell me. Every province except for Hong Kong, Macau, Tibet, Taiwan, and Mongolia is communist as I am unsure of what ideology they should be. Please note that this scenario is still in progress. Download: By the way, Shandong is overpowered. The borders for Hebei are …
Last reply by CataTheIdiot, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
AOC II 364 province: 1200 made by me
Last reply by krauser3ful,