Scenarios to download made by community
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So because i know nothing when regarding this forum i have to make a new post
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 4 replies
In this scenario,we have all the USSR republics,ready to destroy each other.Also communist version of Russia is USSR,so just pretend it is Russian Soviet Republic.Scenario review by me:
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 0 replies
Well, I'm a fan of The Man in the High Castle and I wanted to make a scenario of the world of this serie, so I looked some maps that appears in the serie and I did it. When I was doing the map, I decided that all the neutral zones should be conquerables except the Rocky Mountain States in North America, basically because we don't have information about the other neutral zones (this is only my choice) I though in some years for put to the map (1947, when the war ends, or 1962, when the serie starts, and there's no problem because it's basically the same map), but like leaders change depending on ages, I had to make the map in 1946 (but in reality, as I said, it's…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 1 reply
AOC II 364 province: 1200 [Download] made by me I want to play this map in AOC 1
Last reply by memososisi, -
- 0 replies
The Dream of Wilhelm: Des Deutsches Kaiserreich What if Central Powers won the WWI? After the war, Germany and puppets created the Berlin Pact. Austria-Hungary needs to reform to not be demolished. Great Britain, France and Italy are rising because they are now fascists. In Spain, monarchists, communists, republicans and fascists are fighting to each other. In Russia, communists and fascists are fighting with each other. In China, fascists and republicans are fighting each other. On the Arabian peninsula, two great tribes are fighting. After the war, Ottoman is trying to hold the their vassals and survive againts other ethnic groups and unhappy people. Bulgaria,…
Last reply by Jyadaus, -
- 17 replies
hey please send ideas of scenarios for me to do, they can be the craziest possible or the most realistic just need to give some details
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 11 replies
I'm Globglogabgalab
Last reply by Jay Marc barreras, -
- 16 replies
It's there that I will add all the complete history from my scenarios. from the map I am creating, I will also add my old realistic or alternate mods, with new music from games or songs. List: - WW3 ( 2159 ) - Civil war era ( 2621 ) - Cold war 1949 - Failurereich - Fatherland era - Russian civil war link of the mod :
Last reply by Dulmassia, -
- 2 replies
Persia/Iran Download:
Last reply by ponoi346, -
- 1 reply
Indonesia Independence War: The scénario:
Last reply by Babyxuan, -
- 3 replies
I have seen that Lukasz has added the Crimea peninsula as a part of Ucrania, when the Crimea peninsula is now under Russian occupation (Republic of Crimea) so I decided make some scenarios and leaders about the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. Some new things: -Leader of Ucrania during the provisional government during the Crisis of Crimea of 2014 (Arseni Yatseniuk) -The Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Serguei Aksionov. -Scenario of the Crisis of Crimea (2014) In this scenario, I added the Republic of Crimea as a vassal state of Russia with the best relations, and Ucrania is near to the war with the Republic of Crimea and Russia…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
English: This is my first scenario There are 3 countries in this scenario; Western Rome, Eastern Roman (Byzantine) and European Hun State I would appreciate if you support: D Türkçe: Bu benim ilk senaryom Bu senaryoda 3 ülke var; Batı Roma,Doğu Roma(Bizans) ve Avrupa Hun Devleti Destek Olursanız Sevinirim :D 1551042301387hqatqult 1551042301387hqatqult_FD 1551042301387hqatqult_NM 1551043389376cqqlsqts 1551043389376cqqlsqts_A 1551043389376cqqlsqts_C 1551043389376cqqlsqts_D 1551043389376cqqlsqts_HRE 1551043389376cqqlsqts_INFO.json 1551043389376cqqlsqts_PD 1551043389376cqqlsqts_W 1551043389376cqqlsqts_E
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 replies
"What if one of the old nation states-- say, Australia, had decided not to join the world government in 2150?" -Dr. Beverly Crusher, Attached This scenario takes a hypothetical question from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and runs with it. I can't imagine anyone playing this, I just felt like making it after rewatching the episode. And before anyone says, I know that the Federation didn't exist in 2150, I only used it as it is an included civ and didn't want to bother people with dealing with custom civs for a dumb meme scenario. StarTrekMeme.7z
Last reply by Bees, -
- 8 replies
This is basically an extension of the civil war map
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, today I show you a little rare scenario: A scenario of the Revolt of the Comuneros (or ''War of the Communities of Castile'') If you don't know about this topic, I leave you a link below about this revolt: But basically was a revolt of some communities of Castile against Charles V (Charles I of Spain) because he put foreign people (The majoritie of Holy Roman Empire) in power positions, and this caused that people in Castile maked a rebellion against the House of Habsburg because they though that Charles I favored the people of Central Europe and not Castilians. I'm from android and I c…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, today I want to show you some scenarios that I created of the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula: 560: 1139: 1140: (The difference between this scenario and the scenario of 1139 it's the Portugal independece) 1300: About technology: in all the maps, all the civilizations have the standard technology level, 0,45. I am from android and I can't share the scenarios with you until Workshop arrives. Release (of all the scenarios): waiting for Workshop... Thank you for reading!
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 7 replies
I request that a Viking Age scenario be added to the game.. I've tried, but on mobile, it is painful. I ask a map of the world during the Viking Age. Im so sorry to ask, and I feel very ashamed to ask, but it is a very significant time in history, and it will be fun. If someone does this, god bless you. Thats it thanks!
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 35 replies
Hi guys, it's me back, I bring you a new scenario in its version 1.0. (Ironic text) Are you tired of left-handers (Marxists and fascists) being everywhere? I propose you this great mod! A mod that leaves the leftist paraplegic! Content 1.0: - there are only 3 ideologies: Libertarism/liberalism (in Latin-America), Conervativism and Nationalism (original, no fascist). - Technologics levels +65 - New flags in some countries. - Three world powers: USA (Libertarism), UK (Conservativism) and China (Nationalism). - 100% Republics and Democracy, no monarchy. Historical Context: In the Second World War, the USSR and allies along wit…
Last reply by TheRagingToucannon, -
- 3 replies
So I taught it would be cool if there was alternate ww2 scenario, so I made one. It’s just Europe, but it’s nice scenario. Here is the screenshot.
Last reply by TheRagingToucannon, -
- 1 reply
I made a little scenario about year 260 BC in the Western Mediterranean Sea. On this age, two civilizations began to compete to have the predominate in the Mediterranean Sea... About technology: the two civilizations have the standard technology level, 0,45. I can't share a link because I'm from android (I'm waiting for Workshop) but I can share some photos with you: PICTURES: Release: waiting for Workshop... Thank you for reading!
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 1 reply
I Created a scenario about battles between Imperial Japan And Anime Japan . Very Soon , I Will Create Events , you think Wich one is better ? And If you have an idea about events , tell me about them and i will create them .
Last reply by hooman, -
- 2 replies
Aliances: Coalition of Central Europe, Axis , Australian Coalition , African Union , South America Union , Union of Small Asian States In title is alpha but this is not alpha 1922 Alternative.rar
Last reply by Simoneq, -
- 1 reply
Just a reminder that I am making this scenario too This is a map of North America in 1803, but it isn't far different from 1802 so yea Nations: Russian America Rupert's Land New Spain United States French Louisiana Lower Canada Upper Canada Disputed: Oregon Country Central American colonies -and various North American native tribes
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 4 replies
What if The Holy Roman Empire was forced to recolonize the world? Welcome to Holy Roman Exodus, an EU4 ported mod. this is still in development, suggestions are open holyromanexodus.rar
Last reply by krauser3ful, -
- 5 replies
ESP Es mi primer mod, faltan por poner eventos y cambiar banderas de algunas regiones además de añadir más núcleos. NO ES LA VERSIÓN FINAL ENG It is my first mod, missing to put events and change flags of some regions also to adding more cores. IT'S NOT THE FINAL VERSION Spanish_comunities.rar
Last reply by krauser3ful,