Scenarios to download made by community
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This scenario was supposed to be for me But when I stopped developing it, I decided that someone might like it What does this sceanarian do? Well, there are many events (but not so much)! And because my English is weak the rest is in pictorial form! First turn Possible ends 140BC -
Last reply by Muahmmed, -
- 3 replies
1546906 150011wbodspie If this doesn't work pls help me share scenarios
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 1 reply
PL: hej, Moglbym prosic o domyslny scenariusz victorian era? poniewaz bawilem sie edytorem i zepsolem cos 😄 ENG: Hey, could I ask for the default victorian era scenario? because I played with the editor and zepsolem cos 😄
Last reply by Yorch, -
- 8 replies
The year is 1810, May Revelution has just happened, after the declaration of independence of the United Provinces of the Rio de La Plata, a war has begun, will you help the Argentines in their war of indepence and liberate the Chileans, or will you lead the Spanish army to reclaim the land of Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata? -Containing real historical event called Crossing of the Andes, with it you can liberate Chile and it will join you against the royalists -Please leave feedback if you see any problem, historical accuracy is my no.1 concern.
Last reply by capitalist hit or miss, -
- 5 replies
The United States never struck nuclear bombs in Japanese cities then the Pacific War spread until 1946 with the Soviet Union invading the northern part of the country and the United States invading the South of the country. Then in 1947, North Japan is created in the Communist model and South Japan (Japan) in Republica model on the South side. Then, in 1949, North Korea and North 1950 war explodes from Korea and the next day North Japan declares war in South Japan (Japan) ... (VERSAO BRASIL) II Estados Unidos nunca tacou as bombas nucleares nas cidades japonesas entao a guerra do pacifico se extendeu até 1946 com a União Sovietica invad…
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 2 replies
Update 25/03/2019: Well, I'm a fan of The Handmaid's Tale, and I started to investigate some maps of the geopolitic of the serie. Finally, I picked some of them and I started to create my scenario. I'm from android and I can' t share a download link, but I can show you the final version of the scenario. There are five civilizations: The Republic of Gilead, Mayday (''rebels'') The USA government in Hawaii and Alaska, Mexico and Canada. The Republic of Gilead is a fascist state, Mexico and USA government are republics, and Canada and Mayday are democracies. Obviously, the "rebels", the Mayday State, it's allied with the USA government. Mayday and USA government in…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 4 replies
The Spanish Civil War Scenario is here Lead the Nationalist troops to the victory Change History by instead leading the Republican troops to the victory Or make a decision with France to join the War
Last reply by Alguém, -
- 0 replies
I am creating a map about the Russian Revolution. I am still working on the map, but if you have any errors on the border of the Russian Empire in Asia please tell me Edit: Europa is in the map because i use to create the border
Last reply by Alguém, -
- 4 replies
ESP Es mi primer mod, faltan por poner eventos y cambiar banderas de algunas regiones además de añadir más núcleos. NO ES LA VERSIÓN FINAL ACTUALIZACIÓN (V0.8) Banderas actualizadas (Navarra y Cataluña) Ahora se podrá formar a España La comunidad de Castilla y León vuelve a estar unida pero aún habrá núcleos del Reino de León Y Castilla por separado Más líderes añadidos Futuros planes La bandera de Cataluña es provisional ya que es de baja calidad pero la necesitaba para que Cataluña y Aragón fuera mas fácil distinguirlos Añadir los líderes a todos los países Añadir eventos (se aceptan ideas) ENG It is my first mod,…
Last reply by Arbeloa22, -
- 10 replies
1/12/19: This scenario is still in work in progress and is obviously incomplete. It is the year after the collapse of the Carolingan Empire. I put the Holy Roman Empire as the Carolingan Empire in this scenario, here is a screenshot, I will be regularly be posting updates on weekends only.
Last reply by PETER, -
- 1 reply
Bardzo chciałbym wiedzieć czy robić ten scenariusz a tu macie takie jakby historię: jest 2020 zaczęły się robić zamieszki w Rosji o zmianie ideologii na Komunistyczną Zamieszki są też w innych państwach np: francja, bułgaria, polska, mongolia, japonia Scenariusz będzie też potrzebował instalacji krajów które będą obecne przy pobieraniu
Last reply by Kael, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
1316 Scenario -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Update 1(MASSIVE!!): Added Southeast Asian countries Added Southeast Asian tribes Added African Tribes Added Poland Added ainus …
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 2 replies
This alternative history scenario is a “Soft Alternative History”. Which means it isn’t accurate at all. The year is 1925, the world has many powers of many ideologies. With the massive African Independence movements occuring recently, many have also lost power. History took a turn when Sweden defeated Denmark. Not much changed till 1812, when the US fought and got absolutely destroyed, and they became very imperialistic. Germany forms... World War 1... Blah blah blah... I just wanted to have fun with this. Also China is an absolute mess. (Yes, I realize there are two Songs, I will fix that later.)
Last reply by Tincho987, -
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This is a scenario that is based on what if france won the franco-prussian war. New Nations: Rhine Confederation Screenshots: Download: 1.0: Needed Mod
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 1 reply
ALTERNATIVE 1936 (WORK IN PROGRESS) At the moment there are only 2 events for Germany. DOWNLOAD Alternative
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 5 replies
Here are the first 2 punic wars, I didn`t really balance them cus I was lazy
Last reply by panin1949vova, -
- 3 replies
- 7.7k views!TGoUUKxR!wqZFB90bwUZhxC59OQJqE4gOod0pxJzYfvIzOqcbW6Q My very first Scenario I'm uploading here. It's the AOC2 Modern World scenario but with the 1440 Europe. I didn't change any borders of Russia so the countries bordering Russia are a tad bit smaller than the 1440 scenario. Nor did i do any changes to the Middle East/African area so the Ottoman Empire is smaller as well. There are no puppets/vassals in this scenario. So you can play as Masovia or Holstein and not be ruled by Denmark or Poland. I haven't mess with the Leaders so all of the leaders in Europe will be the default leaders from 1440/Modern Worl…
Last reply by CircassianKavkaz, -
- 1 reply
A new mod I have created based on WW1 with Napoleon won link : I dislike it but I tried my best ~ Resume scenario: As you can see, Napoleon won the napoleitic wars and create a french empire but most of countries want their homeland and destroy France. Napoleon IV is at power.
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 21 replies
Hi guys, back with a new scenario. This time is Romance of The Three Kingdoms: Coalition Against Dong Zhuo. Set in the fall of Eastern Han Period. Still in beta version as I need to add faction leader pictures. But it will take some time for the final release. Below is the map and link for both civilization, scenario and flag. As for flags_editor.rar, just extract and replace it with the flags editor. It gives one new flag which is the flag used in this scenario. But I do need your help to improvise this scenario especially the events cause I'm still struggling on the events. 1546779848459uehnlido.rar ROTK civ.rar flags_editor.rar
Last reply by Norlion, -
- 18 replies
Y2K "The New Order" (Work in Progress) The mod is about the year 2000, a year full of changes but not so considerated, and i'm here to give the good old 2000 his respect. What will be included in the mod? Exculding historical nations (Like Serbian and Montenegro, Checnya ecc:.), i will try to add events giving the player the choiche for an Alternate History. I need help for the mod Doing this won't be easy alone, so if anyone wanna help me in the creation of the mod (In particular the Events) can message me on Discord Eisenherz#1991.
Last reply by hooman, -
You need to insert these files to a folder, that you meed to create in next adress(AoC2-map-Earth-scenarios) 1544291604640iqoawfyv 1544291604640iqoawfyv_A 1544291604640iqoawfyv_C 1544291604640iqoawfyv_D 1544291604640iqoawfyv_HRE 1544291604640iqoawfyv_INFO.json 1544291604640iqoawfyv_PD 1544291604640iqoawfyv_W
Last reply by PvPok, -
- 0 replies
You need to insert these files to a folder, that you meed to create in next adress(AoC2-map-Earth-scenarios) 1547050938304noghcqwj 1547050938304noghcqwj_A 1547050938304noghcqwj_C 1547050938304noghcqwj_D 1547050938304noghcqwj_HRE 1547050938304noghcqwj_INFO.json 1547050938304noghcqwj_PD 1547050938304noghcqwj_W
Last reply by PvPok, -
- 5 replies
4 scenarios Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War UPDATE 17/02/2019 WW1 Eastern Front Russo-Japanese war Winter War UPDATE 18/02/2019 Mexican Civil War Shoubak Rebelion National Protection War UPDATE 22/02/2019 Fall Gelb Barbarossa First Sino-Japanese War French Invasion of Russia DOWNLOAD:History Battles.ra…
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
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- 2.6k views Credit for the idea: Armolitskiy
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
An interesting idea for the scenario.
Last reply by setapdede,