Scenarios to download made by community
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- 2 replies
Firstly - My English is weak, I know 😕 Secondly - I want create my first Scenerio, where one Province = one nation In addition, all nations is parri passu weak, example system is tribe, 0.05 tech, Economy Lvl 0, Money at the beginning =0, Army =0 Do you have tips? How make a fast and good it?
Last reply by kam1395, -
- 0 replies
Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War UPDATE 17/02/2019 WW1 Eastern Front Russo-Japanese war Winter War UPDATE 18/02/2019 Mexican Civil War Shoubak Rebelion National Protection War UPDATE 22/02/2019 Fall Gelb Barbarossa First Sino-Japanese War French Invasion of Russia UPDATE 23/02/2019 Jacobite Uprising Kościuszko Uprising Syrian Civil War of 1925 Arara Revolt Mosul Uprising 1959 DOWNLOAD: History Battles.rar
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 6 replies
Downland : WARNING! The script is not real!The scenario is alternative. By AzerTurk Mapper February 16, 2019 Copyright by AzerTurk Mapper
Last reply by AzerTurk Mapper, -
- 5 replies
This scenario is purely my imagination and it's probably very no realistic so please don't take it too seriously. Events will be added later hopefully. (Also, creator of this game, can you make custom ideology and ability to change other country's ideology in peace deals? Ability to stage an ideological civil war on other country would be also great.) So what happened is that China invented a better version of communism and spread it throughout Asia. However, the west is strongly against it and made NATO a global alliance. China seeks the incoming threat and started to spread the new ideology throughout the world with diplomacy and revolutions. Many of them…
Last reply by PETER, -
- 0 replies
Download link: Scenariusz który jest jak normalny modernworld, ale jest dodane Księstwo Śląskie z prezydentem Wrocławia na czele. Wprowadzone są niewielkie zmiany takie jak 5550 startowych pieniędzy zamiast 3k, gwarantowanie niepodległości Księstwu Śląskiemu przez 25 tur od USA, Niemiec i Francji oraz rozejm 40 tur z Polską. Życzę miłej gry 🙂 A scenario that is like a normal modernworld, but the Silesian Duchy with the mayor of Wroclaw like president is added. Small changes are introduced, such as 5550 starting money instead of 3k, guaranteeing the independence of the Silesian Duchy for 2…
Last reply by mikol90, -
- 2 replies
Asia Modern Just Asia Google Drive: Download Link ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Europe Modern Just Europa Google Drive: Download Link ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by SUDAMXX, -
- 5 replies
So yea!Here's my new scenario!1946 scenario!Civil wars in Afghanistan and China,BeNeLux alliance and USSR holds vassals(puppets)of al the eastern European countries.If you want to review this,feel free,just credit my channel- and this scenario!NOTE:I couldn't do the flat border in Korea so it is set to be modern.In the middle of making it:
Last reply by TomasC8426, -
- 0 replies
Italy Download:
Last reply by Sepehr Parastar, -
- 4 replies
this scenario is still being done if you want can give me some suggestion of parents if you want send me the flag that I put in the country if you want help me thanks
Last reply by panin1949vova, -
- 1 reply
I accidentally changed the modern day scenario in my first days, does anyone have the original modern day scenario?
Last reply by Looshroom, -
- 3 replies
esse cenário é o mesmo cenário de sempre mais com algumas mudanças como novos tipos de governo e a alemanha nazista com a bandeira certa World War 2.rar
Last reply by Armolitskiy, -
- 2 replies
OK, I'm taking the plunge and trying to create a scenario BUT (as I'm old & stupid) I may occasionally need help..... Here's my first questions: 1 - How to set population levels for areas? 2 - How to remove Civ names that I've created (and then realised I dont actually need) 3 - How can I actually just limit the game map to Europe and the shores of the Mediterranean - do I REALLY need the whole world? 4 - Is there a quick and easy way to add flags? (EASY!) - I find the flag creation templates to be really unwieldy. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Mortek, -
- 1 reply
4 scenarios Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War UPDATE 17/02/2019 WW1 Eastern Front Russo-Japanese war Winter War UPDATE 18/02/2019 (Screenshots) Mexican Civil War Shoubak Rebelion National Protection War DOWNLOAD: History Battles.rar
Last reply by Bosco, -
- 2 replies
I made a map of the Thirty Years War. If they see mistakes, they tell me. Guerra de los Treinta Años Beta.rar
Last reply by Sevilla Mapping, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I make this forum to comment that I thought to make a scenario as detailed as possible for Age of Civilizations 2. And I had several ideas for maps, could you recommend me what project to do? -World War I -Interbellum -Seven Years War -Kaisereich -1700 (War of the Spanish Succession/ Great Northern War)
Last reply by HackMew, -
- 2 replies
Im add events in scenario ok this scenario coming soon
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 2 replies
4 scenarios Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War UPDATE 17/02/2019 WW1 Eastern Front Russo-Japanese war Winter War DOWNLOAD: History Battles.rar
Last reply by Eisenherz, -
- 0 replies
A map Includes events! This map goes through the history of the Korean Peninsula using events Features Play as Korea and keep it around as long as possible and keep out Ming! Reunify Korea as either of the two Prevent the soviets from forming North Korea or prevent USA from forming the south Fight the Korean War! Includes many events that will require you to decide Map will be as historically accurate as possible
Last reply by Your leader kimmy the fat, -
- 1 reply
Hello, could somebody give me a download of the modernworld map? i accidentaly deleted it xD
Last reply by MoscowSuchAWonderfulPlace, -
- 5 replies
4 scenarios Forest Brothers The Italian Divisione Yugoslavian Civil War (1942) Italo - Turkish War LINK: If you have some conflict you want to play say it in the comments and i will put it in the next update!
Last reply by -CrunchyNapkin-, -
- 1 reply
A pretty unrealistic althist where Germany wins ww1 and monarchies dominate the world. Also the US is split Xdddddd
Last reply by Kaiserwilhem2, -
- 3 replies
In an alternative universe, Hitler had managed to conquer the world. In 1939, Japan wanted to crush China. The USA felt like the allies were a lost cause and didn't want to suffer from not having funds to fight the great depression. Japan managed to win in china and declare war on the allies. The allies losing in Europe had no other way out but to evacuate the units from Asia and bring them to Europe to save their country. In the aftermath, India managed to gain independence and hates Britain for abandoning them. In 1939, Germany declared war on Poland and the allies. In 1940, USA conquers Greenland for its strategic location since Denmark has been taken ov…
Last reply by Nomad14, -
- 30 replies
The Industrial Collapse The Industrial Collapse is a Age Of Civilization 2 Scenario with custom nations, lore, and events. The Scenario will be about a world that collapses due to horrible working conditions in the 1800's. This mod was originally for Victoria 2 and it went far into development. Sadly the game could not handle what I wanted to do. Here is the discord for screenshots, lore, events, and if you are interested in helping To show you what content the scenario will have here are some Victoria 2 Screenshots of the mod…
Last reply by c45cd, -
- 0 replies
...FOR REASON IN REVOLT NOW THUNDERS... 1851, Karl Schapper, along with the Communist League, including Karl Marx, and the workers of Sheffield, England began a mass strike, followed by a revolt that sent a wave of revolution across the world. The revolt and short-lasted worker's city lasted for 33 days, but it's ring was heard across the world. The communist league was exiled and they fled across the world. Marx and Engels, along with the majority of the Communist League fled to South America, the rest of the League fled to the USA and the Middle East. 1871, ten years later, the workers of Paris revolt. The revolt, following the end of the Franco-Prussian war,…
Last reply by svvrapps__, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! This is the War of the Worlds mod for Age of Civilizations 2! Lore: In 1900, the Martians started the invasion of Earth, lauching the Tripods inside of capsules to our planet, first landing in the United Kingdom, after the first days of the invasion, more capsules started to land on Planet Earth, humanity, under attack by an galatic enemy, form a defense block to defend Mother Earth from the Martians, it's a war against another planet, fighiting giant vaporizing Tripods with Bolt Action Rifles and Artilleries, no tanks or airplanes, will humanity survive and defeat the enemy or will the aliens conquer and enslave the human race? Only you wi…
Last reply by Flicky2007,