Scenarios to download made by community
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- 8 replies
That Mods / Scenarios should be archived if their author does not respond to members questions within say a 14 day period. Why? Because the scenarios area is a mess, it's rammed full of incomplete scenarios or perhaps worse, scenarios that the author has abandoned without giving any notice.... Perhaps split the forum into: Scenarios - Released / Completed. Scenarios - Work in Progress Scenarios - Abandoned Can I have a 'Hell Yeah' please?
Last reply by TimDee58, -
Hail the South Kaiser! (A Alternate History scenerio, a WW1 scenerio that is not kaisereich)
by WUWU897- 13 replies
Now, some people might think off the bat it's just a kaisereich like scenario. Nope. You are wrong. To put it in "meme" terms it's basicly: What if Austria-Hungary won WW1? I'm going to post the LORE soon, because this may be really confusing, like why the hell Texas is there? (It's a vassal of the USA) and why does France own some of British Africa? If you're curious for now, just ask me. The start date is 1936. Download: Pictures:
Last reply by Ninetiethbeef08, -
- 0 replies
Kenya declared their independence in 1963. Actually, two Kenyas did. The Northern Neko Led Kenya, and the Southern Human Led Kenya. It is only a matter of time before war breaks between the north and south. Helden der Welt Stats: Neko Kenya was supported by The USA, Soviet Union, China, United Kingdom, and France Human Kenya was supported by Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and Argentina. War ended in Neko victory. (Yeah, the Soviets and Americans kinda screwed over Human Kenya’s chances of winning.)
Last reply by LildawgGaming, -
UPDATE IN THE REPLY SECTION! THX! It's 1919, and the war is over. With the peace treaty signed, even though it wasn't what the French wanted, they were sure that it was going to end the germans, making them pay for what they have done. But it was not the case. Only some years later, the germans had reastablished their country into one of the major european powers. The french, were envy of what Germany had became. A leading economy, so big it could compare with the US. Not only that, but after striking a deal with Poland, the corridor and Danzig was given to them, in exchange for using the german ports freely. The russians, after it's civil…
Last reply by EdwardofBritannia, -
1941 World is in the fire... 1549801108343txyhjywa.rar
Last reply by RBall, -
Kokorec scenario
by Guest kokoreccilerbirligi- 0 replies
I'm working on a scenario based on Kokorec, at 3rd March i will release it
- 41 replies
I decided to start creating large Earth Scenarios on the small earth. Using the 1440 map as a guide, I made a small version of the 1440 map. I plan to recreate small versions of every FULL WORLD start dates. Maps that don’t have the full world is a lost cause. They would be way too small. Sadly, this is android, and if Lukasz doesn’t give an ability to release scenarios from android, then there will be no way for me to release it. Results from test: Also, I fixed Native American placements, it just isn’t shown in these pictures.
Last reply by LildawgGaming, -
- 3 replies
Ive got a bunch of maps WW1-1912 WW2-1936 Cold War-1950 1549007413175zwlbzbjt 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_A 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_C 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_D 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_HRE 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_INFO.json 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_PD 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_W 1549007413175zwlbzbjt_E 1549282336218qipeojtk 1549282336218qipeojtk_A 1549282336218qipeojtk_C 1549282336218qipeojtk_D 1549282336218qipeojtk_HRE 1549282336218qipeojtk_INFO.json 1549282336218qipeojtk_PD 1549282336218qipeojtk_W 1549282336218qipeojtk_E 1549614329022rdynogwp 1549614329022rdynogwp_A 1549614329022rdynogwp_C 1549614329022rdynogwp_D 1549614329022rdynogwp_HRE 154961432…
- 2 replies
WW| Scénario update: -colony additions --adding new country The scénario:
Last reply by steffan, -
- 4 replies
hi friends I have a built a scenario about chinese civil war in 1947 chinesecivil.rar
Last reply by hooman, -
- 0 replies
I take it it is impossible to create a releasable mod using a default mod as a base due to the tag feature and must therefore begin a new mod from absolute scratch?
Last reply by SecretAgent632, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I usually do ''normal'' scenarios, but today I will show you a very unknow scenario: The Cochinchina Campaign. I was investigating about some new scenarios to create, and I found this. For the people that doesn't know about this campaign, I give you a Wikipedia link below. This scenario includes: -Spain with colonies (Isabella II it's the leader) -France with colonies (Napoleon Bonaparte III it's the leader) -Nguyen Dinasty (Tu Duc it's the leader) -An alliance between Spain and France against Nguyen Dinasty (like in the real history, and in the scenario Spain and France …
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 7 replies
I've honestly ran out of scenario ideas any suggestions?
Last reply by Aleks111PL, -
- 13 replies
Caesarist. The Ideology based on roman ideals.(Fictional by the way.) The American Military Dictator Douglas Mac Arthur, after he took over the american government in WW1 founded such an ideology. He claimed to be new Roman Emperor, claiming that United States was the 4th Roman Empire. He made sure that nobody could stand in his way. By weakening the japanese, creating a loyal china, and asserting dominance over the Americas. Though his regime seems strong. The nation a whole is very unstable, anything could topple his regime. What really happened in ww1? Well to put it forward. United States seeing the Entente power's actions demonizing against the germans, and Woodr…
Last reply by Aleks111PL, -
- 1 reply
Little scenario of 1000 year
Last reply by Floxum, -
- 4 replies
Hey, it is my first scenario in Aoc2. I've been looking on this image from Wikipedia while creating this scenario. Hope you will enjoy it. Also tell me if it is working because I'm not sure if I did everything correct. And... Is it possible to paste folders here?
Last reply by Adamicki12, -
- 0 replies
On October 2077 the Great War began this was the war that decimated the world and created the Fallout Universe. Download yeah this mod needs a lot of work leave any ideas
Last reply by Mr.Hitler, -
- 10 replies
Heyyy So I've Created my own Kaiserreich Scenario With Inspiration of Course from the HOI4 Mod Kaiserreich Legacy Of the Weltkrieg It's not Completely Done But Still wanted to give it to you Ps. Can anybody tell me how to insert a ordner here To download 1542895829047ecajlpiu_E 1542895829047ecajlpiu 1542895829047ecajlpiu_A 1542895829047ecajlpiu_C 1542895829047ecajlpiu_D 1542895829047ecajlpiu_HRE 1542895829047ecajlpiu_INFO.json 1542895829047ecajlpiu_PD 1542895829047ecajlpiu_W
- 5 replies
NOTE: Hi Everyone! Thats My FIRST Scenario! And It's Beta Now, I Hope You Will Like It! [BETA RELEASE] V1.0 [BETA] - First Version! - Modern Countries - Better Borders - Population Edited
Last reply by CircassianKavkaz, -
- 0 replies
Im working on the first scenario for my Moar provinces mod here is a preview
Last reply by brejas, -
- 2 replies
WW1 scénario Update: -Added Austria Hungry -border change The scénario:
Last reply by BumBUm, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by TimDee58, -
- 0 replies
I made a scenario to represent the console wars of the ages, involving Sega Nintendo Xbox Playstation Atari etc. Still a few minor things to fix, such as tech levels, but besides that (which I'll update and post later) here you go. Oh, and I also addded a few games and even a publisher. I allied the cross platform games for ballance purposes, and platform specific games just allied with their specific platform. console
Last reply by donyae, -
- 3 replies
Before I start on this Mod i need to ask a few questions from experienced modders, I think that AoC2 has a lot of potential, do any of you forsee whether any of the following problems will be unworkable in the game? I was always a big fan of a few board games that are crying out to be resurrected on the PC, these being Kingmaker, Empires of the Middle Ages and Blood Royale. So here is the outline.... 1 - Instead of Immortal rulers (which seems to be the case in the game) why not just use the ruling families name instead in other words Wittelsbach instead of Maximillian II etc... no more immortal leader, merely a continuation of the ruling house? 2 - T…
Last reply by Ànex i Rux, -
- 6 replies
The map was done with the Addon+ mod: Idk if it will work without this mod.
Last reply by improincsgo1,