Scenarios to download made by community
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June 1944 : Axis forces have landed in North America Only USA & Canada are the only Allied countries left in the World The Axis Forces are composed of Thrid Reich, Italy & Japan Empire Who is gonna win ? Take the lead of USA or Canada & defend Democracy by putting the Axis out of America Or Take the lead of the Axis Forces & make your way to the final victory
Last reply by XGamer50, -
- 2 replies
Ostsieg is a scenario where east after dealing with the communists attacked the central powers and defeated them because WW1 lasted longer the west was weakened and France collapsed just like the central powers states were divided
Last reply by Kamepin UA, -
- 8 replies
currently these is my first few scenarios really there's no back story behind them I made these for fun. if you like these and want to guide the direction of part 3 or have any criticism just comment the full names of theses scenarios are a age of a new time and a age of a new time 2 industrial boogaloo it would help if you told me what happened when you played because over my 7 games of part one decide some of the locations of provinces for example wales always colonizedI celand and germany always colonized the feroe islands if you want to add any in game lore you can so far heres the basi i made An alterntive eu broke up in 1942 world war 2 never happend but …
Last reply by casual sun, -
- 1 reply
Modder is Osman Bilal Demirci (Pootin)
Last reply by Pootin, -
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In 1894 the first war between Japan and the Qing Dinasty (China) has started to show who's the most powerful country in Asia
Last reply by MatiEmpire, -
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I just wanted to ask if someone was planning on revamping the AI system. Also, is anyone planning to add actual abilities that the emperor of an HRE can do, etc?
Last reply by hassan, -
- 18 replies
The Most Ambitious Project of Age of Civilizations 2. Imagine Rewriting History, from all the way from 5000 BC, leading a tribe, to a gigantic mega superpower in the 1000s. See Civilizations rise and fall, force others into submission, on a grand scale. Each Civ has it's own story-line, that only expands into world domination, a tech victory or even, trying to create the modern day (if your boring) Build 9 NON-PLAYABLE! historyretold0.09.rar Current Build (Build 15) Balkans-Italy-Greece-Turkey History Retold Build 12.rar Planned More Formables Ability to bec…
Last reply by Istria, -
- 1 reply
Lore: It's the 2030 and in the USA the political division becamed daily bread for the population. USA : The nation suffered internal crisis due to debts and a political division in the parliament, the decision of the president doesn't make it easy. The extremist part of the parliament allied with the army decide do coup the actual government. New American Government: Born to Overthrow the already existent american government, the NAG allied with the National Guard of the USA and in few weeks occupied a quarter of the nation, the NAG get supported by 3rd positionist and the Right Sector of the Nation. CSA(Confederate) : With the division of the Government th…
Last reply by DoctorWrong, -
- 6 replies
Christ Conquers This is based on the Rome total war 2 mod Constantine:Rise Of Christianity: To form Rome you need to conquer all the other emperors and have Rome as your capital. Each Major Civ needs to win by capturing a bunch of provinces there they can form there special nation.This applies to Constantine Lombards Picts Licinius Maxementius Goths Maximinius Huns Franks Sassasians Download:Constantine Civil (Installation put all the civs into the civilization editor and put the scenario into the sce…
Last reply by Infinitie, -
- 1 follower
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This a scenario based on what if korean war happens during the Second World War New nations: -Jeju -Soviet North Korea Events: Effects: You becume North Korea Screenshots: Download
Last reply by setapdede, -
- 4 replies
Hello there, I try to make new scenario. I was wondering what it would be like and finally it's Wakanda! Scenario I made on the Android phone. So far, it's the first version, it's missing enough. Here you can see screenshots: Thanks for your attention!
Last reply by Kaiserwilhem2, -
- 3 replies
It's a little map but funny at the same time. I hope you enjoy 👍 DOWNLOAD HERE
Last reply by JustAnUser, -
- 1 reply
Ello a few weeks ago i created the Constantine:Civil War Scenario and i attend to expand it with multiple scenarios it will have Scenarios with unique events Constantine:Civil War Constantine Civil Empire Divided Empire (No events) An Almost End(WIP) Rise Of The Empire(WIP) ?????? (All pictures are not mine and are owned by the person who made them)
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 7 replies
Hello Everybody Again!!! This is a Pre-War Fallout World There are currently no events and there is a lot of things that i will change and improve but for now this is it. I hope you will enjoy and please show some support!!! Pre War Fallout World.rar
Last reply by Hugh, -
- 8 replies
1000000CE 2 :Electric Boogaloo is the sequel nobody asked for and yet here I am! If you don't what the fuck this is when I made one my first scenarios on this forum was a weird scenario called 1000000CE it was only made after I messed around with the editor when I was bored it had absolutely no context and was really stupid so now that I have a lot exams I decided to mess around with the editor again.. And made this I made it a liitle better this time but at the moment it's just europe But I'm planning on doing the whole WORLD! It's gonna be a big project of mine 🙂 Keep in mind tho this is gonna take a while I plan to work on this as soon as I finish exam…
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 20 replies
Hi, I did this scenario of the Spanish-American War (1898) I added two new leaders: The USA president William Mckinley and the regent queen of Spain Maria Christina. Credits to krauser3ful for copy my scenario on pc, (I am from android) add leader images and send me the rar archive. I hope you enjoy the scenario! Spanish-American War.rar Update 26/03/2019: When I finished the scenario, I was happy with my work and I though that I have done it the best way at doing and I wouldn't make more scenarios about this war, but suddenly I saw a video of the war "every day" and I though: Why not doing another scenario with another date and changes in te…
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 2 replies
Vietnam War (November 1, 1955) To install it download the rar file and paste the inside into the game folder Vietnam War.rar
Last reply by Sevilla Mapping, -
- 0 replies
As the topic? xD Better to give independent colonies or give these territories under metropolis? What do you think?
Last reply by Ubys, -
- 10 replies
AD772 V3. Vikings Experience Early Middle Age -Age Between Savage and Civilization. Now it has some events. It is wip, but don't remove it - it does its job. Scenario file only - you dont need any custom civs or leaders pack. but you can download urban scenery addon if you want. -Scenario File download and right click -and click extract to 1546082250680jchnkszz. Urban Scenery Addon For AD772 How to install -go to game folder/UI/H/ -backup terrain folder in H folder. -go to terrain folder and extract I'll make this scenario a t…
Last reply by Istria, -
- 4 replies
What if German Empire was on Allied side...?
Last reply by Ubys, -
- 3 replies
I present a Scenario Pack with 4 scenario 1st Balkan War : Ottoman Empire vs Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania,Greece Brother War : German Empire vs Austria-Hungary Mussolini Rebellion : Italia vs Roman Empire Communist Revolution : French Commune vs France I also give you a WW1 scenario made by War Master, a youtuber Link of War Master Youtube channel : Link of WW1 scenario file
Last reply by Istria, -
- 20 replies
I made this when I was bored I've done most of Europe and parts of Africa and Asia but there is still a lot to be done I'm busy so its gonna take a while
Last reply by Lonathan, -
- 3 replies
ever thought to yourself, "wow chile controls a big coastline"? well this is the mod for you aoc2's (probably) first shitpost scenario: grand chile chile controls each and every coastline (including rivers) enjoy. download here
Last reply by Awesomer2715, -
- 4 replies
I just made this scenario from the editor. This scenario is based on the Diodochi Wars. Just unzip it and place it in the scenario file and have fun. I've tested it and it should work well for both steam version and the --- version. I might update it time to time to add in new faction and make some changes on the map base on the campaign map in Rome 2. I am currently working on my second scenario which is 300. Once its done I will upload it. Civilization rar file, in case you can't play the civilizations which I 've created. 1545910864402kyryiuhg.rar civilizations_editor.rar
Last reply by Spartan Assassin, -
- 7 replies
It was 1592, the Ashikaga shogunate somehow survived the sengoku jidai. You choose your war, create your own history I dunno. Just either you end up like Toyotomi Hideyoshi or be the next Emperor of China or be the next Yi Shun Shin. Map: 1545965322173srxbpukj.rar
Last reply by Spartan Assassin,