Scenarios to download made by community
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This scene happens in 2052 date of the Third World War. This is a beta there are things to improve [Beta 1.0] The scènario :
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I did a scenario of the Green March in 1975 (The conflict of Spain, Morocco and Mauritania for the Western Sahara) I know that Francisco Franco was in Madrid close to dead, but he was alive during the conflict, so he theoretically was the leader of Spain (Juan Carlos I was the head of state in the practice). I added Hassan II, the king of Morocco in the Green March. And I also added Moktar Ould Dabbah, the ''president'' (he was a dictator in the practice) of Mauritania during the Green March. This was so easy to make, but I can't share it until Workshop arrives because I'm from android. About technology: all the civilizations have the standard technology le…
Last reply by Lucas L, -
- 0 replies
Hi! I made a scenario of the provinces of central america, it´s simple but i think it´s funny. I had some problems with some flags and names but anyway, i hope you like it :D.
Last reply by Safaracho, -
- 7 replies
Yesterday I announced my first scenario, well here its is download link: comment if theirs any bugs or can't download and yeah its probably bad
Last reply by Latvian Dagauvs, -
- 2 replies
Scenario of spanish civil war in 1936 please rate my works DOWNLOAD LINK : My other scenarios :
Last reply by tizzio12, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone Dagauvs here I'm currently working on an alternate world where the US never defeated the Confederates (History) The US and Confederates had been in war for two more years since Britain decided to help out the Confederates by sending 100,000 troops and equipment on their side,now the US became weakened and decided on white peace which made the Confederate states independent forming the Confederate States of America. All border states are given back to the US except for Virginia since the Confederate capital (Richmond) is located there. In the treaty, Texas becomes an independent nation after a continuing support for Texan Nationalism and sove…
Last reply by Kaiserwilhem2, -
- 7 replies
I'm french so excuse my poor english. I've seen many little explanations to download mods for aoc 2. ALtought i put the files in the scenario stuff, when i launch the game i just see eroor in the scenario page. Please help me!
Last reply by mouflex, -
- 9 replies
This is a scenario that is a recreation of a hoi4 mod Basically a "what if napoleon won napoleonic wars?" that pass in 1936. download: Obs: the other files are the custom civilizations
Last reply by WUWU897, -
- 6 replies
I have made the basics of Europe during the war of the Quadruple Alliance with no diplomacy between the nations yet since I haven't figured out what's what and how to work events properly. Some of the borders are what they should be but that's because of the provinces the game gives me to use so some borders are not going to be correct to what they should be and some flags are a bit odd because I had to make them with the shapes and stuff. But apart from all that I hope you enjoy it and I will be trying to update it with events and leaders for each nation 🙂 If there are issues with nations point them out and I'll try to fix 🙂 1718AD.rar
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 5 replies
scenario for Polish local government elections Polish local government elections.7z orange = PO blue = PIS
Last reply by Towarzysz Mateusz, -
- 12 replies
I have prepared a new scenario for you. Its name is Red Star and contains about 170 civilizations. Description: The year 2019 is written. The Soviet Union and its allies won the Cold War and then the Third World War in 1991. Most of the world is under the rule of Communism, except a few states. New states are waiting for you and in the future events. Download Screenshots:
Last reply by Kaiserwilhem2, -
- 4 replies
I decided to create a second scenario after playing the Acient Greece scenario since I got a hold on the idea of small warring states competing for dominance and I am aware that the idea isn’t a new concept since I had seen a mod on EU 4 called by the same name that foucouses on the HRE but instead of foucousing on the HRE I branded into France, a bit of North Africa, a small chunk of the Dalmatian Coast and Eastren Iberia in total there are 109 different Civilizations that you can play as not all them are one province minors some may be pretty big while some are small and the scenario starts in the year 1400 in February since the map looked like to me it had a late feuda…
Last reply by Basileia Ton Rhomaion, -
- 9 replies
I've updated many things including cores and better wastelands. It doesn't have events yet. Enjoy the Scenario! *How to put them 1836 folder->Scenario civi editor content->civ editor leaders content->leaders leaderIMG content->leaderIMG
Last reply by WUWU897, -
- 3 replies
the division of byzantine empire (1204) Made by me Empire of Nicea Latin Empire Empire of Trebizond Despotate of Epirus Principality of Theodoro Kingdom of Cyprus Sultanate of Rum Serbia, Bulgaria Achaea, Athene, Crete Kingdom of Tessalonika
Last reply by Swiss mapper, -
- 5 replies
OLD WORLD Blues Is basically a post-apocalyptic scenario that the center is the OLD WORLD (sorry for the clickbait) I plan to improve other parts of the World soon OLD WORLD
Last reply by ($Jake$), -
- 2 replies
I'm french so excuse my poor english. I've seen many little explanations to download mods for aoc 2. ALtought i put the files in the scenario stuff, when i launch the game i just see eroor in the scenario page. Please help me!
Last reply by mouflex, -
- 5 replies
As expected, Asia won, so here you go This isn't realistic blah blah blah, you know already. The Asian
Last reply by Ramiro007, -
- 2 replies
I made a scenario I call Dominio. It's some weird alternate history I made, in which there is no one specific POD, but rather a separate set of events. Some notable things: -America, Canada, and a few other places are Communist -Britain underwent a Fascist revolution, causing the Monarchy to be exiled to Australia, where Edward VIII has set up a fascist-monarchy -The French Empire is back under Napoleon VI -The Qing is still around, albeit it did kind of explode -Japan took some puppets out of the Qingsplosion -Russia is democratic and just weaker overall, lacking all that eastern territory it was supposed to colonize -Italy hasn't unifi…
Last reply by ElectricSquid7, -
- 3 replies
Here is a little tutorial on how to correctly install the scenario: Download The Zip File Below Copy The "1545151489573euoxjqkn" Folder (Don't Rename It) And Paste It In The Folder Located Here By Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios Open The "civilizations_editor" Folder Inside The Zip File That You Downloaded Copy Everything Inside The Folder And Paste It In The Folder Located Here By Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\game\civilizations_editor Launch AOC 2 Hope You Enjoy
Last reply by BseNN, -
- 4 replies
Download:After Eh i thought it would be better if i had a much more familliar scenario so im cancelling this and working on Apres Moi Le Deluge! After
Last reply by Infinitie, -
- 3 replies
Here is a WW1 scenario. I will add custom leaders in the next version including the Death of Franz Ferdinand too. Download:WWI1914.rar
Last reply by CircassianKavkaz, -
- 1 reply
Finally an imperial nominee won. I welcome you: The Empire of Canada (insert statement saying how this isn't realistic) The Canadian
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 1 reply
I'm adding a scenario of Europe with The Holy Roman Empire as it hasn't been added except for that Union thing also for now ill just make the territory borders and leaders. Also I'm doing this as I've got nothing better to do and that I'm shocked that it hasn't been added as The Holy Roman Empire lasted around 100 years.
Last reply by The Brain, -
- 6 replies
I have been working on a balanced ww1 and have been using colonies for general balance and helping with peace deals.
Last reply by Checkmate, -
- 8 replies
Since the other user scenario had clubs in it (which I didn't like) I've made a new one. If you want to be added to it, just dm me in Discord. (Chexier#0001, you can also find me in the AoC2 reddit discord server) or request it here. The only prerequesite is to have a forum account. Your country name will be your forum username and your country power will be based on your relevance in the community. Here is the download link: The scenario will be updated regularly. New update: 12/30/2018 P.S. Some users that are in the scenario were added by me, however they didn't request to be in it.
Last reply by Sonicsweden1,