Scenarios to download made by community
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Welp, Future Europe won the poll vote (sorry Canadians), so here you go. Like last time, this is completely unrealistic, but I thought I would get creative. Enjoy The European
Last reply by DiamondDude5, -
- 0 replies
Spanish Civil War 1546107150008flhnarrp.rar
Last reply by Łukasz, -
- 4 replies
I have put together the states of the First Punic War however haven't sorted out the events yet because I'm still a bit confused about how they work. The flags of Syracuse and Carthage are incorrect because the flag editor didn't have the symbols needed so I just made them look as close to the real one as possible 🙂 1546057682954enkscjgs.rar
Last reply by Sevilla Mapping, -
- 0 replies
New Spain in 1794 Link: I made a map of the main entities of New Spain in 1794, but some did not go well for the division of borders, a prime example are New California and Florida. Countries: - Kingdom of Mexico (which will start with the Second Mexican Empire) - Kingdom of New Galicia (it does not appear in the game, you have to do it) - General Command of the Internal Provinces (do not appear in the game, you have to do it) - Louisiana - Florida (has bad form) - Mérida de Yucatán (leaves as the Republic of Yucatán) - Guatemala - San Salvado (E…
Last reply by Yorch, -
- 1 reply
Both sides are balanced and in test runs ai only both sides can win. This can be used to play against the ai or to play against other players when Multiplayer comes out. Enjoy! Download attached files and put them into AOC2 Folder, Map, Earth, Scenarios.
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 2 replies
OK, let me gets this out of the way: THIS IS NOT IN ANY FORM OR WAY REALISTIC. I was just bored and decided to make this This scenario takes place in 2100 and the economy/population has grown. New states have been formed, others destroyed, North America different basically. The North American
Last reply by DiamondDude5, -
- 2 replies
Hello! This scenario is based off a scenario from a game called Supreme Ruler 2020, where the major countries of the world were broken apart. I made a "map game" of it some time ago, and made several more games after it. Anyway, after discovering Age of Civilizations in June 2017 and it's featured scenario editor, I was interested in it so I can make my own version of the "Shattered World". So here it is, it is currently in Version 0.7 Images: Features: Dozens of custom civilizations Over 300 civilizations Custom diplomatic relations HRE feature used as the …
Last reply by Mli048, -
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What if Germany reunited in 1440? More events planned and annexation of Silesia and Pomerania forming German Empire, new custom nation. germany1440.rar
Last reply by Shehab666, -
- 0 replies
Here is the screenshot below this text... It's only in Russian. I'll make an English version. Translation: Великая Германская Республика - Greater German Republic Рейхскомиссариат Остланд - Reichskomissariat Ostland Рейхскомиссариат Украина - Reichskomissariat Ukraine Рейхскомиссариат Руссланд - Reichskomissariat Russland (German: Russia) Бельгия - Belgium Республика соединенных провинций - Republic of United provinces Режим Виши - Regime de Vichy Венгрия - Hungary Румыния - Romania Словакия - Slovakia Италия - Italy Хорватия - Croatia Болгария - Bulgaria Сербия - Serbia
Last reply by Gevifitan_05, -
- 5 replies
Hello there This is my first real scenario, based only in my own lore. It's over, but I will add updates resume : Due to many fascist rebels, most of the country's gouvernment has collapsed and EU was destroyed all like NATO. french and spanish government has been overthrown by despotic regimes and most of european countries has been controlled by roman social republic. Scandinavia is near to collapse but garantee to keep alliance with his allies if there is a problem ( Freedom treaty ). For Asia, the democracy was destroyed since a long time and for America, USA was completely divided and many faction groups was created. Fascists have also created G…
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 2 replies
i've made several crappy scenarios when trying out stuff and they've became a lot and i would love to get rid of them
Last reply by Shiite,