Scenarios to download made by community
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Those are the links for all the best mods for Aoh2 with download links(no permission)and credits of course, and with pros and cons, and all download links 1.Age of Imperialism(most famous one) PC link: Android link: pros: 1.A lot of events and scenarios 2.High quality 3.A lot of provinces 4.Industrialization Mechanic cons: 1.Same boring repeatable events 2.Missions can get annoying, the creator should remove them. Credits: Italian P&C 2.Bloody Europe PC link:…
Last reply by Ayten cendek, -
PNC OF CIVILIZATIONS 3 FULL V X next level X What different between this mod and others mods °ᴡᴀʀs sʏsᴛᴇᴍ °Smart civ °ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏᴏʟs °Tanks&Warships&Military aircraft °ᴍᴏʀᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇs About it This mode is a combination of a lot of war games like hoi4 ×And the modifications more cool then you think not like addon+ or future here we add some things to game reality revolution and ICC nato and nb and human rights and United Nations× Sell and import soldiers or mercenaries More taxes Conscription&buying alliances Also game would change more and more then you think ﷼ Icon pc android * …
Last reply by lucadest08, -
- 0 replies
a scenario Kaizerswift link
Last reply by sqertsers, -
- 0 replies
FULL VERSION 1000r. europe
Last reply by oliwier1g1, -
- 0 replies
jest to wersja demo Nowy Archiwum WinRARa (ZIP).zip
Last reply by oliwier1g1, -
- 2 replies
OhPancake's : Scenario Hub _________________________________________________________________________ In this topic, you will be able to fin all my scenarios. Not only the link, but with information related to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My website with all the scenario : >> HERE << ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G…
Last reply by Teo delo roccia, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Muhammed 121, -
TR: Evet bu defa 1609 yılına göre Osmanlı eyaletlerini yaptım. Çok bir şey yok, sadece 1609 yılındaki Osmanlı eyaletleri, bu kadar 🙂 ENG: Yes, this time I made Ottoman provinces according to the year 1609. There is not that much, just Ottoman provinces existed in the year 1609, that's it. 🙂 TR: Event yoktur, bence bu tip senaryolarda olmamalı zaten, hata olabilir, iyi oyunlar! ENG: There is no events, and i think that these type of scenarios shouldn't have an event, there might be issues, good playing! 1626198012230dutpowbd.rar
Last reply by wbladew5, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Dolnoslazak, -
- 5 replies
Better Napoleonic Wars for Earth and Europe maps ! Based on the basic Napoleonic Wars scenario maded by Lukasz Jakowski. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Featuring new civilizations : County Of Mark ; EP of Osnabruck ; EP of Paderborn ; EP of Speyer, Principality of Lippe ; Nassau-Saarbruck & Duchy of Westphalia. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Earth Map : __________________________________________________________________________________________ Europe Map : (Zoom) _…
Last reply by JustANormalItalian, -
- 0 replies
hello friends this scenario is the war of the continents scenario import civilizations editor file to aoc 2 game file Battle of the
Last reply by AliAkay, -
Here you can find my Germany scenario for Earth and Europe. Hope you enjoy it ! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New civilizations : Hesse ; Lower-Saxony ; Nothern-Rhineland-Wesphalia ; Mecklemburg-Pomerania ; Schleswig-Hoelstein ; Rhineland-Palatinate ; Saarland ; Berlin ; Bade-Wurtemberg. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Earth ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Europe _________________________…
Last reply by OhPancake, -
- 6 replies
This is my version of WW3, so far it has no events, but I intend to add them. The scenario is based on a world where everything is tense and the UN is failing to fulfill its purpose: *Anyway, it all started in China, with separatist movements. Tibet, East Turkestan, Macau, Taiwan and Hong Kong have come together to rebel against China, all while China has just come out of a war with India and a war with United Korea. *Argentina was taken over by neo-Nazis in power, and a Reich began to conquer South America. *The United States has just emerged from a war with Mexico, and is suffering from a violent separatist movement in Missisipi. *Central America a…
Last reply by ImBeast_CZ, -
- 0 replies
wait what? this cant be real... oh hello, i've made a scenario after 4 fricking years this was done by a random decision, but here it is the starting date of the scenario is June 28th, 1914 anyways have fun playing it lol ~ Matriksek
Last reply by MatrixeQ HD Mapping, -
- 3 replies
So, i just playin around with scenario and made this (I planned to add lore/events). Its alternate modern history also yes, if its dont make sense because im kinda bad at geopolitic lol. Oh yeah, i made this with Add-on 1.4.1 + Bloody Europe code stabilized version If you guys interested to try, tell me how to get the file from Android cause im suck at IT lmao Main lore: Year is 2000, somewhere in alternate universe. Union of Soviet Stalinist Republic dissolve after major democratic revolution in most state also after deathly conflict between Federal Republic of Germany-Austria and Polish-Ruthenian Socialist Republic. Some former USSR states gain ind…
Last reply by Ali_Sadi, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! I am new here. Though i did watched this community before i registered, i must say you guys are making great stuff mods and scenarios for this awesome game Age of History. As a newbie i am glad i can introduce two of my own scenarios. First one is called "Drugi Svetski Rat EU" (which basically means Second World War Europe in Serbian language) which is basically simplified version of WW2 scenario with things mainly included in Europe and partly in Asia and Africa. I know this is low effort stuff but i am still glad i can share this here. Second scenario is called "Ratovi Juge" (meaning Yugoslav breakup wars in Serbian) and it is set in year 199…
Last reply by ImBeast_CZ, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Dolnoslazak, -
- 44 replies
Hi! After some days of work, I finished my first scenario of the entire world! It's a world scenario of 1570 with 125 civilizations. In some places, like India, I had to create some new civilizations that weren't in the game. There is one special case: Japan. I put some clans, but you know, Japan was always in civil wars, so I put some neutral zones too. The scenario doesn't has wasteland (I don't like wasteland in the map of the entire world) Also, there are some places, like North America, Australia and Siberia, with tribal civilizations, and their territory can be a bit different of reality. About technology: all the civilizations have the stan…
Last reply by animatedmac, -
- 10 replies
Features of this scenario: • 57 new custom civs • 2 events • Added OTAN This is my first scenario, hope you like it. Ukrainian
Last reply by ImBeast_CZ, -
- 3 replies
Today I publish this scenario/Idea, That fantastic! wiki: 1589037398784mwmvpmpg.rar
Last reply by ImBeast_CZ, -
- 1 reply
Here is the download of the map
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 2 replies
This is a simple scenario where every provinces in the game have their own independent nation! Each civs have their own flag accurate to their respective province (if they have one). Civilization count: 356 The scenario is currently unfinished, more has yet to be added! Download:
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 0 replies
Historical scenario would be better I have made one but I can't publish it (it works btw)
Last reply by nico12ph, -
- 1 reply
This scenario focuses solely on the continent of Africa in the year 1890 following the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, during the period of New Imperialism. It features 82 playable civilizations at the start of the game out of 131 states in total. The player can choose either a western power to expand its colonial empire in the continent, or a native country to consolidate its independence and counter foreign adventures. Unfortunately the game doesn't feature a number of states that existed in 1890, so I tried to fix this issue by using modern day countries that represent them without having to mod the game. Here's a list of those civilizations and the predecessors …
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 18 replies
Evet önceki paylaştığım senaryoda bu senaryoyu geliştirdiğimi ve eventler üzerinde çalıştığımı söylemiştim. Ve nihayet eventler bitti ve bende bu senaryoyu çıkarıyorum. Bu senaryoyu görünce baya sevinmiştim çünkü orijinal Conquerors'taki Cold War: 1947 senaryosu doğru değildi (Çin İç Savaşı yok, Batı ve Doğu Almanya var vs.)İndirdim ve bir de ne göreyim. Adam sadece Avrupa ve Kuzey Afrika'yı yapmış. Ve Kuzey Afrika'da yanlıştı (Cezayir ve Libya bağımsız, Fas bağımsız) Ve senaryoda 3 tane event vardı. 1 tane Türkiye için yolunu seç eventi ve 2 tane Yugoslavya için event vardı. Aynı şekilde adam yurt eklemiş. Bu da güzel. Ve bende bu senaryoyu geliştirip gerçek So…
Last reply by wbladew5,